Vidyo Blog Post | January 10, 2014
VidyoWorks at CES: A Visual Collaboration Platform to Power The Internet of Things Vidyo technology and the VidyoWorks platform and APIs enable innovators to develop a variety of visual communication and collaboration tools and solutions that until recently could only be imagined.
In his keynote address at CES on Tuesday evening, Cisco’s CEO John Chambers envisioned a world in the not-too-distant future in which everyone and everything will be connected via the Internet. That’s right, “everything.” Garbage cans, parking spots, street lights, appliances, homes, businesses, hospitals, cars and entire connected cities. Couple this vision with the key innovations that have emerged from the halls of CES this week — such as wearable technology, interactive cars, Schwinn bicycles, and “smart” appliances (from electric toothbrushes to refrigerators) that are all-knowing and interactive – and it almost seems that in this new world of savvy washing machines and intuitive beds, there won’t be much room for human connection and interaction. Surely (hopefully) this won’t be the case, but even so, how do we keep humanto-human connection and communication from getting lost in this proliferation of connected everything-else? We believe that Vidyo has a jump on this. | 1-866-99-VIDYO
Vidyo technology and the VidyoWorks platform and APIs enable innovators to develop a variety of visual communication and collaboration tools and solutions that until recently could only be imagined. Vidyo’s versatile APIs allow developers to integrate the highest quality interactive video communications into virtually any “smart” device or appliance with similar connectivity and processing power as a smart phone. We’ve already seen Vidyo-enabled cars, medical equipment, educational tools, social networking applications and consumer games, and when there’s a demand for Vidyoenabled refrigerators or an interaction with a pharmacist via a drone that arrives at your door to deliver your latest prescription, know that it is possible to embed Vidyo communications. As we’ve highlighted in past blog posts, the affordability, flexibility and power offered by the softwarebased VidyoWorks platform has sparked the interest and imagination of a wide range of companies and organizations because it can be easily customized for individual enterprise and vertical market video communication needs. All of the chatter from this week’s CES offers much food for thought about the unstoppable flow of new technologies and the impact it will have on our lives. With that in mind, we urge developers to keep human connection and interactivity front and center when conjuring up their next gamechanging application, cloud service or device. Perhaps the world is not yet ready for video communications via smart toothbrush, but developers are leveraging VidyoWorks and our APIs today to build amazing apps to power the Internet world. | 1-866-99-VIDYO