Viega Voice - July 2017

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a publication of Viega LLC July 2017 Marketing Director Mark Brodie Marketing Manager Nancy Seidel


Creative Marketing Manager Molly Morrow


CONTENTS Inside the Walls

The Tool Box


22 FINS radiant installation

A letter from the President and CEO

Get Connected 4

Tiny house


New Viega headquarters

11 Connecticut barn 14 In-Wall installation

Content Marketing Editor Kristen White Graphic Designers Jason Green Ayanna Blueford Contributing authors Jason Allison, Dave Garlow,

28 MegaPress Stainless

Jacob Demars, Dominic Kung,

Fitting Trends

David Melendy, Kristen White

18 Residential fire sprinkler system

Contributing photographers

30 Company finds value in Viega Rewards

Jim Oertle, Laney Siegner,

31 Tech Talk

28 Company adds Viega for senior living

Suzette Bienvenue, Jason Green, Mark Waldron Future articles and tips Please send in your interesting stories and tips relating to Viega products for possible publication in future issues of the Viega Voice to

ON THE COVER A team from UC Berkeley utilized several Viega products and ultimately won multiple awards in the Sacramento Municipal Utilities District Tiny House competition.

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t’s already been more than a year since we announced that Viega LLC would relocate our headquarters and build a state-of-the-art seminar center in the Denver area. So much has happened in the past 18 months, and I want to share with you some of the exciting highlights of the move and other events. A site in Broomfield, Colorado, was chosen for Viega’s new North America headquarters; a second Viega training facility was incorporated into the design, to ease some of the burden on Nashua as well as make training for accessible for West Coast and Midwest users. Recruiting for growth, along with the need for a much larger pool of candidates, were key drivers in relocating our headquarters. Having headquarters in such a desirable location as Colorado opens up the candidate pool to essentially all of the United States. Additionally, direct flights from Denver International Airport make business travel much easier. We broke ground in July at our new location and now eagerly await the finished product! Tentative completion is late 2018. We can’t wait to open the doors to our new facility and invite the rest of the Viega family and our business partners in to check it out. You can get a sneak peek at the facility on pages 8-9 of this issue. Fueled by the desire for continuous company wide improvements, as well as Viega’s long-term reinvestment strategy, countless projects, initiatives and events have been started during the past year. As the Viega Group of Companies enters its fifth generation of family ownership, long-term horizons are often discussed in terms of generations and legacy. This unique perspective, coupled with such a willingness to invest, will ensure the longterm success of this company.

“We are a team devoted to giving our customers the highest quality solutions and service in the industry.”

Dave Garlow

President and CEO Viega LLC

Viega. Connected in quality.

“We were able to easily fit the product within our wall and floor cavities, and the ManaBloc fit into our little mechanical room nicely.� Laney Siegner

Project Manager

The UC Berkeley entry won numerous awards, including Home Life and Best Craftsmanship.

4 | Viega Voice | July 2017



he tiny-house craze is huge – TV

competition was announced. After Fred

shows, blogs, daily articles in the

Bauman, a project scientist at CBE, had

procurement,” she said. “We had a limited

news and websites are dedicated to the

some initial meetings with the team, he

budget, and we wanted to be off-grid and

trend. Now Viega has a hand in it, too –

contacted his friend Michael Sullivan, a

do a lot of innovative water and efficiency

contributing to a tiny-house competition

Viega radiant sales manager.

technologies. When we got in touch

“We did a lot of outreach for materials

in California. The team from University

“They’re such a strong research team

with Michael, he was totally amazing. He

of California, Berkeley utilized different

there. When I heard what they were doing

came through with a delivery of supplies,

Viega products and finished second in the

(the tiny house), I met with the team that

a bunch of things he thought we might

competition, pulling in some other awards

had several students involved and they

need, and was very on the mark. We didn’t

as well.

went over the project and their needs. I

know exactly what we needed, and it was

Viega is a member of the Center

was fascinated with it!” Sullivan said. “I

amazing, a much greater amount than we

for the Built Environment (CBE), a UC

looked at their drawings, and I contacted

ended up needing in the end.”

Berkeley-sponsored scientific research

my boss and gave him the overview and

partner, so the collaboration on the

asked if we could help out.”

tiny house grew from that relationship.

Laney Siegner, in her third year of

The team made good use of the Viega PureFlow system, installing PureFlow PEX in red and blue for hot and cold potable

Students from the CBE formed a team

the Energy and Resources group PhD

water, and also purple for reclaimed water,

to compete in the tiny-house building

program at Berkeley, was one of the

as well as polymer PureFlow Press Fittings.

competition, and Viega came on board as

project managers and led the design of

The PEX in ½" and ¾" was utilized on the

a sponsor of the entry, providing products,

the water and wastewater systems. She

project, and the team was also able to use

loaning tools and giving some advice to

said that coordinating with Sullivan and

a ManaBloc in the mechanical room. They

what became a very successful venture.

having Viega's help was great.

continued on page 6

Other awards the Berkeley entry garnered were for sustainability, water conservation, home life and best craftsmanship. The tiny home used some unique and efficient ways to save or reuse water, and that came with the help of Viega products. Building a tiny house Sponsored by SMUD (Sacramento Municipal Utility District), the Tiny House Competition initially began in 2014, when colleges and universities across California were encouraged to field teams and submit initial plans. There was a twoyear time frame for the competition, with judging in late 2016. Given the focus of the CBE – where teams research things like mechanical systems for commercial buildings – it made sense for the organization to put together a team when the tiny house

UC Berkeley graduate students in the Center for the Built Environment worked countless hours to build their tiny house alongside their regular studies.

Viega. Connected in quality.


In the tiny house, the Viega PureFlow system circulates hot and cold potable water, as well as reclaimed water.

chose to cover it with clear plastic, so

to produce its own energy and use as little

turbidity, but we determined it was okay

the plumbing is still visible in the

water as possible. Caroline Karmann, a

for several uses.”

completed home.

