Taiwan Tech http://www.ntust.edu.tw
Department of Industrial and Commercial Design Graduate Institute of Design http://www.dt.ntust.edu.tw/ Visual Information Design / Visual Design and Decision Making Blog http://informationvisualize.blogspot.com/
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
指導老師 INSTRUCTOR 主題概念 CONCEPT - Ritual & Place
楊時昕 Lydia
Her respond... / A memory of 淡水
余佳穎 Lisa
牡丹 Peaonia / Love forever / Imagine it was you living in prison
賴宛吟 Angeline
風水 Fengshui / 共生 Live together / 穿越時空的浪漫
方維鴻 Dato Expect
姚宜君 Vivian
艋舺 . 金盆洗手 / 動物園 . 自我本位
謝佩珍 Jessica
同享結盟 MIX / How much do you want to buy / Formosa
林忠儀 Rick
Path to the Future / Don't kill animal anymore
陳元豪 Yuan
龍火 Dragon fire / 動物迷圖 Anizle
葉軒亦 Xuan
Ritural of murderer / 渲染 / Danshi blue
張力文 Peter
Ritual - time of waiting / 浮光掠影
賴佳韋 Bao
To Mix 交織 / Taiwan color
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
In the course of 2010 Visual Design and Decision Making, we explored three places in Taipei area where we created a fun project. Within three major field trips, we carefully thought and felt the atmosphere of the sites, recorded what we saw, and manipulated with skillful creation in visual design. In conjunction with a collaborative idea with Prof. Kim Beckmann’s course, which we had a great experience with them in 2009, we also developed several ideas regarding to a theme of ‘ritual’. We then therefore thought of, discussed about, and worked with ‘place’ as well as ‘ritual’ throughout this fruitful semester. The course started with a video conference contacting with students over UWMilwaukee. The activity allowed students to know their teammates for their further communication. Although the collaborative communication this year seemed quieter than we did in 2009, this course still worked quite well in a way that all participants really indulged themselves into three field trips (Monga; Danshui; and Taipei Zoo) and poster productions. Those excellent works are able to find on Visual Information Design course blog (http://informationvisualize. blogspot.com/). Again, thank you all for your hard work and great contribution.
Tingyi S. Lin Department of Industrial and Commercial Design National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei, Taiwan
In conjunction with
What Do Designers Think
Jassica: 睡覺前,必須打電話給朋友聊天才睡得著…… Peter: 我們視等待為一種美德, 別人視等待為時間的浪費。 Bao: Ritual 是精神官能偏執的美麗說法, 你可以選擇不相信, 但我不能停止我的虔誠與肅穆。 Yuan 一種不一定具有必要性, 但是實行之後會感到心理滿足的行為。 Angeline: Rituals turn everyday events into something special. Creativity and ideas can be found in the smallest of things and rituals are meant for everyone who wishes to enjoy the small pleasures of life. As a result, we can transform everyday routines into more meaningful rituals. Lisa: 每個國家或地區都會有自成一格的習慣或傳統, 因為這樣世界才更顯得豐富趣味。 Rick: Ritual 是一種經驗的過程, 一種可傳承可分享的記憶。
What Do Designers Think
Xuan: 當我們遊歷某一風景名勝,回到家,我們對景色還記得多少? 有些記憶被過濾,有些記憶是殘破的,有些畫面是黑白的,有 些東西則永遠帶著獨有的顏 色;過去看過的景物在腦海拼湊的零零散散就像一幅印象派結 合普普風的藝術創作。 Vivian: 動物園是人類基於自身利益而建立的自私樂園。 人類優於動物之處,正是具有道德觀、慈悲心、同情心…如果 人類的這些特質皆喪失,那人類與禽獸又相去幾何?當人類在 追求更好的生活時,卻忽略尊重生命的教育,無論如何都是極 大的缺陷及遺憾。 Angeline: 在台灣 這塊美麗的土地上 我們一起共同生活 , 取得人、土地 與自然的和諧關係學習與環境共生共榮。 Peter: 走進不同的地點都有不同的光景,沒有所謂的永恆,只有當 下的真實感受 ; 每個人事物在時間軸的推一下只會留下浮光掠 影,瞬間的精采。 Lydia: 籬、圍牆文化一直以來在我心中皆是一種矛盾的表現,如同在 城市的牢籠中,究竟我們圍起來的是為了保護自己還是隔離自 己?
