International Graphic Design Collaborative Project

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words from the organizor

In the Spring of 2009, Prof. Kim Beckmann and I developed a great project in which students exchange ideas, collaborate graphic works, and share their experiences. We had a conversation in November, 2008, and decided to make it happened in the very beginning of this year. We solved several technical difficulties such as timeframe differences from both institutions, language and long distance difficulties for students to communicate, and many other unexpected problems. We all learned lots of experiences in conducting this special activity. Furthermore, I would very much like to thank Kim’s efforts to have a virtual space where participated designers are able to store and to exchange their works over there. This international poster exchange project created a new experience for all designers. This wonderful creativity wouldn’t be successful without everyone’s hard work and great contribution. Thank you all.

Tingyi S. Lin Department of Industrial and Commercial Design National Taiwan University of Science & Technology Taiwan, R.O.C

words from the organizor

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee graphic design students and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology visual information design students collaborated on an exchange of posters that served as a forum to discuss issues and concerns surrounding multi-generational and multi-cultural design. Throughout the exchange students examined the similarities and differences between intended meaning and response. The most important goal for the project was for students to recognize that meaning is the result of a range of cultural and social negotiations. The designer is not the sole author, but rather a participant in the exchange of ideas.

Kim Beckmann University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee U.S.A.

.作者順序以製作海報之先後時間為排列依據。 .Designers are listed in chronological order of their date of contribution on the collaborative works.

posters / NTUST II

01 02

posters / NTUST II

Circle of life Andrew Hermann, 白燦星 ( Pai, Tsan-Hsing )

posters / NTUST II

Communicate Adam Skalecki, 李金玲 ( Lee, Linda )

03 04

posters / NTUST II

Texting communicatio Sarah Miller, 林少蓓 ( Lin, Shao-Pei )

posters / NTUST II

Perspectives Zachary Reinardy, 唐銘宏 ( Tang, Ming-Hung )

05 06

posters / NTUST II

Scalici Michelle Scalici, 許鴻泰 ( Hsu, Hung-Tai)

posters / NTUST II

Everyday Life Michelle Scalici, 陳建成 ( Chen, Chien-Cheng)

07 08

posters / NTUST II

IM Anh Nguyen, 陳贊仁 ( Chen, Tsan-Jen )

posters / NTUST II

Second life Steve Kodis, 曾勝鴻 ( Tseng, Chen-Hung )

09 10

posters / NTUST II

we are family Kortnee Kasten, 黃子倫 ( Huang, Tzu-Lun )

posters / NTUST II

nameless Adam Skalecki, 黃顯勛 ( Huang, Hsien-Hsun )

11 12

posters / NTUST II

IM bule Anh Nguyen, 蕭勝文 ( Shiao, Sheng-Wen )

posters / NTUST II

IM orange Anh Nguyen, 蕭勝文 ( Shiao, Sheng-Wen )

13 14

posters / NTUST II

nameless Lisa Albright, 謝易霆 ( Hsie, I-Ting )

posters / NTUST II

It starts here Andrew Hermann, 蘇景郁 ( Su, Ching-Yu )

posters / NTUST I

17 18

posters / NTUST I

MRT Chair

白燦星 ( Pai, Tsan-Hsing )

posters / NTUST I


李金玲 ( Lee, Linda )

19 20

posters / NTUST I


林少蓓 ( Lin, Shao-Pei )

posters / NTUST I

Family Tree

唐銘宏 ( Tang, Ming-Hung )

21 22

posters / NTUST I

Beware of the children

陳建成 ( Chen, Chien-Cheng)

posters / NTUST I

Only Seniors are Left

陳建成 ( Chen, Chien-Cheng)

23 24

posters / NTUST I

Sweet burden

曾勝鴻 ( Tseng, Chen-Hung )

posters / NTUST I


黃子倫 ( Huang, Tzu-Lun )

25 26

posters / NTUST I


黃顯勛 ( Huang, Hsien-Hsun )

posters / NTUST I


蕭勝文 ( Shiao, Sheng-Wen )

27 28

posters / NTUST I


謝易霆 ( Hsie, I-Ting )

posters / NTUST I


蘇景郁 ( Su, Ching-Yu )

Dialogues and Connections in Design

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Dialogues and Connections in Design

Every habit or trend starts somewhere whether it is good or bad or destructive or constructive. It had to start somewhere. With trees it all starts at the base and with the trunk. And these things grow or continue to become bigger and bigger as the generations pass. So things that may have begun when our grandparents were children carry down to us. These things could be attitudes or opinions, it is all passed down to us and we must deal with consequences or continue the attitudes ourselves. The trees are just a metaphor for humans.