PhD candidate at Berkeley who served

The recycled and filtered water is

Sullivan loaned the team a Rigid 210

as architect for the tiny house, had a big

mostly used for watering plants and

tool for pressing and showed the group

job. She designed the entire draft, which

for landscaping. Siegner said after the

how to use hand PEX Press tools.

Sullivan said in the end led to a design

competition was complete, some of

Siegner said the use of PureFlow

that was “very clean, elegant and truly

the team members worked to redesign

PEX products was perfect for a tiny-

fulfilled what was needed” to make the

the planter boxes so the UV light could

house setup.

idea a reality.

function more effectively and hopefully

“We were able to easily fit the product

With the high aspirations of energy

within our wall and floor cavities, and the

efficiency in mind, the team worked to

ManaBloc fit into our little mechanical

create a system to recycle as much water

showerhead and sink, so on a day that

room nicely,” she explained. “It all worked

as they could for a second use.

the house is “well-used,” meaning two

really well. The plumbing system looked really elegant.” Using Viega products for innovative ideas Sullivan said part of the reason he was eager to have Viega work with the tinyhouse crew was the innovative ideas the group had for the small living space. He called the ingenuity “fascinating” and was excited to see how it turned out. The Berkeley team wanted their tiny house to be completely off the grid, able

6 | Viega Voice | July 2017

remove even more bacteria. The tiny house has a low-flow

“Our concept was to pump the

showers and dishwashing, there are only

greywater to planter boxes on the back

about 15 gallons of greywater collected.

end of the trailer/house and then filter it

“The goal was to make it a proof

through the planter boxes, through a UV

of concept of how little water you can

disinfection light, and then recollect it

use within a residence and still be

as filtered greywater,” Siegner said. “We

comfortable,” Siegner said. “We were

recycled greywater from the kitchen sink

going for this low-tech meets high-tech

and shower.

thing. Our energy system is very high-

“Our highly ambitious goal was to

tech with solar panels, but the water

get the water back to potable, but we

system is more appropriate technology

couldn’t quite achieve that. We did a lot

for a variety of contexts, including other

of testing on it, and there was still a little

countries where water infrastructure isn’t as present.”


“The high quality of Viega’s products has been a key aspect in the functionality of our water systems, which is unusual and complex since we are off-grid. We were profoundly lucky to have this collaboration with Viega.” Caroline Karmann Project Architect

The PureFlow PEX products played a big role in the whole water system, with lots of tubing used not only for hot and cold water output, but to move the greywater through the recycling system. “It really fascinated me that they were going to recycle the greywater through a system on board, basically channeling it through a series of plants that eat the bacteria,” Sullivan said. “I’ve seen homes in the past do this and it’s quite challenging, even in a standard lot, and they were going to do it on the back end of a tiny house, so that really intrigued me!” The idea impressed the judges of the competition, too, since Berkeley’s team won the award for water conservation, as well as for overall sustainability. “Viega’s support was essential and extremely important for the success of our project,” said Karmann. “The high quality of Viega’s products has been a key aspect in the functionality of our water systems, which is unusual and complex since we are off-grid. We were profoundly lucky to have this collaboration with Viega.” Viega. Connected in quality.




spacious, open work environment

“It’s been designed for optimal

with brainstorming areas, multiple

The new corporate office building will

collaboration,” said Chief Operations

be approximately 50,000 square feet on

conference rooms and quiet focus rooms,

Officer Robert Boots. “We want to

three floors, and is designed for more than

a plethora of Viega products used and

facilitate great communication

200 employees. The building will feature

on display, beautiful mountain views and

among colleagues.”

an open work environment with ergonomic

plenty of room for future growth, not to

Boots said it was also important to

workstations. The theme is warm, modern

mention a state-of-the-art seminar center –

showcase Viega products in the corporate

and efficient, Erkelenz said, including

the new Viega North America headquarters

office building. What better place to show

indoor and outdoor seating off the large

has it all.

the ultimate functionality of Viega than in

break room/kitchen and lots of spaces to

the company’s own building?

collaborate or work quietly, depending on

Viega LLC broke ground for its new corporate headquarters office building and

“We’ll be using our own materials,

the need.

seminar center in Broomfield, Colorado,

of course, and making things visible,”

in July. The structures, designed by OZ

said Lars Erkelenz, director of supply

choice,” Erkelenz said. “We want to help

Architecture in Denver, feature modern

chain development and controlling. The

colleagues be creative.”

architecture with a Colorado-inspired

project will use products including in-wall

theme that includes lots of cross-laminated

flushing systems, Viega Pureflow System,

perks, too – ample opportunity for outdoor

timber for a warm feel. The entire campus

snowmelt and radiant heating, ProPress

recreation nearby, beautiful views of

is on nearly 12 acres of land, leaving

Copper, ProPress Stainless and Viega Fire

the Flat Irons mountains, restaurants

plenty of room for future buildings as

Protection systems.

and shopping nearby, as well as nearby

Viega LLC continues to grow. 8 | Viega Voice | July 2017

“We want to be an employer of

There are lots of other employee

"We’re really planting our roots in the area. This is an exciting time for Viega.” Robert Boots

Chief Operations Officer, Viega LLC

connection to major highways. There are

the West Coast to experience not only

This facility in Colorado will support

multiple lodging establishments in close

classroom learning but also unmatched

architects, engineers, contractors,

proximity to the campus for visitors and

hands-on instruction with Viega products

code officials and distributors in the

seminar center attendees.

for plumbing, piping and radiant heating

western region of North America,"

and cooling applications,” said Jason

Gottermeier said.

