Vietnam Tour Packages Guidelines: Vietnamese Iced Tea - Cultural Street Food
Vietnamis famousfor itsdiverse and scrumptiouscuisine.Youmust have tried Pho,BunCha, Banh Mi, Bun Bo Hue, etc., in your hometown. Yeah, they are tasty and iconic. But you hardly haveachancetoenjoyVietnameseicedteainoverseascountries.It'snotabouttherecipe;it's abouttheuniquecultureofthisspecialdrinkandthefeelingitoffers. Vietnamtourpackages offeryouaquicklookatthisculturalstreetfood.Staytuned andenjoy!
Overview of Vietnamese Iced Tea
WhenwasVietnameseicedteaborn,andhowdiditspread?Noonehasanexactanswer.Ithas becomeaubiquitousdailydrinkinVietnamforsolong.Itallstartswiththetraditionaltrà(tea) thatisservedtoshowthehospitalityofthehouseownerstotheirvisitors.Timefliesand tràis now less etiquette. It can be said that iced tea is its modern version. This beverage is not as
fancy, flashy, and strong as Ca Phe Sua (milk coffee). It impresses us with a simple, modest recipe with cold tea and crushed ice. With regard to taste, many foreigners in Vietnam tour packagesdescribeitasarefreshingandhydratingdrinkonscorchingsummerdays.Incurrent days,Vietnameseicedteahasdifferentversionstomatchaudiencesofawiderangeofages.In addition,it’snotasidewalkdrinkanymore.Itisservedinrestaurantsandhotelsinorafterthe meal.
"Sidewalk Iced Tea" Culture
Icedteaisnotonlyadrink;it'sacultureinVietnam.Sittingonthesidewalk,drinkingicedtea, and gossiping with vendors and other customers are a little joy in our daily life. In these tiny corners, everyone can talk loudly, smoke rustic tobacco, and enjoy the breeziness of the cold drink. You can find everyone friendly and talkative. Surprisingly, it's also a good place to get moreinformation!Fromtheearlyoftheday,theimageofsomeoldermansippingacupoficed teaonthesidewalkaftermorningexerciseorbreakfastisafamiliarstarttoaday.
Vietnameseicedteaisfavorabletoawiderangeofaudiences(Source:Internet)Afterlunch,Vietnamesepeoplealsohaveahabitofdrinkingteaoricedtea.Theybelieveitwill freshentheirbreathandmakethemmorecomfortableandconfident.Italsohelpsthemawake for afternoon work. The young start their nightlife with friends when the dark shadows are in thesky.Theycanchooseafancyplacelikeamilkteashop,bar,orpub,butmostofthemlove themodestandpeacefulatmosphereinTràchanh(lemonicedtea)andsittingonthesidewalk.
Theaudiencesofthisicedteaarediverse.Whilethetraditionaloneismorefavorabletoadults, other modern versions also match children's and youngster’s tastes. You will love this drink, even if you are men or a woman. It may not be because of the taste, but its unique cultural aspects.
Where To Enjoy This Drink
It'saubiquitousdrinkyoucanfindanywhereinVietnam,butitisthemostpopularintheHong River Delta, Central regions, and Mekong Delta. You can find it in some small vendors of old
ladiesonthesidewalk.With20cents,youcanthirstyourbodyquickly.PeopleintheHongRiver Delta always pay attention to the matter of etiquette, so trà (tea) is a common drink in their dailylife.It'snotstrangethaticedteacancreepintoeverycornerofthisarea,especiallyHanoi. Meanwhile, the Mekong Delta area, also called Miền Tây - in the West of Vietnam is tropical monsoon and subequatorial climate, soit'salmosthotall year round.Asaresult, this drink is offavoritehere.Centralregionsareinbetween.Peopleheredrinkicedteatocooloffthehigh heatandsevereweatherinsummerandwelcometheirvisitors.
WithafewstepsinbigcitiessuchasHanoiandHoChiMinhCity,youcanfindoldladieswitha table, some stools, a teapot, and some glasses. Iced tea is not for summer days only. Vietnamesepeopleloveenjoyingitinallfourseasons.Youcanoptforhotorcoldicedteawhen it's chilly. The feeling of having this drink is similar to enjoying ice cream in this weather! So
interestingand refreshing! Now, takeaway Vietnameseiced tea isavailable. You can go down thetownwithacupofcolddrinkandshoparound.
Things Should Be Known When Drinking Vietnamese Iced Tea
Althoughtheteaisdilutedinalargeamountofwater,itretainsVietnamesetea'soriginaltaste. Hence,it will be bitter. You can add more water or ice to reduce its feature. If you are a sweet lover,youcanaddsugarorhoney.
Theicedteaishighincaffeine,whichwillstimulateyournerves,flowyoursleepiness,andhelp you work efficiently. But it isn't as strong as coffee. Additionally, the breeziness of this drink will thirst your body and make it cherry. If you work heavily and sweat a lot, adding lime or lemonjuicewithabunchoficewillimplementthenecessaryacidtoreducefatigue.
It is not a rule for all types of tea. However, Vietnamese iced tea is usually made from strong onesthat are unfavorable toyour empty stomach. If you have healthproblems withyour gut, don'tdrinktoomuch,evenwhenfull.
In Sum
IfyougetourVietnamtourpackages,youcanenjoythisculturalstreetdrinkwithus.Although you may find it uncomfortable and weird initially, you will discover how fun, peaceful, and joyfulitistositonthesidewalk,drinkacupofVietnameseicedtea,andchatwithfriends.We will guide you to all parts of Vietnam, joining different cultures and enjoying diverse featured cuisine.Followusnow!
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