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Criminal attorney Concord NH Criminal Defense Because Good People,
Good Citizens and Good Kids Get Arrested ***** Plaintiffs' Personal Injury Cases Because Everybody Gets Hurt Sometime ***** Business Disputes Because We All Nee d to Make a Living ***** ***** ~Since 1980~ ***** Protecting the Legal Interests of Thousands Finding Creative Solutions Utili zing Bold Approaches
Criminal defense attorney Concord NH A good criminal defense lawyer will assert all available defenses on your behalf, b ut this does not guarantee success. There may also be technical or Constitutional d efenses that have more to do with botched procedure than with the facts of the case . Sometimes the State simply cannot prove the case to the satisfaction of the jury, for one reason or another.
Criminal lawyer Concord NH General Principles of Self-Protection 1. Do Not Talk ! 2. Do Not Consent to Any Search 3. Do Not Rely on Legal Advice from Anyone but a Criminal Defense Lawyer 4. Use Your Head 5. Recognize Reality
Personal injury attorney Concord NH lawyers rarely work miracles. It may be that all that a lawyer can do (especially i f you have talked to someone about the crime) is control the damage you have done t o yourself, by re-focusing attention away from the facts of the crime, and onto som e other aspect of the situation.
Personal injury lawyer Concord NH
CONTRACT LAW, THE LAW OF BUSINESS: provides security for the legal obligations contracting parties owe each other; provides assurances that parties will receive what they want from their transaction; provides for compensation for injury or dama ge resulting from the transaction. Because agreements are subject to individual int erpretation, a lawyer often becomes necessary --- to make sure that people receive their intended benefit, and that they suffer no harm. Builders, Farmers, Merchants, Shop Owners and others have found help over the years by calling me when a deal ju st didn't sound right, didn't look right, didn't feel right, didn't work right. Sor ting out all the issues, and making the transaction work --- that's what I do.
Malpractice attorney Concord NH Phone: 603-225-5663 Ted Barnes FAX: 603-225-7155 Eight Court Street Concord, New Hampshire 03301 e-mail : ted.barnes@myfairpoint.net
Malpractice lawyer Concord NH Cleaning Up A Mess of a Case Enforcing the Right to Counsel Police Stand-Off and Assaults Police Stand-Off and Assaults: Verdict "Hate Crime" Trial "Hate Crime" Verdict "Hate Crime" Appeal Dismissal of Attempted Murder Charge Dismissal of a Bomb Charge Dismissal of an alleged "threat" directed at the child of a public official Helping to Keep Church and State Separate