Sample Practice Paper for IBPS Clerk Maths

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Practice Set-IBPS Clerk Maths Directions (Q1-6) What should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following question? 1. 576 ÷ (4)2 × 7.4 + (7)3 – 231 =? (A) 123.9

(B) 121.1

(C) 111.4

(D) 123.1

(E) none of these

(B) 229.03

(C) 21.10

(D) 11.11

(E) none of these

(B) (27)21

(C) (27)15

(D) (27)6

(E) none of these

(C) 3907

(D) 5210

(E) none of these

(C) 237

(D) 159

(E) none of these

(C) 155.5

(D) 153.5

(E) none of these

2. 205 + 703 ÷ 37 + 6.03 =? (A) 230.03 3. (27)18 ÷ (27)3 =? (A) (27)54

4. 4895 + 364 × 0.75 – 49 =? (A) 5119

(B) 3895

5. 156 + 16 × 1.5 – 21 =? (A) 126

(B) 258

6. (23.6 % of 1254) - (16.6% of 834) =? (A) 159.5

(B) 157.5

Directions (Q7-10) What approximate value should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following question? 7. (755% of 523) ÷ 777 =? (A) 5

(B) 12

(C) 19

(D) 26

(E) 29

(B) 5570

(C) 6600

(D) 7960

(E) 8880

(D) 29

(E) 31

(D) 2550

(E) 2280

8. (56)2 × 2.5385 =? (A) 4740

9. (4438-2874-559) ÷ (269-106-83) =? (A) 55

(B) 13

(C) 47

10. 783.559+49.0937×31.679-58.591 =? (A) 26600

(B) 5000

(C) 12800

Tilak Nagar – 9311566241/Karol Bagh – 8376934681/Pitampura - 8376934648/Munirka - 9650549487

Directions (Q 11-15) What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series? 11. 522



(A) 15495 9450

(A) 80




(A) 36




(A) 84344 18




(A) 416




(D) 16921

(E) 14069

(D) 240

(E) 300

(D) 6

(E) 12


? (C) 18


(B) 83443 48


(C) 320

(B) 3 26

11217 (C) 14782

(B) 120

13. 2187

15. 4


(B) 16208

12. 51975

14. 6




(C) 84434 180


(B) 480

(D) 83334

(E) 83344

(D) 384

(E) 448

? (C) 512

16. How many numbers between 100 and 200 are divisible by at least one of 7 and 9? (A) 23

(B) 24

(C) 25

(D) 27

(E) none of these

17. A and B together can complete a work in 12 days whereas B and C together can complete it in 8 days. If A and C together can complete it in 9 days, then in how many days A, B and C working together can complete the work? (A) 126/23 days

(B) 144/23 days

(C) 143/25 days

(D) 142/29 days

(E) none of these

18. The ages of Rani and Mani were in the ratio 2 : 3 in 1996. Their ages were in the ratio 7 : 10 in 2001. What will be the ratio of their ages in 2011? (A) 5 : 6

(B) 3 : 4

(C) 4 : 5

(D) 6 : 7

(E) none of these

19. In how many ways can a committee of 2 men and 3 women be formed from a group of 4 men and 5 women? (A) 79

(B) 91

(C) 63

(D) 60

(E) none of these

20. The incomes of A, B and C are in the ratio 5: 8: 9. If the difference between the incomes of C and B is Rs. 12,550, then what is the income of A? (A) Rs. 69,500

(B) Rs. 43,200

(C) Rs. 62,750

(D) Rs. 53,200

(E) none of these

21. Twenty-four kg of rice costing Rs. 55/kg is mixed with 56 kg of rice costing Rs. 75/kg. At what price should the mixture be sold to make a profit of 20%? (A) Rs. 82.8/kg

(B) Rs. 71.2/kg

(C) Rs. 97.4/kg

(D) Rs. 74.8/kg

(E) none of these

Tilak Nagar – 9311566241/Karol Bagh – 8376934681/Pitampura - 8376934648/Munirka - 9650549487

22. The ratio between the present ages of P and Q is 5:6. If the sum of their present ages is 55 yrs, what is Q's present age? (A) 27 yrs

(B) 30 yrs

(C) 28 yrs

(D) 24 yrs

(E) none of these

23. The average age of A,B and C is 7 yrs. The average age of A and B is 6 yrs and that of B and C is 8 yrs. Find the age of B (A) 7 yrs

(B) 9 yrs

(C) 8yrs

(D) 10 yrs

(E) none of these

24. The price of 16 dozens of mango is Rs.1,685. Approximately, what will be the price of 126 such mangoes? (A) Rs.1000

(B) Rs.1,100

(C) Rs.1250

(D) Rs.1,800

(E) Rs.1,350

25. On increasing the price of radio by 30% their sale decreases by 20%. What is the effect on the revenue receipts of the shop? (A) 8% increase