In conjunction with
楊時昕 Lydia Her Respond… 在 comparing culture 的概念下,以艋舺龍山寺最鼎 盛的問天儀式「茭杯」作為主旨,以東西方的元素交 錯,傳達文化上的差異,但在本質上人們對上天的信 仰是無距離的。除了記錄艋舺濃郁的台灣味及傳統氣 習,亦是文化交流的素材。
A Memory of 淡水 愛情有各種不同的表達形式與其象徵。在中國傳統文 化中,蝴蝶與鴛鴦兩種動物象徵永世不渝的愛情。本 作品以中國傳統的技藝 - 剪紙表現表現,以上術兩種 動物為主題,做成一系列的海報。愛情,無須太多言 語形容,鮮明的色彩、簡單俐落的畫面、以及成雙成 對的動物們便已道盡一切。
Ritual / Her Respond…
Contact shihhsi.yang@gmail.com
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
Place / A Memory of 淡水
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
余佳穎 Lisa 牡丹 PAEONIAI 牡丹代表著豔麗與富貴,也是中國傳統詩歌中時常被 歌頌的花朵。牡丹本身豔麗的色彩與其所代表的含義, 正巧符合台灣早期社會對改善生活環境的期待。本作 品將牡丹的形態簡化為剪影與色塊,降低視覺上的複 雜度同時保留其意涵,並且大量使用敘述牡丹的中文 字體作為背景,達到確立主題並且觀賞者可以深入閱 讀、了解作品內涵之效果。
Ritual /牡丹 PAEONIA
愛情有各種不同的表達形式與其象徵。在中國傳統文 化中,蝴蝶與鴛鴦兩種動物象徵永世不渝的愛情。本 作品以中國傳統的技藝 - 剪紙表現表現,以上述兩種 動物為主題,做成一系列的海報。愛情,無須太多言 語形容,鮮明的色彩、簡單俐落的畫面、以及成雙成 對的動物們便已道盡一切。
IMAGINE IT WAS YOU LIVING IN A PRISON 動物園是寓教於樂的場所,而人類也一直致力於提供 動物園裡的動物更好的生活環境。然而對於動物來說, 單純生活在動物園這件事,其實就已經象徵牠們並沒 有選擇別種生活的權利了。即使牠們在動物園中有空 間奔跑,有地方遮風避雨,那都依然是在一個狹小、 被限制的空間範圍之內。本作品旨在讓人設身處地的 站在動物的立場,而非全知的掌控動物的生死,想像 當自己是那個被關在牢籠裡面的人 / 動物會是什麼樣 的感受。或許,我們不會再認為這一切是給動物的恩 典。
Contact lisayu1202@gmail.com
Ritual /牡丹 PAEONIA
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
賴宛吟 Angeline Ritual / 風水 Fengshui
風水 Fengshui 風水無所不在…屬於中國人生活的一部份,亦是通俗 文化的一環,老祖宗經歷數千年不斷的演變,對風水 的概念亦因時因地而不同,上古時代從遊牧而進化至 穴居或巢居,當初選擇居住仍以安全為前提,所以地 勢取較高處,可避免洪水,猛獸侵襲及遮擋風雨,這 種地點就成為理想的居住地點,進而如何建造自己居 住的空間與環境佈置,這些選擇經驗的累積就是風水 的概念。
共生 Live together 在台灣 這塊美麗的土地上 我們一起共同生活取得人、 土地與自然的和諧關係,學習與環境共生共榮。在都 市快速發展之際,提醒自己 不遺忘最初的美好狀態, 尋找令人省思的內涵達到互利共生的最佳生存之道。
穿越時空的浪漫 貓纜因為她美麗的名字 - Maokong Gondora 增加了 更多想像空間…我們像進入了時空盒子,將維尼斯的 浪漫情調重現在台北後花園。城市裡須有綠意相襯, 才能讓生活其中的人有所感受。綠海上夕陽映照、點 點燈火搖曳在這台北的後花園。我似乎聽到船夫正在 引吭高歌…
Contact overture0927@gmail.com
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
Place / 共生 Live together
Place / 穿越時空的浪漫
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
方維鴻 Dato Expect 是人們對於國家在國際地位上的艱難,深深的一種期 許,希望能夠在這樣的環境中,運用獨到的眼光與判 斷,達到最好的成果,是由淡水河岸邊拍攝之水鳥得 來之靈感。
Wooden divining blocks + - means OK (we call it 聖杯 "sheng bei") - - means Smile、Confuse or Uncertain (we call it 笑杯 "siao bei") + + means NO (we call it 沒杯 "mei bei")
Place / Expect
Contact sdafang@gmail.com
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
Place / Wooden divining blocks
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
姚宜君 Vivian 艋舺,金盆洗手 儀式是一種想像的再現,人們需要透過想像來完成轉 化,並賦予更多人世的意涵。這張海報透過過去與現 在的對比,看到強悍、團結、突圍、生猛而豔麗的艋 舺精神,看到艋舺綻放炫目的瑰麗聲色,看到過去的 黑暗,與現在的榮耀。
動物園,自我本位 動物園是人類立基於自身利益而建立的自私樂園。人 類優於動物之處,正是具有道德觀、慈悲心、同情心… 如果人類的這些特質皆喪失,那人類與禽獸又相去幾 何?當人類在追求更好的生活時,卻忽略尊重生命的 教育,無論如何都是極大的缺陷及遺憾。
Ritual /艋舺,金盆洗手
Contact vivian_yao@hotmail.com
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
Place / 動物園,自我本位
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
謝佩珍 Jessica 共享結盟 MIX 借用台灣幫派傳統的一個儀式「誓血結盟」為主要出 發點,當血滴融合在一起意味者彼此將會是生命共同 體,無論快樂、痛苦將一起分享承擔。並使用阿根廷 的吸管當是一種混合液體媒介隱喻攪拌後 MIX。此外
Ritual /共享結盟 MIX
也使用平安符當 作是茶包的象徵,意味平安。
How much moeny you want buy? 動物園,對於小孩和大人而言是一個可以親近動物的 地方。但仔細觀察會發現,只要關於動物圖案的商品、 或飲食,價錢就會提高,這時候的我們似乎只是在消 費者『動物的圖案』。若延伸思考,動物皮紋飾是時 尚界的寵愛,大多數人願意花很多前去買牠,使得許 多動物也越來越少。人類為了自己而剝奪動物生存的 權利,這樣子應該嗎 ?