The seminar center will be approximately 25,000 square feet on one floor,

McKinnon, director of technical services.

and will include a cafeteria to hold up to

“This cutting-edge facility will offer

The location for Viega LLC’s campus was chosen for its attractiveness on many

80 people at a time. With the Viega train-

additional classroom space as well as a

fronts. Denver is a popular place to many

ing center in Nashua, New Hampshire,

hands-on workshop that is nearly double

employees, and Broomfield is a “strong

consistently well-attended, the new center

the size of our facility in Nashua, meaning

growth hub,” Erkelenz said.

in Broomfield will likely attract more users

more opportunity for customer training

from the western part of the United States,

and continued industry partnerships.”

allowing us to better serve our customers. “The new Broomfield seminar center allows Viega to continue our commitment

Robert Gottermeier, VP of business

an important attribute, with direct international flights to and from Denver,

McKinnon’s thoughts, noting that industry

making business easier.

education and training is a core focus

successes we’ve had in New England

at Viega.

accessible location for those who live on

of Denver International Airport as

development for Viega, echoed

to industry education. Building on the over the past decade, we will have a more

Boots noted the easy accessibility

“We offer information on applications and systems in all phases of this industry.

“We’re really planting our roots in the area,” Boots said. “This is an exciting time for Viega.” Target completion date is late 2018.

Viega. Connected in quality.

Earn press tools and other great rewards with the snap of your smartphone. Look for the Viega Rewards sticker on ViegaPEX Barrier tubing, scan the QR code and watch your points add up! Redeem points for press tools, vacations, electronics, jewelry and so much more. Use your current jobs to help you get ahead for future ones or simply treat yourself to something special.




Sign up by August 31 and receive 250 bonus points.* Download the app and start scanning today!


* Must choose “Viega Voice” from pull-down menu on registration page. Offer valid for new users only. 10 | Viega Voice | July 2017


Radiant heat was the best solution for this open 5,000-square-foot barn in Connecticut.


5,000-square-foot living area that’s mostly post and beam without many

interior walls poses a challenge in hiding the pipes. Modern Plumbing and Heating in New Canaan, Connecticut, took on the big challenge when they worked on a new-build barn for a previous client. And 180 pages of plans later, the project came together without a hitch. The floor of the barn, as the homeowners affectionately refer to the building, is nearly all steel and concrete, and contractor Joe Keegan said it was a “cool project, just tough. Everything there was tough because there was steel everywhere!” continued on page 12 Viega. Connected in quality.

GET CONNECTED Keegan said he knows and understands the trend of homeowners maximizing open spaces, but for a contractor it means there are less places to hide pipes and other elements integral to the comfort and usability of the home. For years, the homeowners had talked about remodeling a barn that was on the property. When a tremendous snow load caused it to collapse, it was an open door to completely start over and do whatever they could imagine. Keegan’s company had helped the property owners on their home, so calling in Modern Plumbing and Heating to work on the barn certainly made sense. “They were always planning on turning the barn into a living space, so when it collapsed, they could start fresh,” Keegan said. “It’s huge and open, a lot of steel and glass but it’s very efficient. It’s a gathering place that’s modern and cool.” The entire 5,000-square-foot structure is warmed with radiant heat, thanks to Viega, and the barn is equipped with ProPress Copper and MegaPressG. Viega ball valves were also installed. Keegan said he wanted to have “every part of the Viega system, not other pieces.” Keegan said because the barn is so open, and has so much glass, from a comfort standpoint he believed radiant

“Viega is, to me, a company for craftsmen and people who really take pride in what they do. It’s about quality, which is why Viega is such a good fit for us.” Joe Keegan Contractor, Modern Plumbing and Heating

heating was the only option. A lot went into the project. Keegan said plans were in the works for more than two years before a shovel went into the ground. Because there was so much time invested in the design of things, the actual build and installation went very smoothly. “Every single pipe in every direction had to be accounted for. There was no place to hide anything,” Keegan said. “It was so precise; there was a lot of time on the prep side.” The decision to use Viega was all up to Modern Plumbing. The homeowners left the decisions to Keegan’s expertise. And for Keegan, there was nothing to consider. “We really only use Viega. If we’re going to do radiant especially, everything we do is Viega,” Keegan said. “We’re big fans of copper, and even for heat lines we like copper, so it’s all ProPress. 12 | Viega Voice | July 2017

The barn utilizes Viega ProRadiant, as well as ProPress Copper and MegaPressG products.

GET CONNECTED “We’ve been doing radiant heat from the earliest days. We used ProPress about 13 years ago, and it was actually a Viega Voice article that sold it for me,” Keegan said. “There were a bunch of gas manifolds at a strip mall as far as the eye could see in one picture, and I thought, ‘If this mechanical company can invest in Viega and they’re not afraid, how much longer are we going to wait?’ Our first ProPress job was so fast that all of us just laughed at how fast we could do it. We never thought about looking back.” From there, Keegan said he jumped on MegaPress when it entered the market, knowing the success he’d had with ProPress. He loves that Modern Plumbing and Heating can compete with larger companies that might have more manpower, because he can save so much on labor with just a single ProPress tool. He said he remembers years ago, a few months after he started pressing with Viega, his young children asking him if he still worked. Puzzled, he asked for an explanation. They said he didn’t “smell like work” anymore, which had spurred their questions. “Smelling like work was flux and solder and smoke from soldering,” he said. “I think from a health standpoint, I can’t imagine why anybody would still be soldering. The health benefits we must be reaping from using ProPress! I remember going on vacation, and for days after you stopped working you’d have grease in your skin, coming out of your fingers.” Health benefits aside, Keegan also loves the slick look of a Viega system, and said he’s happy to offer such a top-of-theline system to his customers. “This was a high-end customer, and they were very particular about what they wanted. So they chose a craftsman – that was us – and we chose Viega. We’re a fit for one another,” Keegan said. “Viega is, to me, a company for craftsmen and people who really take pride in what they do. Do we save labor? Of course. And the products allow us to do jobs we wouldn’t otherwise look at. But it’s about quality, which is why Viega is such a good fit for us.”

Viega. Connected in quality.



eauty. Hygiene. Elegance. Ease of use. Simplicity in cleaning. There were

change to the wall-mounted toilet. But after it was all said and done,

places around the bottom of the bowl that gather dirt.”

lots of reasons the Geisthoff family decided

Giese concluded he didn’t see any cons

to install a Viega in-wall flushing system

to the in-wall system, and now that he

removes the crevices between the bowl

when they remodeled their bathroom.

knows the ins and outs of installing one,

and tank, which are often more difficult

it will be simpler next time around.

to clean. Plus, with the bowl lifted off the

Homeowners Lynne and Christian Geisthoff decided to completely overhaul

“I’d put one in my house,” he said.

