Bicycle Storage

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==== ==== Discover some of the best ways to store your bicycle and save on space. ==== ====

A question that is often asked is what to do about bicycle storage. As it gets more and more expensive for a person to have a car and drive, many people have been changing to riding a bicycle to work and on short distances. Now this creates a problem as to where to store all of these bicycles so let us take a moment and look at some solutions for bike storage. The first place we need to look at bicycle storage is for the garage. There are several different ways for us to be able to store our bikes these days. Garage bicycle storage can be done by the use of a pulley system to hang your bike from the ceiling. This still allows plenty of space underneath so that you can park your cars or have other storage set up. The important thing about a pulley system is to make sure that the anchors are well secured in the ceiling so that your bike will not fall down. Another garage storage solution for bikes is a garage rack that can be used to hang your bicycle from. These racks usually have a wide base to keep the rack balanced and allow you to hang two or more bicycles near a wall as well as have pegs to hang your helmets or any other bicycle gear that you need to keep together. These can be great as they do not require any installation skills. Another bicycle storage method can be the bike racks like we used when we were kids at school. These are long metal racks that are placed on the outside of your home or business and allow you to tie up multiple bicycles by the use of chains and U locks. These types of bike racks are ideal for businesses as well as parks and other public areas. They allow everyone to safely and securely store their bike without taking up too much space. This way everything is consolidated into one safe area and allows people who ride bikes to work in public locations a good solution for their storage. Without public bike racks, people would have to use lamp post, park benches, and other features not designed to secure the bike. This leads to two problems. First the bikes are not very safe because the items they are using to store the bike were not designed for bike chains and proper security. Also you can create a very scattered and ugly look to the public area if bikes are strewn out all over the place and chained to random objects. As you can see bicycle storage can sometimes be difficult, but it is an important to plan how to properly store a bike with so many new people deciding not to drive anymore, or at the very least let us. A bike storage rack can be a great garage storage solution for the home, while bike racks are great or business and public areas.

James provides information about bicycle storage through his website on bike storage.

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==== ==== Discover some of the best ways to store your bicycle and save on space. ==== ====

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