Formosa 西班牙人駕船過海到台灣,第一句話就說 Formosa 大 叫是塊美麗的寶島呀 ~ 像是發現桃花源似的,然後開 始在台灣建設許多西式建築,而充滿異國風味,淡水 就是如此,處處充滿者驚奇與中西混合的味道飄散在 空中… Ritual / How much moeny you want buy?
Contact gameover009@yahoo.com.tw
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
Place / Formosa
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
林忠儀 Rick Path to the Future 我們是否總是一味的追尋科技、追尋革新。而忽略了 一路上過去的美好回憶 ? 古老的磚路隨著風華年代的 流逝,漸漸被眾人所遺忘,取而代之的是更密集的空 中都市。唯一不變的是人類的生命力與創造力 ~ 然而 在充滿複雜化的未來 ~ 我們應更重視「真」的意義。 本作品融入「路徑」的概念來陳述 ~ 藉由古老磚路及 城市的對比來傳達歷史軌跡的演變,文化的移轉。然 而鮮錄的老樹意味著人類生命的延續 ~ 更代表著「自 然」的美好。表達人類在創造的過程,應回歸人性 「真」的意義,老子曰:「反璞歸真」。
Dont’s kill animal anymore 沒錯 ! 不必想太多 ~ 別再殺動物了 ! 本作品以黑底為 背景主要傳達出罪惡、貪焚的黑金意念。為了私自的 慾望扎殺動物是不允許的。主角選定為老虎,原因是 老虎在萬獸之中為霸氣、力量的代表,然而即使老虎 是這麼 powerful 仍敵不過一枚人工精準的彈頭。 標 題 以「Don't kill animal」 及「anymore」 目 的 為 Animal & Anymore 兩者有諧音 ~ 傳達出保育動物的 概念。
Contact hothotricky@gmail.com
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
Ritual / Path to the Future
Place / Dont’s kill animal anymore
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
陳元豪 Yuan 龍火 Dragon Fire 主標題以中國傳統書法字表現中國風格。畫面主體以 中國傳統吉祥神獸的龍為主角,構圖以繾捲的黑色火 焰,象徵信徒伴隨龍騰而上達天庭的黑暗慾求,將龍 也染黑成為黑龍。另一方面也是為了配合中國傳統書 法的典形色彩印象為黑色而將畫面整體規劃為黑白配 色,同時表現設計風格的現代感。
動物迷圖 Anizle 動物園成立動機與生態保育之間的觀念矛盾,企圖將 它在畫面上表現出來。將動物的毛皮以變色拼圖的形 式構成堆疊的立方體,並且控制立方體的明暗達成立 體感的錯覺,代表現今被人造出來的動物生態結構, 強調它的不自然與刻意,傳達概念上的迷思。
Ritual /龍火 Dragon Fire
Contact chris_chen1984@yahoo.com.tw
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
Place / 動物迷圖 Anizle
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
葉軒亦 Xuan Ritual of Murderer Ritual 自古以來一直存在於人類社會,以不同的樣貌、 不同的型式存在。也許是建築風格、也許是宗教儀式、 也許是生活習慣或待人處事的態度。渲染探討的是中 西舞蹈的 Ritual,律動似水,舞姿似彩,兩種文化的 舞蹈渲染的是時而衝突時而融洽的彩墨視覺。
渲染 Ritual of Murderer 探討的是連續殺人犯的 Ritual, 如果說殺人是一種宗教性的儀式,那殺人的兇器就是 儀式裡祭祀器具。武器本無殺人之意,然而是人讓武 器變成兇器,就像 Ritual 的最根本之源也是由人所定 義的。
DanShui Blue 當我們遊歷某一風景名勝,回到家,我們對景色還記 得多少?有些記憶被過濾了,有些記憶是殘破的,有 些畫面是黑白的,有些東西則永遠帶著獨有的顏色; 過去看過的景物在腦海拼湊的零零散散就像一幅印象 派結合普普風的藝術創作。當時間不斷地過去,記憶 的拼圖將愈來愈破碎,破碎的只剩下簡單的幾何圖像 與單一色彩。
Contact pereskiableo@gmail.com
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
Ritual / Ritual of Murderer
Ritual /渲染
Place / DanShui Blue
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
張力文 Peter
Ritual-Time of Waiting 概觀 ritual,發現以時間為主軸的行為模式是人類習慣 的不同開端,儘管對每個人來說時間都是相等的,但 因為文化或教育等影響使得不同地域的人們會出現不 同的行為。觀察台灣人的行動習慣,可以發覺台灣人 習慣以「等待」來面對事情的發生,如排隊等買發燒 的新產品。相對來說西方國家的人則分秒必較,對於 等待持有相反的看法。此作品便以此為出發點,使用 人們排隊時可能出現的不同行為狀況為圖像設計了長 條形的海報,張貼在廁所(每個人相等地等待之場所) 來表現時間的長度和等待的行為。
浮光掠影 走進不同的地點都有不同的光景,沒有所謂的永恆, 只有當下的真實感受 ; 每個人事物在時間軸的推一下, 只會留下浮光掠影,瞬間的精采。我們人類就好像在 水中漂流的魚,觀賞眼前萬千變化的景物折射,用手 中獨一無二的萬花筒,看見淡水老街及貓空山景中, 只屬於我們的美麗。
Contact m9810212@mail.ntust.edu.tw
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
Ritual / Ritual-Time of Waiting
Place / 浮光掠影
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
賴佳韋 Bao To Mix 交織 我認為台灣一直是一塊由各式各樣的風格樣貌以及融 合了各個國家文化的土地,台灣所生產的每一樣事物 就像色澤與層次豐富的大雜燴,於是我想,「拼貼」 是最能表述台灣的樣貌的辭彙。期望透過與國外學生 接力創作的過程,表達台灣拼貼融合的特長與特色, 並且希冀表達出「設計,非設計」的概念在本作品上。
Taiwan Color 淡水 DANSHUI 炙艷的太陽、假日的人潮、喧鬧的人聲,這裡是淡水, 鮮黃的淡水,朝氣勃勃的鮮黃色,彩繪出北台灣熱鬧, 精彩的海邊一角 木柵 MUZHA 是輕鬆的活著還是殘酷的監禁?綠意盎然的動物園, 其實濛著一層莫名的濃厚憂鬱,模糊不清的綠鬣蜥, 無聲的仰望,是繁星點點亦或是無形的牢籠。 艋鉀 MONGA 霓虹的絢爛是異色之城最美的圖騰,如今稍嫌陳舊的 城鎮,是當年燈紅酒綠的繁華之地。情色、幫派以及 信仰,攜手譜出最時尚的迷幻節奏。 Ritual / To Mix 交織