As an extra bonus, an in-wall system

floor it’s easy to run a mop underneath. All

a hallway bath – used primarily by their

“There’s such a wide price range, and

of this adds up to a quicker, simpler job

child but also by guests – and change the

some of them don’t cost a lot more than a

when cleaning the bathroom.

room from a dated space to one with a

standard system. It cleans up the bathroom,

crisp, modern style.

plus there’s the sanitary aspect.”

“The bathroom was stuck in the

For Lynne Geisthoff, the sanitary

“I also like the sleek, contemporary look,” Geisthoff said. “It makes the room look bigger, a little more spacious without

'90s. There was really nothing wrong

aspect was a big selling point. That’s why

with it, but it was just outdated,” Lynne

she chose the touchless flush plate. With

She said she was pleasantly surprised

said. “We’re familiar with the European

the wave of a hand, a small or large flush

with how quickly the whole in-wall system

systems and, really, the cleaning options

is triggered. They also picked a high-

was installed, and after the bathroom

with kids … this really helps promote

tech toilet, complete with push-button

remodel was completed, she regretted not

personal hygiene.”

technology, to open the lid or flip up

putting an in-wall system in the bathroom

the seat, helping to reduce contact with

they’d previously remodeled. So when


the time comes for the next bathroom

One of the perks, hygienically speaking, in the newly finished bathroom

the tank.”

is the Viega touchless flush plate. Alan

“I love the hygiene,” she said. “The

Giese of Giese Construction in Boulder,

cleaning option is nice, too, because with

and touchless flush plate will be on the

Colorado, took on the bathroom remodel

a wall-mounted system you don’t have the

Geisthoff ’s shopping list once again.

for the family, installing the touchless alpine-white glass flush plate, the in-wall flushing system, and all the other sleek, new components in the bathroom. He’d never worked with the in-wall carrier system, so while Giese said there was a learning curve to installing it, in the end it was simple enough, and he could certainly understand the appeal. “This was all new to me,” he said. “I watched a few videos prior to doing it. It was a little more in-depth (than a standard toilet installation) because of the electrical work to the system and all new water lines.” There were a few hiccups too – particularly that the framing of the house made moving the plumbing around a little more challenging to accommodate the

14 | Viega Voice | July 2017


remodel, no doubt an in-wall system

Installing the tank behind the wall saves space in the finished bathroom.


“I like the sleek, contemporary look. It makes the room look more spacious.� Lynne Geisthoff


Viega. Connected in quality.

A SYMBOL FREEDOM That also takes a stand for fire protection For something as grand as liberty itself, only the state-of-the-art and proven fire protection of the Viega ProPress Copper piping system will do. The precise manufacturing, highest standards in material and build quality, and extreme reliability make the landmark of freedom a whole lot safer. Viega. Connected in quality.

Statue of Liberty, New York City, New York, USA



RESIDENTIAL FIRE PROTECTION ON A LARGE SCALE A residential fire sprinkler system is an asset in any home, especially in one like this.

18 | Viega Voice | July 2017


“Installation of a residential sprinkler system eliminates concerns for firefighters who might have to go in and extract someone who is injured.” Alan Larson Manager of Technical Services, Reliable Automatic Sprinkler


ire safety is essential in any home,

important from a life safety aspect. It’s life

no matter the size. Designed and

safety for the occupants of the house, but

installed with the intent to quickly get

also there are aspects of firefighter safety

occupants out of a home to safety,

as well.”

residential fire sprinkler systems in the

Larson said fire protection systems

U.S. have an excellent track record of not

are important in all homes, but in a

only keeping people safe, but oftentimes

larger dwelling like this residence they

helping to preserve the structure, too, in

can sometimes play an even bigger role

some instances.

because the distance to get out of the

From a one-bedroom apartment to a

house or the number of stairs to go down

large-scale dream home to a commercial

could potentially be much larger than in a

building or office space, fire sprinkler

2,000-square-foot home.

systems play an important role in health

Thanks to the partnership with

and safety. Viega knows the importance of

Reliable, Viega came in on the project,

fire protection, which is why we partnered

working with the contractor, Century, and

with Reliable Automatic Sprinkler

Elite Plumbing to install thousands of feet

Company and began manufacturing Viega

of PureFlow PEX throughout the home.

PureFlow PEX fire protection systems

The Viega 13D residential fire protection

in 2010. A good system was certainly a

system was installed with Reliable

necessity in the custom-built home for

concealed pendents and concealed

the head coach of the Clemson University

horizontal sidewall sprinklers. Viega’s

national champions football team. And

design team helped create the plans for

Viega was on board to help.

the project, which includes the red and blue PEX for plumbing and black for the

Protecting a big investment The home, almost 21,000 square feet,

fire sprinkler. “Reliable really helped Viega get its

includes features like an indoor basketball

foot in the door on this project,” said

court, a tiger-shaped pool (the Clemson

Viega District Manager Chris Mobley.

mascot), an elevator and large garages.