(B) 4% increase

(C) 8% decrease

(D) 4% decrease

(E) none of these

26. A shopkeeper sells one T.V for Rs.840 at a gain of 20% and another for Rs.960 at a loss of 4%. His total gain or loss percent is: (A) 5(13/17) % loss

(B) 5(15/17) % gain

(C) 6(1/3) %gain

(D) 3% gain (E) none of these

27. A sum of money is to be distributed among A, B, C, and D in the proportion of 5:2:4:3. If C gets Rs. 1000 more than D, what is B's share? (A) Rs.500

(B) Rs.1600

(C) Rs.2000

(D) Rs. 4000

(E) none of these

28. A number, when 35 is subtracted from it, reduces to its 80 percent. What is four-fifth of that number? (A) 170

(B) 140

(C) 130

(D) 190

(E) none of these

29. How many numbers are there between 100 and 1000 such that atleast one of their digits is 6? (A) 259

(B) 253

(C) 642

(D) 657

(E) 252

30. Meenu’s mother was three times as old as Meenu 5 yrs ago. After 5 yrs, she will be twice as old as Meenu. Meenu's present age, in yrs, is (A) 10

(B) 35

(C) 20

(D) 15

(E) none of these

31. 3 years ago, the average age of a family of 5 members was 17 years. A baby having been born the average age of the family is the same today. The present age of the baby is (A) 1.5 year

(B) 2 years

(C) 3.2 years

(D) 4 years

(E) none of these

Tilak Nagar – 9311566241/Karol Bagh – 8376934681/Pitampura - 8376934648/Munirka - 9650549487

32. The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a certain sum at 12% p.a. for two years is Rs.90. What will be the value of the amount at the end of 3 years? (A) 8530.80

(B) 8000

(C) 9220

(D) 9250

(E) 8780.80

33. If the price-tag on each pair of shoes is Rs.99.99. What could be the approximate total cost of 15 pairs? (A) Rs.1,490

(B) Rs.1,500

(C) Rs.1,485

(D) Rs.1,505

(E) Rs.1,495

34. If a: b = 2: 3 and b: c = 4: 5, find a²: b²: bc (A) 16: 36: 20

(B) 4: 36: 20

(C) 4: 9: 45

(D) 16: 36: 45

(E) none of these

35. If the height of a right circular cone is increased by 200% and the radius of the base is reduced by 50%, then the volume of the cone: (A) remains unaltered of these

(B) decreases by 25%

(C) increases by 25%

(D) increases by 50% (E) none

36. The mean of 50 observations was 36. It was found later that an observation 48 was wrongly taken as 23. The corrected (new) mean is (A) 39.1

(B) 35.2

(C) 36.1

(D) 36.5

(E) none of these

37. The price of rice has increased by 25%.The percentage reduction that a family should effect in the use of rice so as not to increase the expenditure on this account is (A) 20%

(B) 30%

(C) 12%

(D) 25%

(E) none of these

38. 30% of A's salary is equal to 20% of 3/5th of B's salary. If B's salary is Rs 2, 400 what is A's salary? (A) Rs 1000

(B) Rs 960

(C) Rs 2160

(D) Rs 1880

(E) none of these

39. The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a sum of money for three years at 10% per annum is Rupees 620. The sum is– (A) 40,000

(B) 12,000

(C) 10,000

(D) 20,000

(E) none of these

40. An aero plane travels distance of 2500 km, 1200 km and 500 km at the rate of 500 km/hour, 400 km/hour and 250 km/hour respectively. Find the average speed. (A) 420 km/hour these

(B) 450 km/hour

(C) 480 km/hour

(D) 400 km/hour

(E) none of

Tilak Nagar – 9311566241/Karol Bagh – 8376934681/Pitampura - 8376934648/Munirka - 9650549487

Answer Key & Explanations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


16. (A) Numbers divisible by 7 between 100 and 200 = 14 Numbers divisible by 9 between 100 and 200 = 11 Numbers divisible by both 7 and 9 (i.e. divisible by 63) between 100 and 200 = 2 So the answer = 14 + 11 – 2 = 23 17. (B) Let the total work be 216 units One day work of A and B = 18 units One day work of B and C = 27 units One day work of A and C = 24 units One day work of 2A, 2B and 2C = 69 units One day work of A, B and C =69/2= 34.5 units Hence, work can be completed in =216/34.5 days =144/23 days 18. (B) Let the ages of Rani and Mani in 1996 be 2x and 3x respectively. 2�+5 7 = 3�+5 11 so, x= 15 2�+15 45 3 = = 3�+15



19. (D) Ways of selecting 2 men = 4C2 = 6 Ways of selecting 3 women = 5C3 = 10 The total number of ways = 6 × 10 = 60 20. (C) Let their incomes be 5x, 8x and 9x respectively. 9x – 8x = x = 12550 5x = 5 × 12550 = 62750 (24×55+56×75)

