Creative harvest season
Just like mushrooms after the rain outdoor ads uncovered their manifold faces in the urban environment drawing attention to the moods of the approaching autumn. Outdoor pillars were predominated by well-known as well as simply inspiring faces intriguing with the new season trends. Fashion collection shows on pillars went hand in hand with broadly communicated events in the urban environment where the new and trendy images would contribute to the autumn rich atmosphere and accentuate personal charm.
Let’s dress up and gather for shared colourful autumn delights but first the awards! In August outdoor ads inspired with the light outdoor design of Bosca sparkling wine and Nordea bank’s visually creative approach to communication with target audience. Fierce rivalry was observed between Ecco footwear and Lindex new collection outdoor ads that in both cases took advantage of outdoor advertising in order to draw the maximum attention of the audience with simple, bright and clear designs which highlighted the main thing – the product. Ecco’s effective and feet comfortv friendly ad slogan successfully complemented its outdoor designs. However, the loudest applause and award for the best outdoor campaign in August 2012 goes to Lindex which proved the crucial importance of the first impression with its simple and accurate designs. Colour and shape contrasts drew the eyes of the audience to the right place and conveyed the message clearly. The visible and now well-recognized brand logo without being conscious about price communication in the ad aroused an entirely practical interest – to go to the nearest Lindex store. Elina Liberte, Starcom Project Director tells more about the campaign: “In the light of the expected fuss over the market entry of a new clothing store chain Lindex was one of the first ones to mark the beginning of autumn with an eye-catching outdoor campaign accentuating the latest fashion trends. The well-thought-out placement of campaign materials allowed reaching the maximum audience numbers and introduced ladies to the bright Lindex autumn collection.” Country Manager Eveliina Melentjeff comments: “It is great news that we have managed to deliver world class fashion experience and inspiration through our campaign and advertising. Receiving this award is an honor. Thanks to our professionals behind the Autumn Essentials campaign.” May this time of the year bring you creativity&knowledge! Everita Ušacka
Client Lindex Creative agency Saturday (UK) Media agency Starcom