Luang Prabang Fire Boat Festival - Laos Tour Packages

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Luang Prabang Fire Boat Festival – Laos Tour Packages

Laos tour packages, including the Fire Boat Festival, will make your journey in Laos more pleasant because of its beauty. This interesting festivity is organized in Luang Prabang, a magicalandfascinatingplaceduringtheevent. Thisarticlecoverseverythingyouneedabout theLuangPrabangFire BoatFestival.Let'sfindoutwhat'sbeingcelebrated,who'sattending, howtoparticipate,andwhattoexpectfromthisfestival.

Fire Boat Festival Overview

KnownastheFestivalofLightsorBounLaiHeuaFaiintheLaoslanguage,thisisoneofLaos's most dramatic events. People organize it to praise the Mekong River for providing Laos' livelihoodandannualabundanceaspartofthe celebrationofBuddhistLent'sconclusionand the drought's initial day. Since it's a Buddha Dharma holiday, and the majority of people in LaospracticeBuddhism,about50%,thisisacommunity-widecelebration.


Lent in Buddhism is the three months when Buddhist monks spend much time in the temple to meditate and have a better understanding of the Dharma, as Buddha's words taught. You mayobserveboththejoyofthemonks'retreatapproachingacloseandtheconclusionofLaos' rainyseasonsbyattendingthisfestivity.

Where You Can See This Festival

This festival - Boun Lai Heua Fai, is performed all over Laos. You can catch the moment no matterwhereyouareinLaos;however,thebestplacestoseeitaretheLaocapital,Vientiane, or Luang Prabang, much smaller than Vientiane. You'd better choose Luang Prabang to enjoy the whole festival because you can conveniently walk around the temples decorated for the FestivalofLights,whichisalsoincludedin Laostourpackagesifyouwanttoseeit.

What Takes Place?

The Fire Boat Festival is a sincerely unifying celebration that brings individuals from different walks of life together, including the poorest peasants, the wealthiest and the wealthiest landowners, old and young people, monks, and laypeople. If you visit Laos, do not miss this festivalbecauseitwillaweyouwithitsactivities.

Exhibiting Lanterns

In Luang Prabang, lanterns will appear to make the town a magical and colorful place during the festivity, creating an enchanting atmosphere. Family members and individuals regularly makelanternsbyutilizingbambooandbrightpaper.Theyaremagnificentthroughouttheday, butatnight,candlesorlightsareaddedinside.

Fire Boats

As the name of the festivity, there will belots of fire boats created bythe people. Specifically, each village constructs one fire boat, whereas each temple creates two boats of fire. The designsrangefromsimpletocomplexstructuresthatfeaturemythicalcreatures.Thebamboo

usedtoconstructthesemagnificentlycraftedfireboatsandcoveredincoloredpaper,andthey areenormous.


Aspartofthefestival,theHeauFaiflowedalongtheriver,andthestill-existingHeuaFaiChowk is on the temple's grounds. A jury will evaluate fire boats before participating in the fire department parade. Its beauty cannot be fully described by watching it on television; only by seeingitinpersonwillyoubetrulyoverwhelmedbyitsgrandeur.Whenthefireboatislitfrom theinsideatnight,colorfulbamboopaperisemployedtoprovideacharming,almostmystical appearance.

Parade of Fire Boats

Whenthemoonisfull,theboatswillbelaunched.Theparadebeginsafterdarkatthefestival's climax, and the parade's final destination is indeed the River Mekong. Candles and offerings are placed inside fire boats that are unleashed to navigate the river. During the occasion,

representatives from each village will appear with their charming ethnic grab and begin to parade alongside boats. During this night, Luang Prabang is lit by candles, lights with bright colors.

Final Festival On The Mekong River

Attheendoftheparade,alloftheitemswillbehaltedattheMekongRiver.Youwereunaware ofmanyfactorsthatcontributedtotheabandonmentoffireboatsandmanyitemsintheriver. It's a river tribute because Laos people consider it a way of requesting forgiveness from the riverandallthegodswhodwellinitfordisrespectingandexploitingitswaterresources.

Also, launching offerings and fireboats in the Mekong River allows them to channel their negative emotions, such as bad luck, sickness, or maybe even failure, down the river. Aside fromhonoringtheBuddha,theeventalsoaimstosendofferingstothedeceased.

When Is the Luang Prabang Light Festival?

Soifyouareinterestedinthisevent,thedatethatorganizedthisfestivityischangedeachyear. ButitoftentakesplaceonthenightofthefullmooninOctober.Ifyoudonotknowtheaccurate time to start your tour, this site could help youdetermine the correct travel date toenjoythis


festivalfully.Theprocessionisscheduledtobeginatroughly18:00,andpeoplestarttolineup theFireBoatsaround17:30.Soyouwon’twanttobelateforthis specialoccasion.

In Sum

The FireBoat EventinLuangPrabangin Laosisone ofthe specialthingsthat appearedinour Laostourpackages.Ifyouplantovisitthiscountry,youdefinitelyshouldconsidertravelingat the right time. Just remember to bring a camera to capture all the moments. Thisfestivitywillnotdisappointyoubecauseofitsfantasticnightofjoy,lights,andmusic.

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