“We’d hoped to meet with the plumber

While all that might be above and beyond

for a while and Ferguson helped get us a

what most people have in their homes, fire

meeting. The plumber had already inked

sprinkler systems can be a great asset for

a deal with a competitor to provide the

any size of residence.

tubing, but when we met with him, he

“There are probably close to 200 sprinkler heads in the house,” said Alan

moved entirely to our system.” Mobley said the group at Elite

Larson, manager of technical services for

Plumbing noted that they were impressed

Reliable Automatic Sprinkler. “Really, in

that Viega makes its own resin and

any single-family home, fire sprinklers are

combines the flexibility often seen in PEX-a tubing with the superior durability Viega. Connected in quality.


ratings often seen in PEX-b tubing,

Being a custom home, there were

to line up the bracket with the bottom of

prompting the company to make the

many changes to the project as it

the ceiling joist eliminates the need for

switch to Viega.

progressed, and some of those changes

detailed measurement and guesswork

That opened the door for more

affected the fire sprinkler system. For

of proper alignment. This allows users

changes. Elite Plumbing had initial plans

example, the ceilings were altered from

to mount the pendents according to the

to use Viega crimp fittings to join the

the initial plans, changing in some places

design layout and then run the tubing.

system components, but after a PureFlow

from a flat to a vaulted ceiling. Those

All of these innovative features create a

Press demo, the installation efficiencies,

changes meant some redesign needed to

system that saves labor and leads the way

consistency of connection, and the

be done on the fly, but thanks to the literal

for a consistent installation.

ability to pressure test immediately was

flexibility of PEX, and the support of the

appealing, so they chose to install a full

Viega Design Services team, modifications

exactly what most people think, Larson

PureFlow Press system.

were simpler.

said. Residential systems are designed

One key advantage of installing a residential fire sprinkler system with PEX is the tubing flexibility and installation speed.

Fire protection systems don’t do

and installed to give occupants of a home Viega fire protection and safety Viega fire sprinkler systems are

time to escape a fire. The systems are not truly designed to extinguish a fire –

All the workers on site, said Larson,

versatile and easy to install. Installers can

however, statistics show that more than

“grasped the concept quickly of trying

mount the sprinklers before running the

90% of the time, fire sprinklers do help put

to minimize fittings. That’s the beauty of

PEX tubing, which saves time and labor

out the flames.

using PEX to begin with: it’s flexible,

costs compared to CPVC.

so you don’t have to fit in as many

“They activate so quickly that they

Viega also offers an innovative and

catch the fire while it’s still small, and they

elbows and connections, and it

versatile installation mounting bracket that

just have a fantastic track record in terms

speeds installation.”

can be used with all pendent styles and

of how well they operate and control

in every sprinkler configuration The ability

fires,” Larson said.

20 | Viega Voice | July 2017


According to the National Fire

loss per fire is cut by about 70 percent

years ago. There are a lot of lighter-weight

Protection Association, home fire

as compared to residential fires where

materials – more plastics and foams and

sprinklers can control and may even

sprinklers are not present.

things – so lightweight construction can

extinguish a fire in less time than it would

“Installation of a residential sprinkler

be bad if you’ve got a roof coming down

take for the fire department to arrive

system eliminates concerns for firefighters

or a floor falling out from under firefighters.

on the scene. Automatic fire sprinkler

who might have to go in and extract

Sprinklers help lessen that worry.”

systems cut the risk of dying in a home

someone who is injured,” Larson noted.

Tom Multer, the vice president of

fire by nearly 80 percent. And in a home

“We build houses today much differently

product technology for Reliable, said

with sprinklers, the average property

than we did 20 years ago, or certainly 50

that Reliable is a strong supporter of organizations like The National Fire Protection Association, The American Fire


Protection Association, The Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition and more. Fire safety is of the utmost importance to the company. “We believe that all homes should be

■ Home fire sprinklers can control and may even extinguish a fire in less time

protected with fire sprinkler systems,”

than it would take the fire department to arrive on the scene.

he said. “What would be a better way

■ Automatic fire sprinkler systems cut the risk of dying in a home fire by

to bring national attention to home fire

nearly 80 percent.

sprinklers than ensuring that the coach of

■ In a home with sprinklers, the average property loss per fire is cut by about 70

the National Championship team lives in

percent as compared to residential fires where sprinklers are not present.

a home that is protected from the perils of fire by a residential fire sprinkler system?”

Thousands of feet of Viega PEX run through the home for the fire sprinkler system (shown here in black) as well as to provide potable water.

Viega. Connected in quality.

“The kids walk into the [warm] changing area, and I think that’s the biggest benefit. It’s pleasant to walk on the warm tile. It enhanced the customer experience.” Liam Goudeket Aquatics Director, FINS

22 | Viega Voice | July 2017



exas might not be top of mind when thinking about radiant heating,

It isn’t just warm floors. Radiant

There was a short turnaround to get

heats the objects in a room, making the

the radiant tubing installed, as concrete

but when some longtime customers

environment more comfortable without the

was about to be poured. Nelson said he

mentioned radiant floor warming for their

energy-intensive process of heating air.

and his crew had 3,000 feet of PureFlow

new building, Raymond Nelson knew

Within a week, Barrile had brought

PEX Barrier tubing, which installed was

exactly what to do: he called his Viega

out the ProMotion truck, Viega’s mobile

11 different loops in the concrete slab.

rep and got the ball rolling.

showroom with components for radiant

In the finished building, radiant heated

onboard, and showed Goudeket and

areas make up about 1,200-1,500 of the

Nelson the parts and pieces.

total 8,000 square feet.

FINS is a swim instruction company located in the Houston, Texas, area. President and CEO Bill Goudeket

“I was really impressed with the

“I thought there was no way we’d get

decided he was ready to build his fourth

Viega ProMotion Truck that displayed the

it done with only two days to put it in,”

location, FINS of Cypress, and he called

products and Joe’s eagerness to get on

Nelson said about the radiant tubes. “But

on Nelson, owner of Raymond Nelson

the project. It told us this was a company

we zip-tied it to the rebar, and it went

Plumbing, to help.

that deals with this type of product,”

really quickly. I was surprised, to get it

Goudeket said of Viega.

done in that time crunch.”

The newest location features radiant heating to help keep students comfortable in and out of the pool and

continued on page 24

changing areas. And although Nelson hadn’t installed radiant products before, he was confident that Viega was his go-to source. “This was my first go at radiant,” he said. “I’ve done some ProPress and MegaPress, and when this popped up I said, ‘Here we go!’” Nelson is friends with Viega District Manager Joe Barrile, who was excited to introduce Nelson to radiant heating. And the Goudeket family was excited to put the project into their new facility. “I’d heard about radiant heating a long time ago, and I thought it would be a big benefit to what we do,” said Liam Goudeket, aquatics director for FINS. “We don’t get long cold snaps in Houston, but we want to make it warm and comfortable indoors for whatever the weather. I heard radiant was a different type of heat compared to traditional heat.” Viega. Connected in quality.