Alan Pai 以樹木的盛衰來代表世代交替的意義,在每個世代都是擁有自己獨特的力量。 生命沒有結束、也沒有被取代,只有代表著 “生生不息,傳愛永恆”。

Dialogues and Connections in Design

James >>> Zachary Sent: Sunday, May 03, 2009 11:27 PM Subject: Re: Poster Exchange partner from Taiwan Hi~Zachary, Thanks for your reply,and please feel free to anything that you would like to. I'm really excited and expect the work we proceeding~ Thanks and have fun with the poster. James Tang ________________________________________________________________________________ Zachary >>> James Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 12:07 PM Subject: Re: Poster Exchange partner from Taiwan Hello James I'm glad you e-mailed me. I'm very excited about having this opportunity to work with you as well. As far as my poster is concerned, feel free to alter/ modify / replace anything that you would like to. You can certainly experiment to try and put your voice into the poster. For me I was kind of hoping you would include your own imagery. I think it would only increase the strength of the point I'm making about varying perspectives. I kind of like the size of the poster and the theme of the poster as it is, but if your ideas to rework the poster require you to change either of those aspects, feel free to do whatever you have to in order to make it work. As for your poster, also let me know if there is anything to do not want me to modify. My thoughts on this is that here the same dominance of an older generation and lack of younger people's involvement is occurring in our arts and culture communities. I would like to build off of your design/ideas to address the decline in involvement in american arts programs and general shrinking or arts education in schools. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you or if you have any suggestions for me. Thanks and have fun with the poster.

Zachary-John Reinardy ________________________________________________________________________________ James >>> Zachary Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 11:18:58 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central Subject: Poster Exchange partner from Taiwan Hello~ Zachary: This is James Tang from NTUST, your Poster Exchange partner of the Graphic Design Class. I'm glad to have this opportunity to interchange our design. As for your design work , it really impressed me, it's simple and catch eyes. Here, could you please advise which part of your poster you concern that I'm unable to modify it (example : text ? photos ? size of poster ......and so on ) Thanks and best regards. James Tang

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Dialogues and Connections in Design

Niki >>> Sarah Dear Sarah, Pick up wedding dress? Congratulations. I am so surprise and happy for you. Could you send me your picture about your wedding dress? I am so expected to see your beautiful pictures. Niki ________________________________________________________________________________ Sarah >>> Niki 寄件日期: 2009/5/7(星期四) 上午7:40:53 主 旨: Re: Poster Exchange Here you are! I outlined the text for you!! I have uploaded my interpertation of your poster on the websit. Take a look and let me know what you think. As far as I know, DO WHAT EVER YOU WANT TO, TO MY POSTER! have fun with it!! Thanks, Sarah!!! I will write you a longer email later, I have to go pick up my wedding dress, let me know if you need anything else from me! Sarah ________________________________________________________________________________ Niki >>> Sarah Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 10:30:56 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central Subject: Re: Poster Exchange Hi Sarah, sorry to reply so late. Thanks for your explanation. After you explained, I’m getting some inspiration for this poster. I also interesting in studying the difference between the different generations. So, I want to do some design to emphasize more how different between X and Y generation especially in the communication way use text. I like your poster style, so I still thinking about how could I do to keep this style and to add some idea in. I don’t know if you have any insist on the poster design, please let me know. Another thing I need your help is could you provide the font type use in this poster design for me, or help me to create outlines the type, thanks a lots. The birth rate lower is a serious problem in my country now. So my government try to bring up some policy to encourage people to get babies, and also have a lot of advertisements to publicize. But more of these advertisements focus on how worse if the birth rate is keep down. Sometimes it made people uncomfortable, moreover I think to own a new life should be a happiness thins. So all I want to say just to remind people the generation not only a responsibility but happiness. I am glad to if you have any idea to show, and expect your translation from this concept in the poster. By the way, do you have msn, blog or facebook etc. ? If you have anyone ,let me know, maybe we can talk in that and know each other more. Thank you. Best regards. Niki