21. (A) C.P. of the mixture = 80 = Rs. 69/kg 6 S.P. of the mixture to make a profit of 20% = 69Ă—5 = Rs. 82.8/kg

Tilak Nagar – 9311566241/Karol Bagh – 8376934681/Pitampura - 8376934648/Munirka - 9650549487

22. (B) Let the present ages of P and Q be 5x and 6x So 5x + 6x = 55, 11x=55 x= 5 Age of Q is= 6x=6 Ă— 5= 30 years 23. (A) Average age of A, B & C=7 Sum of ages of A, B & C=7Ă—3=21 Average age of A & B=6 Sum of ages of A & B =6Ă—2=12 Average age of B & C=8 Sum of ages of B & C =8Ă—2=16 A + 2B + C= 12 +16 =28 A + B + C +B =28 21+B=28 B=28-21=7 ď€ 24. (B)ď€ 1 Dozen = 12 mangoes 16 dozen = 12Ă—16 = 192 mangoes Price of 192 mangoes = 1685 1685 126 mangoes = 192 Ă— 126 = 1100 (approx.) đ?‘Ľđ?‘Ś

25. (B) Effect on revenue receipts= x + y+ 100 = (30) + (-20) + = 4 % increase

30 (−20) 100

26. (B) Let C.P. of 1st T.V. =x So 120% of X= 840 X= 700 Let C.P. of 2nd T.V. = y So 96 % of y=960 Y = 1000 Total S.P. =840 +960= 1800 Total C.P. = 700 +1000= 1700 Profit= 100 100 Profit %= 1700 Ă—100 %= 515 17 % 27. (C) Let money of A, B, C & D be 5x, 2x, 4x, 3x respectively So 4x- 3x=1000 x=1000 Share of B= 2x= 2 Ă— 1000 = 2000 28. (B) Let the no. be X X-35 = 80% of X X= 175

Tilak Nagar – 9311566241/Karol Bagh – 8376934681/Pitampura - 8376934648/Munirka - 9650549487



So X Ă—5 = 175Ă—5 = 140 29. (E) Total no. of three digits = 900 No. without 6= 8 Ă— 9Ă—9= 648 No. with 6 as digit= 900-648= 252 30. (D) Let the age of Meenu 5 years ago be x years So the age of Meenu’s mother 5 year ago = 3x Present age of Meenu= x +5 Present age of Meenu’s mother = 3x +5 After 5 years đ?‘Ľ+5+5 1 So 3đ?‘Ľ+5+5= 2 So X= 10 Present age of Meenu=15 years 31. (B) Total age of 5 member family at present= 20Ă— 5 =100 Total age of 6 member family at present = 17 Ă— 6 =102 So the age of the child = 102- 100= 2 years 32. (E) For 2 years C.I. - S.I. = P .R2 / (100)2 đ?‘ƒ.12Ă—12 90= 100Ă—100 P= 6250 đ?‘&#x; So A= P (1+ )3 100 So A= 8780.80 33. (B) Price of one pair shoes= 99.99 Price of 15 pairs shoes= 99.99 Ă—15 = 1500 34. (D) a:b= 2:3 , b : c= 4:5 So a:b:c= 8: 12 : 15 So a2 :b2 : bc= 82 : 122 : 12Ă— 15 = 16: 36: 45 35. (B) Let the height of cone be h Radius of cone=r Volume = Ď€ r2 h New Height = 3h, Radius= r/2 Volume= Ď€ r2/4Ă— 3h 1 So volume decrease = 4 (Ď€r2h) Decrease %= 25 36. (D) The Sum of 50 observations = 36Ă— 50 =1800 Tilak Nagar – 9311566241/Karol Bagh – 8376934681/Pitampura - 8376934648/Munirka - 9650549487

The Sum of 50 observations should be= 1800+25 = 1825 New avg. = 1825/ 50=36.50 25

37. (A) Percentage reduction= 125 Ă—100 % =20 % 38. (B) 30% of A's salary = 20% of 3/5th of B's salary So A’ salary= 2/5 of B’s salary B’s salary= 2400 So A’s salary= 960 đ?‘ƒ đ?‘&#x; 2 (300+đ?‘&#x;) 100 3 2 =đ?‘? 10 (300+10) 620 100 2

39. (D) C.I. - S.I. = So P= 20,000

40. (A) Avg. Speed = =

2500 +1200 +500 5+3+2

đ?‘Ąđ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘‘đ?‘–đ?‘ đ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘’ đ?‘Ąđ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘šđ?‘’

=420 km/ hr

Tilak Nagar – 9311566241/Karol Bagh – 8376934681/Pitampura - 8376934648/Munirka - 9650549487

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