Contact davidlai0719@hotmail.com
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
Place ďź? Taiwan Color
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
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Dialogues & Connections in Design with UWMilwaukee
Peter Chris Peter to Chrisďźš I see the Taiwanese love to wait in all those different rituals, such as we wait for god when we pray and draw, street venders wait for customers to come, monks wait for people's kindness...etc. No matter what ritual or ceremony is proceeding, asian people used to wait. To combine different rituals, i beileve the concept "time" is the core we can discuss. How westerns deal with time managemant when they are in a ritual action? Or is it important to wait for such a long time since its a tradidtion? I think its quite easy and interesting to find the difference between eastern and western rituals. Chris to Peter : I have to say unfortunately, in Western (well, in the United States at least) the notion of having to wait has been given a very strong negative connotation. Lifestyle in the US has been forced to keep up with the demands of a business cycle and most families now have both parents working to maintain a stable income for a family. That means a lot of Americans don't cook for themselves much anymore. Navigating traffic has also gotten a lot worse over here... people are more likely to run lights or cut in front of other people, and speeding well above the speed limit has gotten pretty commonplace. It's actually one of the big complaints I have about my society, that people are rushing for no good reason and getting made about not getting what they want fast enough. When there are instances of waiting, it's considered a negative thing (Complaints about a server in a restaurant being too slow, having to wait at a government office, or at the emergency room in the hospital). Even worse in my opinion are "just in time" business practices, which are being applied in places where they cause more damage than improvement because the system breaks down completely when there /is/ any waiting for something at all. The volcano in Iceland is another good example. It's been less than a week and air traffic was closed for safety reasons, but airlines are accusing the British government of being TOO cautious and are already demanding compensation for the traffic closure.
Goran Angeline Goran Filipovic to Angeline: hey whats up. Sorry been away from face book for while now. Any way how is your ritual coming along. I am working on illustration poster for mine. The ritual project is quite difficult but i'll try to pull it off. It is actually 3 rituals that are performed during the ceremony. Its about St. Ivo day. 3 rituals are rose trown in river, jumping over fire and walking barefoot and on knees. Angeline to Goran Filipovic: Hi! It's been a long time...since last time we talked... do you have any idea about ritual? