High Level Vocabulary Quiz by Online Coaching for SSC

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High Level Vocabulary Quiz by Online Coaching for SSC

Vocabulary Quiz: High Level Question: 1. Winsome a. Truthful b. Victorious c. Innocent d. Charming Answer: Charming Example: The young girl slowly opened her eyes and gave her father a winsome smile. Question: 2. Otiose a. Corpulent b. Futile c. Gloomy d. Senseless Answer: Futile Example: As Nancy hasn't read the report, I think it will be otiose to ask her what she thinks of it. Question: 3. Menagerie a. Exhibition b. Duplicity c. Hunger d. Fatigue Answer: Exhibition Example: The brave hunter presented the tiger skin to the queen, who put it in her menagerie. Question: 4. Desiderate a. Consider b. Slice c. Wish d. Respect Answer: Wish Example: There remains a wide gulf between what the voters desiderate and what they finally get. Question: 5. Pococurante a. Coward b. Impatient c. Indifferent d. Excited

Answer: Indifferent Example: The hospital administration’s pococurante attitude towards post-operative care is the reason behind the increasing death rate in elderly patients. Question: 6. Parvenu a. Inexperienced b. Upstart c. Disobedient d. Confused Answer: Upstart Example: After winning the lottery, the young parvenu left his corporate job to pursue his interest in classical music. Question: 7. Shenanigans a. Complexity b. Greed c. Flattery d. Mischief Answer: Mischief Example: The MD of the firm had to resign because her financial shenanigans were exposed by the media. Question: 8. Quaint a. Idealistic b. Trivial c. Old-fashioned d. Thoughtful Answer: Old-fashioned Example: Concepts like welfare state have started sounding quaint in today’s capitalistic system. Question: 9. Perfidious a. Deceitful b. Distant c. Intricate d. Elongated Answer: Deceitful Example: The valiant king lost the battle because he was betrayed by a perfidious ally. Question: 10. Reify a. Realize b. Serve c. Glorify d. Untangle Answer: Realize Example: Dissections performed on dead bodies helped scientists reify the structure and function of our internal organs.

Question: 11. Vanward a. Secretive b. Advanced c. Unemotional d. Well-built Answer: Advanced Example: A man ought to be only partially ahead of his time because if one is completely to the vanward in aspirations, one loses sync with the society. Question: 12. Picayune a. Rural b. Dynamic c. Trivial d. Broken Answer: Trivial Example: Compared to the misery faced by those living in war-torn areas, our own difficulties seem quite picayune. Question: 13. Myrmidon a. Beast b. Follower c. Coward d. Leader Answer: Follower Example: Under the guidance of their spiritual leader, the myrmidons were ready to travel across the world and enlist more people in their cult. Question: 14. Imbroglio a. Quandary b. Confusion c. Restlessness d. Poverty Answer: Quandary Example: Can this water sharing treaty end the imbroglio that has been the reason for discord among the southern states since independence? Question: 15. Expiate a. Blame b. Atone c. Forget d. Assist Answer: Atone Example: Even a hardened criminal should be allowed to expiate his sins and become a reformed person. Question: 16. Éclat a. Brilliance

b. Significance c. Authority d. Contemplation Answer: Brilliance Example: I think we will be able to raise a significant amount of money if we conduct a fundraiser with éclat. Question: 17. Fillip a. Hindrance b. Praise c. Decoration d. Stimulus Answer: Stimulus Example: A win at the Asian level is going to provide a much-needed fillip to the morale of our hockey team. Question: 18. Burnish a. Prove b. Fight c. Polish d. Dupe Answer: Polish Example: He is a clever leader who will not refrain from taking advantage of any occasion in order to burnish his public image. Question: 19. Descry a. Argue b. Notice c. Explain d. Bless Answer: Notice Example: When she raised her eyes, she descried a handsome man walking towards her. Question: 20. Fulminate a. Expect b. Criticize c. Arrange d. Doubt Answer: Criticize Example: A recent editorial in one of the most prestigious news magazines of the country has fulminated against the proposed increase in income tax rates. Question: 21. Hackneyed a. Clichéd b. Robust c. Affluent d. Refreshing Answer: Clichéd

Example: Almost all the reviewers have criticized the movie because of its hackneyed plot and poor cinematography. Question: 22. Immure a. Reject b. Gather c. Acclimatize d. Confine Answer: Confine Example: As the mental health of Jane’s brother deteriorated, his doctors decided to immure him in a lunatic asylum. Question: 23. Pejorative a. Stingy b. Deficient c. Belittling d. Intimidating Answer: Belittling Example: None of our leaders likes being called a ‘demagogue’ because it has a pejorative connotation. Question: 24. Demarche a. Agreement b. Discussion c. Parade d. Maneuver Answer: Maneuver Example: Israel’s foreign policy demarches have so far been unable to resolve the West Asia crisis. Question: 25. Inculpate a. Portray b. Accuse c. Examine d. Deceive Answer: Accuse Example: An unidentified person placed the revolver in Hector’s room in order to inculpate him. Question: 26. Turpitude a. Depravity b. Innocence c. Integrity d. Strength Answer: Depravity Example: Severe punishment must be given to those guilty of committing crimes of moral turpitude. Question: 27. Peculate a. Estimate

b. Shorten c. Embezzle d. Overpower Answer: Embezzle Example: Voters of the state did not support the mayor during re-election as they believed he had peculated the public money meant for social welfare. Question: 28. Objurgate a. Recommend b. Scold c. Confiscate d. Encourage Answer: Scold Example: The old lady objurgated her eldest son for going against the wishes of his father. Question: 29. Recusant a. Supporter b. Inadmissible c. Fatuous d. Rebel Answer: Rebel Example: Political recusants across the country are looking for the right opportunity to corner the Government and score some brownie points with young voters. Question: 30. Inure a. Accustom b. Beg c. Imprison d. Cancel Answer: Accustom Example: The hardships that he had to face as a cadet undergoing training in the army inured him to the rigors of guerilla warfare. Source: https://www.vidyaguru.in/high-level-vocabulary-quiz-by-online-coaching-for-ssc/

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