Dialogues and Connections in Design

________________________________________________________________________________ Sarah >>> Niki 寄件日期: 2009/4/27(星期一) 上午6:50:21 主 旨: Re: Poster Exchange Hey Niki, I am glad we are in contact. The idea behind the posters is actually inspired from a conversation I was having with my mom and one of her friends. It was all about how the X GENERATION does not really understand text messaging, and how the Y GENERATION really communicates in a different way then ever before. All the text is derived from a conversation that I recorded while talking about texting. The different years are the years in which the X and Y generation started. 1966 is the X and 1994 is when the Y generation started. I wanted to do a piece on communication between the different generations and how sometimes it is not understood. Whether it is the message being communicated or how the message is communicated. - such as cell phone, texting, facebook, myspace, email, twitter ect. The Y generation has grown up with these things, and it has been in their "everyday vocabulary" whereas the X generation has to learn these new ways if they want to keep up in a fast moving world. I hope this helps you understand a little bit more. I was thinking about your poster and how you are saying that birth is government controlled. Which is very interesting, I was thinking how I could show something from my country and how birth is "viewed" here. This is just an initial thought, but I was thinking about how birth is in no way controlled here by the government up into the point where people that shouldn't be having kids (because they are in now way fit, money, education, or health wise) have as many as they want, up to the point where it is ridiculous and they are having these kids only to get government help to raise them. Where as in your country (correct me if I am wrong) they are saying you can not have them point blank? Our country is very prochoice, where I myself am prolife. But the only form of control is the control that the mother has herself over her own life and body. If she wants to have a baby- she can. If she wants to terminate the baby- she can. If she wants to give it up for adoption - she can. Let me know what you think. I hope this helps you. Hope to hear from you soon. Sarah ________________________________________________________________________________ Niki >>> Sarah Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 10:12:32 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central Subject: Re: Poster Exchange Dear Sarah, Hi, I am very happy to got your message, and will working on this poster exchange project together. I love your poster style. It has a strong visual impression for first sight. I also would like to know how's your idea concept from this poster, especially what the "1966" and "1994" means, I am very curious for these. My design concept is from now my government have some policies to promotion the birth. But I think the policies not work to some people who ard high income and education, they only care about their own quality of life. So, I hope use a soft style to remind these people, the life is beautiful and the birth is important to the world. Arouse they to respect the birth and would like to birth new life. Thanks, I hope we will have fun in this working together, and have a wonderful ending. Niki

25 26

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Dialogues and Connections in Design

Leon >>> Anh Hi Mr.s / Miss Anh Nguyen: I am National Taiwan University of Science and Tecchnology (NTUST)student, and study visual design course-Poster design, when I received your works, It's amazed and confused.So , would you mind describe your design image and concept. Sincerely Leon Chen ___________________________________________________________________________ Anh >>> Leon Hi Leon, I am a guy, Anh is name for both guy and girl. Its great that you contact me, because it's my intention. I title the file IM, which stands for 'Instance Messenger', and the poster has the bubble chat icon, which mean, chat with me if you need to ask something. For the poster, I used silhouette of toys from 1980s, 1990s, 2000s up to now. If you look closely, you might recognize some of the toys. I think toy associate with each of us differently, depend onthe culture background, situation, age, environment and etc ... However, as we all know, we all had toy when we were little. Today, children (younger generation/ Gen Y) tends to adapt technology very early, and everything is more about technology. Nowadays, in the U.S. we'll see children use cell phone texting, go online, have blog, chat and such, I think it isn't much different with children live in Taiwan or other countries. About my poster, if a 'Gen X' look at it, they will know and recognize the silhouette of the toy, 'Gen y' they will recognize the silhouette of the bubble chat symbol. This poster isn't about a positive or negative issue, it is about conversation between generations and fill in the gaps. Do you have facebook account, if so, add me, my email is: If you don't, chat with me with AOL: the3anh8nguyen or Yahoo messenger: t_h_e_a_n_h Well, if you have any question, send me a message, or just want to say hi, it would be great. Take care Anh Nguyen ________________________________________________________________________________ Leon >>> Anh Dear Anh, Thank you very mcuh for your explanation toward the poster you designed. I like your concept. For a X generation like me, I really need a more concrete image toward your concept. Here is my proposal. In China trandition, we believe that BRIDGE is the way to connect the people at different area. So, I re-design the poster based on the concept of it. It might be sort of boring from your point of view, but it would be easier for aging people like me to understand "Conversation between generations and fill in the gaps".