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ritual April 29 at 7:09pm Goran Filipovic to Angeline: what do you have for Ritual project? what is your theme or idea that your are prusuing? Ron and I talked about this ritual from my country during day of Saint Ivan. Let me know what you are doing for this project. Angeline: I want to do a short film (some "cuts" from photos) and make a movie poster. The topic is about 風水 Feng Shui. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feng_shui How about you guys? Goran Filipovic: well tomorrow it is ,but Thanks on early bday wishes April 6 at 5:30pm Angeline to Goran Filipovic: Hi! sorry... I'm sooooo~ busy these days... We did an Installation Art competition two weeks ago and then... this week we just finished another project in National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art's workshop--(DREAM | MERSION)by SAT(Society for Arts and Technology from Canada). That's so cool! I will put some photos on my facebook photo album. I'd like share them with you!
In conjunction with
Bryan Lisa Colin Lisa to Colin: Hello, this is Lisa. It's great to receive ur e-mail! I think it will be very interesting to take American wedding into the project. I have collected some elements of Chinese/Taiwanese culture, and I will start to think about how to show our concepts in the poster. Please let me know if u have any further idea :) Bryan to Lisa and Colin : Lisa and Colin, Sorry this took forever to upload.... but it IS finally uploaded. Grab it from the link below. https://pantherfile.uwm.edu/kbeckman/Ritual%20 Collaborative%20Project/Team%203/Bryan/ritual01.mov?ticket=t_kGxUZx07 Not sure what we do from here out, but keep me posted on your projects, and let me know if you need anything from me! Thanks. Lisa to Colin and Bryan: Dear all, I have uploaded the file I have done so far. The flower in the imageis Paeonia, the symbol of beauty, rich and happiness in Taiwan. TheChinese Characters on the background are the introduction aboutPaeonia's history and what it presents. Please feel free to prove itand contact me if you have any question. Looking forward to receive your works!! Best regards Lisa to Colin and Bryan: Hello, Our professor just reminded us that your exhibition will be hold in the mid of May, and we have to finish our project and upload before May 7. Therefore, I think we must hurry to do our project. If you have finished the image I uploaded, please upload it so we can have more discussions. And I am wondering are you guys making a video for our project? If so, I am going to design a poster for the video. So please let me know what are we gonna do next :) Lisa to Colin and Bryan: I uploaded two more graphics on the server, please check them :) I am not sure what kind of video are you guys progressing, and I remember last time Colin told me that he wants to make something about american wedding. So I made two graphics about LOVE. Both butterflies and birds (mandarin duck) are symbols of love in Chinese culture. Feel free to progress the graphic or use elements in your video. And please contact me If you need more information from me. Have a nice day!