“I was really impressed with the Viega ProMotion Truck that displayed the products. It told us [Viega] was a company that deals with this type of product.” Liam Goudeket Aquatics Director, FINS

The concept of radiant heat at

was a nice thing. In the shower area,

FINS stemmed from the idea to help

the kids walk out and into the [warm]

keep customers, especially children,

changing area, and I think that’s the

comfortable so they’d have more fun

biggest benefit. It's pleasant to walk on

and more success with their swimming

the warm tile. It enhances the customer

skills. The decks of the pool are heated


with radiant, as are the changing areas.

Followthrough from Viega was excellent,

That brought along some challenges

too, he said. Even after the product was

in keeping the heating in the specified

installed and construction was complete,

areas at temperatures so that parent

Barrile – with the expertise of Viega behind

spectators or staff not in the water were

him – was still there to consult.

still comfortable too.

“It was helpful having Ray and Joe

In this particular climate zone and

come out after,” Goudeket said, speaking

working with the needs of the customers,

about how he received help and support

Viega’s heating design team strived to

from Viega in making adjustments to the

create a system that would decrease the

radiant system during the startup phase.

overall amount of energy used to heat the

“Learning how to adjust the flow and the

space, keep occupants more comfortable

timers, that level of understanding and

and even reduce slipping hazards by

helping us fine-tune and get familiar with

evaporating water on the pool deck faster.

the zones was great.”

“Our air heaters kicked on a lot less

This unique installation shows that

in this facility over the winter [with the

Viega’s radiant systems can be used as

radiant],” Goudeket said. “For customers,

an uncommon solution for certain projects

forcing that moisture off the pool deck

and can be brought to climates that might otherwise be overlooked.

24 | Viega Voice | July 2017




Employees at Levan Machine and Truck Equipment will be comfortable in their new work location, no matter the season, after Viega radiant heat was installed in the 8,000-square-foot manufacturing bay. Larry Kegerise of Earl F. Kegerise Inc. installed several Viega products, including radiant heat, ProPress for air and water lines and MegaPress for gas lines throughout the building. The business is located in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania, and thanks to radiant, the employees will be very comfortable in the cold months ahead. Levan Machine and Truck Equipment is a regional factory distributor for truck bodies and snowplows. The business nearly quadrupled its building size in the upgrade, located just up the road from the former location. The new location brings many improvements, such as a 20-foot ceiling that will allow for an overhead crane to lower a body onto a chassis and three drivethrough bays with 12-by-16-foot doors, big enough for tractor trailers when needed. The owner of Levan originally considered overhead radiant tube heaters for the large open work space, but when he spoke to owners of a company in New York doing similar work, that owner suggested that in-floor radiant heat was the only way to go in a cold climate such as the East Coast. In-floor radiant produces better, more energy-efficient heat, keeping working conditions consistently comfortable. Radiant heating also

In-floor radiant heating will keep working conditions comfortable for the crew at Levan Machine and Truck Equipment in Pennsylvania.

produces a temperature gradient that is warmer at the floor level, where workers are located, as opposed to a forced-air system, where the conditioned air rises and heats unoccupied space. Kegerise and his team laid radiant tubing in the slab and hooked everything up to the manifolds in short order. Come the crisp fall days and cold winter months ahead, the twodozen-plus employees at Levan will have comfortable working conditions to continuing serving the region.

Viega. Connected in quality.



hen CCI Plumbing of Lakewood, Colorado, secured a contract to

work on a new three-story senior-living facility, it seemed like a good time to consider pressing. It would be a new venture for the seasoned company and staff, and after President Jed Mallard took two of his project managers to Nashua, New Hampshire, for training, they were all sold on Viega products. They returned home, and CCI invested in multiple sets of Ridgid press tools to use for the project, which includes all the plumbing, water and gas pipe for the 165,000-square-foot building. The facility has multiple commercial kitchens and dining areas, a salon, spa, indoor pool and fitness areas, as well as 141 tenant units, which gave CCI the opportunity to install Viega ProPress, MegaPress, PureFlow Press and ManaBloc products in a variety of sizes. “Part of our plan was to determine with this project how much of a competitive edge using the Viega products and press tools could give us,” Mallard said. “We knew that we would be able to save on installation costs but did not really have a good baseline to know exactly what that would look like.” Mallard has been in the commercial construction and services industry for more than 27 years. He purchased CCI – established in 1989 – in late 2015 and has been building on the company’s legacy. One of his goals is to have a broad array of projects to pursue, and Mallard knew that utilizing pressing technology could help him diversify his offerings. “I’ve been fortunate to have reallife experiences and exposure to many aspects of our industry,” Mallard said. “I’ve had the good fortune to work alongside

26 | Viega Voice | July 2017

Viega PEX Press and ManaBloc products will provide the potable water for this new senior living facility in Colorado, which will have 141 tenant units and various amenities.


and learn from some very talented people.

CCI Plumbing had previously done some

system had a very low margin of error. He

One common theme that has stood out

crimp ring work through the years, but

wanted to learn more.

to me through my positions is that there

Mallard said his field crews didn’t much

is almost always a better way to do

care for the system – there were too many

introduction between CCI and Viega,

something, and just because something

factors and limitations that could affect

bringing District Manager Roy Sevigny out

has always been done a certain way

installation that could cause leaks. Upon

to give an introduction to Viega products.

doesn’t mean that’s the best way.”

reading some case studies about Viega

When Mallard was ready to make the final

fittings, he said he and his staff felt like the

decision of whether to go with Viega or a

This was top of mind when he considered adopting press technology.

Ferguson helped facilitate the

competitor, he chose to attend training in Nashua at the Viega facility.