Dialogues and Connections in Design

Felix >>> Steve Dear Steve, I'm a student of NTUST from Taiwan, and very glad to cooperate in designing the poster with you. Your file has been downloaded, and I shall start and finish the design. As the title of your design is Second Life, would you please share your original thinking of the design with me, so that I could rich the image via your original idea. Thank you for spending time reading my letter. Looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Best wishes, Felix ________________________________________________________________________________ Steve >>> Felix 日期:2009年5月1日 上午 1:01 主旨Re: About the cooporation in designing the poster, from NTUST -Taiwan Hello Felix, It's nice to hear from you. The idea behind my poster is this interaction that people have online; mainly through video games.Many generations from many different countries can all play online video games with each other. The "Second Life" refers specifically to I hope this helps you. I just wanted to touch on the idea of "online gaming" and leave the poster as open as possible for your collaboration. Cheers, Steve Kodis ________________________________________________________________________________ Steve >>> Felix Date: 2009/5/5 Subject: Poster Felix, I'm writing you to find out a little more about your poster. I understand that you and your class mates were reflecting on the birth rate in Taiwan but could you elaborate a little more for me? What are you trying to communicate to your audience? Thanks, Steve Kodis ________________________________________________________________________________ Felix >>> Steve Hey Steven : Just to brief description on the poster. The blue image represents a melancholy impression and the rock resembles the pressure within society which includes economical, educational , communications, generation differences...and so on... The old man in the middle trying to educate his grand child with tremendous pressure on himself, while the innocent child is merely following and actually adding in more weight onto his/her grandpa. My apologies that this reply comes in so late, i was extremely busy therefore i couldn't check the mail as often. Thanks. Felix

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Dialogues and Connections in Design

Andrew >>> Ryan Hey! The concept is this: Every habit or trend starts somewhere whether it is good or bad or destructive or constructive. It had to start somewhere. With trees it all starts at the base and with the trunk. And these things grow or continue to become bigger and bigger as the generations pass. So things that may have begun when our grandparents were children carry down to us. These things could be attitudes or opinions, it is all passed down to us and we must deal with consequences or continue the attitudes ourselves. The trees are just a metaphor for humans. 每一種習慣或性向不論是好或壞,即使是有破壞性或建設性的,都是從同一處所發展出來的。就好比樹木的 成長是都是從根部所開始的。它的茂盛也必須是經過好幾代的延續發展才能有如此結果。所以同理我們的性 格可能早在我們的祖父母還是小孩的時候就已經延續下來給我們了。這些傳承給我們的習性可能是一種態度 或一種意見,而我們必須自己去承受結果或繼續自己的想法。樹木只是在比喻人類。 Yeah. Right on. Andrew ________________________________________________________________________________ Ryan >>> Andrew Dear Andrew: So your concept expressions that the impact of parents on children,right? Ryan ________________________________________________________________________________ Ryan >>> Andrew Ryan’s poster Theme:Life Tree Concept:生命就像是一棵樹,每各枝點都會產生不同的葉子,但不管如何的變化,都是根在影響種各命脈。 人亦是如此,今天你會變成怎樣的人或是從事怎樣的職業,都與你的上一代有關係,每一代都會產生截然不 同的一代。 Life is like a tree, each of the branches will be open to different points of the leaves, but no matter what changes are affecting the root of the lifeline. The same thing applies to people today what would become of you or the people engaged in what kind of job, With you related to the previous generation, each generation will have a different new generation.