Danny Jessica Cris Danny to Jessica and Cris: i was thinking of taking on the idea of morning coffee, much like Cris's Mate idea. i think it encompasses the idea of sharing much better than the testing, as the monitoring of blood sugar is something that applies to only the person testing or seeking results. Let me know what you think of the idea. i'm thinking this will make it easier to make a cohesive theme to the project such as sharing. both drink ideas have a sense of relaxation as well, which i think could prove to be a nice accent to the idea of the temples. Cris to Jessica and Danny: I grew up in a place where “El Mate” was part of the everyday life. Back in Argentina every home has mate, and the tradition says that it is impolite if the host does not share mate. Now I am living in the United States and sometimes it is difficult to find a place that sells yerba. However, I know where to buy yerba in town and my American wife, the reason why I moved so far away from my home town, loves mate. That is the most important thing. Mate is not only about drinking an infusion, mate is about sharing. Argentineans get together make a “ronda” (round or circle) to drink mate and share stories.
In conjunction with
Xuan Justin Peter Xuan to Justin and Peter: Hi, I am Cactus, a student from NTUST Taiwan, I am one of your partners in collaboration project sorry, recently I am too busy to have a contact with you. and how's your work now? Xuan to Justin: I like your concept, Murder as a ritual Xuan to Justin: it's great, but my teacher asks us to use photos on the server to make a poster. And your photos are clips of the TV show "Dexter". I am curious about you just wanted to use those photos to support your idea or they are just the materials for your work and even my work? Justin to Xuan: you could use those...my idea is the idea of serial killing as a ritual so anything that would illustrate that feel free to use and also you could probably use the photos on the server but none of them are print quality and I have no way of getting print quality images...maybe you could recreate the scenes and take hi res photos of the stuff.... Xuan to Justin and Peter: My idea is about "Taiwanese Sign". I think the sign of store in Taiwan is very special and typical. It is quite different from western's. The colors of sign are only yellow, red, blue and sometimes the reading direction of words on sign is from righ to left, it's not the same as western's right? Peter to Xuan : my idea is dance as a ritual. Every culture has a specific ritualistic dancebboying (breakdancing), African dance, war dances, etc. Xuan to Peter : it is quite difficult for me to combine dance and murder together to make a poster. Therefore; I will make two posters, one is about western and easern dance, and another is about murder
Vic Bao Vic to Bao: Hey Bao, Sam and I were thinking about focusing on the creative process as our ritual. I guess what i mean is... for us we've realized we kinda go through certain steps that are unique to us individually when we are presented with something that needs a creative solution. Same likes to play darts while he's initially thinking about it, and I like to ride my bike or watch bike videos or look at bike magazines to ease my mind for a fresh start. So I was wondering what you thoguht of this and if you have a certain way you like to attack your design projects? Let us know what you think. Vic to Bao: Hey there Bao, just wondering if you thought at all about you're creative process. Could you update Sam or I with what's going on with you? good luck! Bao to Vic: I haven't finished my artwork,i'm very sorry about that!But i think my concept is all about the Taiwan style. TaiWan is very Multi-dimensional country, so i want to use the “collage“. The concept is collage.Did you need any image source for now?I'll update the folder, thank you. good luck! Vic to Bao: Hey Bao, I was wondering if when you got a chance you could take maybe 5 to ten pictures of whatever it is that you do to inspire yourself or how you work on your graphic design work. even if you just sit there and draw, or think, or go on the internet. anything... just so I can do my part of the project. and if you need anything from me just let me know. Bao to Vic: Hey Vic, I'll update my photos. That would be large for using. And my concept is... I think Taiwan is an island country, Many things from everywhere. It's just like....like... R E M I X! you know? That's why I like COLLAGE. And it changes the shape, turn new meaning on. by the way, my english is very poor, did you get it ?
In conjunction with
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project
In conjunction with
International Graphic Design Collaborative Project