“The training [in Nashua] was great. It was a good mix of introduction, product capability, real-world field knowledge from the presenter Troy [Locke], hands-on experience and real-life scenarios.” Jed Mallard President, CCI Plumbing

“The training [in Nashua] was great. It was a good mix of introduction, product capability, real-world field knowledge from the presenter Troy [Locke], hands-on experience and real-life scenarios.” Mallard said he wanted two of his senior project managers to attend the training to help make the decision and to get buy-in from the field. If they weren’t sold on Viega then he wouldn’t make the investment. “I needed to know that my guys who would be using the tools and installing these products felt that this was a better way to do things as well,” he said. Everyone was in favor. Mallard said he was also impressed by the support he knew he’d receive from his local representative, Sevigny, and the staff at Ferguson, and knowing that Viega had recently relocated its North American headquarters to the Denver area was also a factor, because he liked that the company was investing in his home state. He met other contractors at Nashua during training, who had already implemented Viega products, and Mallard said he heard all good things from them. That positive reputation was also a plus. As Mallard continues to grow his business, he’s excited to have Viega in his arsenal. The door is wide open for possibilities. “I can see Viega also being huge for the retrofit market, where time is a big factor,” he said. “It can be a big advantage on a project with critical time constraints and factors. We see the Viega products and tools helping to diversify the projects we can take on.” Expected completion for the seniorliving facility is late 2017 or early 2018.

Viega. Connected in quality.




famous quote,

if imitation is the best form of flattery,

joining methods, such as soldering or

misattributed to

our competitors are flattering us a lot

welding. Additionally, without having to

these days.

introduce heat into the process, there are

Henry Ford, says, “If I had asked my customers what

When hearing the horse quote, some

no fire watches or hot work permits, which

they wanted, they would

people will say it highlights the need to

can be costly and timely

have said faster horses.”

read between the lines of what customers

to acquire.

Here at Viega we don’t deal with cars or

are saying, while others take the stance

horses, but nonetheless we can relate to

we should not listen to the customer and

tradition of innovation, and has all the

the heart of this quote. Henry Ford was

instead continue down a visionary path

above-mentioned advantages of press.

not directly trying to solve the problem

of manufacturing innovation, despite

It is a great addition to any facility,

of slow horses; he was trying to innovate

customer input. Personally, I see it as a

organization or business, because it

and bring automobiles to the masses.

bit of both, especially in our case, where

allows timely repair, predictable installation

And when Viega first introduced the press

our customers' voices need to be heard,

costs and less labor overall. It is also the

fitting in the United States, it was an

and our Viega research and design team

only system that can press onto schedule

innovative step for the plumbing market.

members can use their creativity and

40, and works with all off-the-shelf

vision to help solve the problems our

IPS-sized pipe. While some bemoan the

customers encounter every day.

cost of the fitting, studies have shown a

Ford’s revolutionary assembly lines, interchangeable parts and financing

I believe the quote also points out that

MegaPress Stainless carries on the

reduction of 50-90 percent in install times,

the automobile did not solve the problem

making MegaPress Stainless fittings

of slow horses, but instead it inadvertently

actually cheaper to install than most

solved the bigger problems of the day.

traditional methods.

Those problems included what to do

The reduction in installation time shifts

with the amount of horse manure being

the unpredictable labor costs associated

left on the streets or issues related to

with a project to a more calculable and

housing and feeding such a large animal

fixed material cost, which not only saves

workforce. Here at Viega, we are not

money but also allows the installer to

trying to solve the issue of slow plumbing

complete the job in a timelier fashion. This

methods, but our innovation has helped to

is where the real savings are realized, as

fix many of the underlying problems that

now you can complete the work in the half

plague our workforce today.

the time. All of this combined gives you

Many of our customers were

shorter downtimes in maintenance and

methods helped pave the way for modern

accustomed to working for long periods

repairs, or allows you greater versatility

manufacturing, design and purchasing.

in cramped spaces, lying in an awkward

in scheduling ongoing and upcoming

The biggest mistake he made was

position for minutes or even hours on end.

projects in everyday business.

getting complacent. He failed to continue

These issues were resolved by being able

to innovate, mostly by ignoring his

to make a reliable connection in seconds.

the many great Viega products that will

customers’ inputs and basing business

There’s also the ability to make a live

continue to push the innovation envelope

decisions solely on his vision. Fortunately,

connection quickly, without having to drain

in pipe joining technologies. We are not

Viega did not stop innovating, and has

the entire system. This can come in very

creating faster horses and revolutionizing

continued to bring new products to

handy in a repair situation, where often

the transportation industry, but we are

the pipe joining market and listening to

the cost of downtime far exceeds the cost

creating better and faster connections to

customers. Our copper ProPress and

of repair. Another issue users no longer

help revolutionize the pipe joining industry

carbon steel MegaPress lines were the

have to deal with thanks to pressing is

– on time and under budget.

first of their kind in the U.S. market, and

toxic fumes that emanate from traditional

28 | Viega Voice | July 2017

MegaPress Stainless is another of

“Here at Viega, our innovation has helped to solve many of the underlying problems that plague our workforce today.� Dominic Kung

Product Manager, Viega LLC

Viega. Connected in quality.



he Dudley brothers are using their

“Most of our guys now have a battery-

more tubing diameters, noting that their

current jobs to get ahead for future

powered press tool, and we earned them

company will significantly up the reward

by purchasing products for existing jobs. It

points they accrue thanks to the changes.

jobs, thanks to Viega Rewards. Bob and Mike Dudley, president and CEO, respectively, of Harris-Dudley

was great.” The company has, in fact, turned in

“There are some reward programs out there where you buy a whole bunch

Plumbing Company in Salt Lake City,

points nearly a dozen times since they

of stuff through a vendor or supplier, and

Utah, adopted the Viega Rewards

registered with Viega Rewards. It’s clear

then you hardly get anything back – you

program in September 2014, and they’ve

the program is working for Harris-Dudley

can buy a pen or a flashlight,” Mike

already reaped the benefits of it, trading in

and has given Bob and Mike a perfect way

said with a groan. “The Viega Rewards

their points multiple times for tools.

to reinvest in their company quickly.

program is definitely worth the time.”