Dialogues and Connections in Design

Adam >>> Linda Subject: Re: a message for Lindalee NTUST Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 22:51:48 -0500 Hi Linda, Yes, please cover it. That is the beauty of working collaboratively. I do not want to limit you in any way. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you also. It has been a great experience? -Adam ________________________________________________________________________________ Linda >>> Adam On May 6, 2009, at 10:48 PM, LEE LINDA wrote: Hi Adam, Thank you for your reply. I have got your concept and I will do the next for the poster. I would like to follow your concept to design the poster. I have a question? If I cover some your artwork while I put some elements on it, would it be ok for you? I will finish the artwork in this weekend. I am glad to have this chance to co-work with you and thank you very much. Best regards, Linda ________________________________________________________________________________ Adam >>> Linda Subject: Re: a message for Lindalee NTUST Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 17:06:24 -0500 Hi Linda, Sorry that I took so long to get back to you. My design concept is all about our generation and it's infatuation with instant gratification. Especially with websites like Facebook and Twitter, people are very interested in what is going on NOW, and they forget about what has happened in the past. The design uses timeless elements that do the opposite and cover up the now with design elements that represent the past, present, and future.? -Adam Skalecki ________________________________________________________________________________ Linda >>> Adam On Apr 30, 2009, at 2:49 AM, LINDA LEE wrote: Dear Adam, I am Linda from Taiwan University of Science and Technology. I have got your poster artwork, and I would like to ask your concept about the poster. Then I can follow your concept to finish it. Please give me a feedback and welcome to add my msn ( if you like. Thank you and look forward from you. Regards, Linda

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Dialogues and Connections in Design

posters / UW-Milwaukee I


Zachary Reinardy

19 20

posters / UW-Milwaukee I

Second Life Steve Kodis

posters / UW-Milwaukee I

Texting communicatio Sarah Miller

17 18

posters / UW-Milwaukee I

nameless Michelle Scalici

posters / UW-Milwaukee I

nameless Lisa Albright

15 16

posters / UW-Milwaukee I


Kortnee Kasten

posters / UW-Milwaukee I


Anh Nguyen

13 14

posters / UW-Milwaukee I

It starts here

Andrew Hermann

posters / UW-Milwaukee I

nameless Adam Skalecki

11 12

posters / UW-Milwaukee I

posters / UW-Milwaukee II

Aging consequences 唐銘宏 ( Tang, Ming-Hung ), Zachary Reinardy

posters / UW-Milwaukee II

Sweet burden 曾勝鴻 ( Tseng, Chen-Hung ), Steve Kodis

07 08

posters / UW-Milwaukee II

Generations changed 林少蓓 ( Lin, Shao-Pei ), Sarah Miller

posters / UW-Milwaukee II

Beware of the children 陳建成 ( Chen, Chien-Cheng ), Michelle Scalici

05 06

posters / UW-Milwaukee II

Lasted 謝易霆 ( Hsie, I-Ting ), Lisa Albright

posters / UW-Milwaukee II

03 04

brides 蕭勝文 ( Shiao, Sheng-Wen ), Anh Nguyeni

posters / UW-Milwaukee II

Focus 白燦星 ( Pai, Tsan-Hsing ), Andrew Hermann

posters / UW-Milwaukee II

medium 李金玲 ( Lee, Linda ), Adam Skalecki

01 02

posters / UW-Milwaukee II

.Designers are listed in chronological order of their date of contribution on the collaborative works. .作者順序以製作海報之先後時間為排列依據。

words from the organizor

In the Spring of 2009, Prof. Kim Beckmann and I developed a great project in which students exchange ideas, collaborate graphic works, and share their experiences. We had a conversation in November, 2008, and decided to make it happened in the very beginning of this year. We solved several technical difficulties such as timeframe differences from both institutions, language and long distance difficulties for students to communicate, and many other unexpected problems. We all learned lots of experiences in conducting this special activity. Furthermore, I would very much like to thank Kim’s efforts to have a virtual space where participated designers are able to store and to exchange their works over there. This international poster exchange project created a new experience for all designers. This wonderful creativity wouldn’t be successful without everyone’s hard work and great contribution. Thank you all.

Tingyi S. Lin Department of Industrial and Commercial Design National Taiwan University of Science & Technology Taiwan, R.O.C

words from the organizor

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee graphic design students and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology visual information design students collaborated on an exchange of posters that served as a forum to discuss issues and concerns surrounding multi-generational and multi-cultural design. Throughout the exchange students examined the similarities and differences between intended meaning and response. The most important goal for the project was for students to recognize that meaning is the result of a range of cultural and social negotiations. The designer is not the sole author, but rather a participant in the exchange of ideas.

Kim Beckmann University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee U. S. A.

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