In turn, they’ve been able to tool up

Harris-Dudley works on many high-

Reward points can be cashed in for

several of the company’s nearly 30 trucks

end custom homes in the Salt Lake

a variety of things, from press tools to

with battery-operated pressing tools.

City and Park City area, and most of

vacations, Apple products to jewelry, and

Instead of paying for tools out of pocket,

the homes include radiant heating and/

much more. Viega is making upgrades

they’re simply “getting them” for doing

or snow melting systems. The company

to the program as well, including a QR

something they already do – purchasing

provides plumbing and HVAC services

code that can be scanned via an app for

Viega ProRadiant products.

and solutions in the homes as well. It

simplicity, versus typing in a numbered

switched to Viega products around 2008,

code online.

“We were an early adopter. We didn’t let any of those little stickers go unused,”

as a response to the frustrations their

Bob said, referring the stickers found

installers were having with a competitor’s

Viega Rewards, get started today by

on ProRadiant tubing. Users log in at

expander fittings, particularly in cold

downloading the free app through the and type in the number

weather. Because of their extensive work

Apple Store or Google Play. The app

on the sticker to earn points based on the

with radiant, Harris-Dudley purchases an

includes a QR code scanner for easy point

amount of tubing purchased.

estimated 300,000 feet of radiant tube per


“It didn’t take long, just a couple of jobs, and then we had enough points that we could actually get some of the press tools they offered,” Mike added.

30 | Viega Voice | July 2017

If you’re interested in earning

year – meaning the Viega Rewards add up fast. Bob said he was pleased that the program was recently expanded to include

Download the app today!


TECH TALK Viega Tech Talk Experts Jason Allison, Jacob Demars, and David Melendy

ÂŽ Q Is Viega FostaPEX a PEX-AL-PEX type tubing that is listed to the ASTM

F1281 standard? A Viega’s Form Stable FostaPEX tubing does not fall under the ASTM F1281

Q Are special tools needed for the Viega pre-insulated pipe connections?

a stable, continuous trench base to support

A The pre-insulated pipe connections do not require any special tools and use standard

when the tubing is laid in the trenches, and

the tubing. Always allow sufficient slack do not use blocking to support the tubing.

hex-head bolts for both the expansion

PEX tubing can be damaged by contact

PEX-AL-PEX standard, because the outer

and compression bolts on the fittings.

with sharp objects. Ensure that the trench

layer of PE (Polyethylene) is not cross-

The connections between sections of pipe

linked making it a PEX-AL-PE product.

made using either a coupling or tee are

FostaPEX tubing is described as tubing

made up of two or three threaded brass

that is made from one full dimensional

compression adapters and either one

inner PEX core with an aluminum and

threaded brass coupling or one threaded

outer PE layer surrounding it and is listed

brass tee to make the connection.

to the PEX standard ASTM F876 and the

bottom and fill do not contain sharp rocks or other items. Backfill material must be free of large rocks, glass or other sharp objects as well. Provide sufficient coverage over tubing so that expected traffic loads will not deform tubing. Compact this material to at least 6" above the tube. Direct burial of PEX

Common thread-sealing practices should

fittings may require protective measures:

be utilized (thread cement, tape, etc.)

FostaPEX tubing is NSF-pw (CL5) listed

Viega PEX Press fittings (Zero Lead bronze

for the male NPT to female NPT thread

for potable water applications and has

and polymer) do not require any protective

connection. Viega does not endorse

been tested for health effects to ANSI/

wrap for direct burial installations; however,

or sell thread-sealing materials but

NSF standard 61 and performance

Viega PEX Crimp fittings and their crimp

suitable products are readily available at

testing to ANSI/NSF standard 14.

rings shall be securely wrapped with self-

wholesalers and retailers.

fusing, formaldehyde-free, fully cured

F877 manufacturer system listing.

Form Stable tubing is intended and recommended for use in both hot and cold potable water distribution systems, as well as in hydronic radiant heating and cooling systems.

silicone tape with a minimum thickness of Q Can ViegaPEX tubing and fittings be used underground? A Yes, ViegaPEX Ultra and FostaPEX tubing may both be used underground and for water-service piping. When running the PEX lines underground, it is important to provide

0.020". Viega offers this protective wrap, and the part number is 15320. Always follow local codes when installing ViegaPEX tubing and fittings underground. Consult standards such as ASTM D2774: Standard Recommended Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure Piping for further information. Viega. Connected in quality.




Viega LLC 12303 Airport Way, Suite 395 Broomfield, CO 80021 Return address requested 800-976-9819

The term Viega, as used in this publication, does not apply to a specific company within the various separate and distinct companies comprising the Viega group of companies. The term Viega as used in this publication refers to the Viega brand itself or generally to the Viega group of companies. References to activities in North America specifically refer to activities of Viega LLC. A green dot on a Viega ProPress, MegaPress and PEX Press polymer fitting indicates the Smart Connect feature with an EPDM sealing element. A yellow dot on a Viega ProPressG and MegaPressG fitting indicates the Smart Connect feature with an HNBR sealing element. A white dot on a Viega ProPress (304 FKM) fitting indicates the Smart Connect feature with a FKM sealing element. For a current list of applications, please visit Zero Lead identifies Viega products meeting the lead-free requirements of NSF 61-G through testing under NSF/ANSI 372 (0.25% or less maximum weighted average lead content). ©2017, Climate Mat®, Climate Panel®, Climate Trak®, FostaPEX®, GeoFusion®, ManaBloc®, MegaPress®, ProPress®, PureFlow®, Radiant Wizard®, SeaPress®, Smart Connect®, SmartLoop®, Snap Panel®, S-NO-ICE®, Viega®, XL® and XL-C® are registered trademarks of Viega GmbH & Co. KG. ViegaPEX™, Visign™ and Eco Plus™ are trademarks of Viega GmbH & Co. KG. Eco Brass® is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Shindoh Co., LTD. RIDGID® is a registered trademark of RIDGID, Inc.

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