Viewpoints Back To School Issue - Aug 23, 2013

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Pg. 6


NEWS....................... 2 INSIDE OPINIONS................ 3

Football season fuels Tiger’s flames

Isaac Downtown named opened interim latest President hotspot


Pg. 10

INSCAPE................ 5 SPORTS.................. 10

viewpoints An Associated Collegiate Press two-time national Pacemaker award-winning newspaper, serving as the voice of the students since 1922.








Vol. XCII, No. 1

Change draws near A $32 million dollar construcition project will take place that will include a new Student Services and Administration Building along with the addition of a new eatery. FULL STORY on Page 2


FINE TUNING: Riverside

City College plans to build a new Student Services and Administration Building for the convenience of the students.












E | August 26, 2013


2 | August 26, 2013


Serving students since 1922

Restroom renovation taking place during fall

Riverside City College is undergoing an Americans with Disabilities Act “ADA Upgrade Project” in order to better accommodate disabled students, faculty, and staff. Throughout the Fall semester some restrooms will be closed due to renovation. The following Restrooms will continue to be closed for several weeks during Fall Semester: · · · · · · ·

Nate De Francisco baseball field: Men and Women’s restroom Huntley Gym: Men and Women’s lockers/restrooms (Portable Restrooms are available) Heath Services: Men and Women’s Restroom Landis Auditorium: Men and Women’s restroom Quad: 2nd Floor Men and Women’s restroom MLK: 1st floor Men and Women’s restroom Digital Library: 1st and 4th floor Men and Women’s restroom

The following list of restrooms on campus will be open during the semester after undergoing summer renovations. · · · · · · · ·

AB Brown Women and Men’s restroom Stadium Restroom: All 3 restrooms in lockers. (1) on west wing and (2) on east wing Student Center: Men and Women’s Restroom in Cafeteria area, Music Hall: Men and Women’s Restroom Quad: Basement Level Men and Women’s restroom, All Restrooms on 1st Floor Digital Library: Men and Women’s Restroom on 2nd and 3rd Floor MLK: Men and Women’s restroom on 2nd floor Alumni House: Kitchen and Restroom

Wolde-Ab Isaac named as interim RCC president


Wolde-Ab Isaac has been named as the interim Riverside City College president, after the position was vacated by Cynthia Azari. Azari vacated the poisition after she was hired as the interim Riverside Community College District Chancellor after the departure of former Chancellor Gregory Gray. If another candiatie is choosen over Azari, then she will return to her previous role as the president of Riverside City College. Isaac would then return to his previous role as RCC’s Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Riverside celebrates King’s March on Washington A march will take place in celebrattion of the 50th anniversary for the March on Washington. The march will begin at the Eliza Tibbits Memorial and end at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on Wednesday, August 28, 2013. The march will begin at 4:30 p.m. Reflection will be given on Riverside’s Main Street between 10th and 9th at Benjamin Franklin Stage.

Student arrested on sex charges Riverside City College student Darian Anthony Tillman, 21, of Corona, was arrested in June. Tillman posed as someone named Taylor Popov and admitted to persuading a 15-year old boy into sending him sexually explicit videos and photos of himself. After receiving the content, Tillman threatened to send them to the boy’s family if he did not send more videos and photos in specific poses he requested. Tillman is scheduled to be arraigned Aug. 28 in Riverside federal court.


COMING SOON: The current location of the O.W. Noble Administration Building will soon be demolished and replaced with a new parking lot.

Construction will continue into fall Riverside City College will spend $32 million on its latest construction project JAMES WILLIAMS NEWS EDITOR A total of $32 million will be spent for Riverside City College’s latest construction project that will affect several different locations on campus. The bulk of the money, which is funded by Measure C, spent on the project will be for a new Student Services and Administration Building. The estimated total for the new building will cost $25.925 million. “When I first went to RCC I saw there were 11 different places that new students have to go to,” said RCCD interim Chancellor Cynthia Azari. “What we want to do is make (the new Student Services and Administration Building) a one stop center and bring all of those services together.” Interim RCC President Wolde-Ab Isaac believes that having everything in one building will keep students from traveling all over campus to find the support they are seeking. “We will have the new building that will bring in student services that are scattered throughout the campus into one central location,” said Isaac. “Therefore a student needing any kind of support will be able to find it in one place instead of bouncing from one office to another office across campus.” The new building is going to be built just across from the Math and Science Building, which is currently occupied by Lot B on the corner of Magnolia Avenue and Ramona Drive. The parking lot is expected to be compensated for once the new building has been completed. “The administration building is going to be demolished and become (the new) parking lot,” Isaac said. The administration building is in the location of the president’s office, Disabled Student Services, the mailroom and the Veteran’s Resource Center among other departments. The buildings currently occupied by student financial services will be vacated when they move into the new building. According to Isaac, what will move into the vacant buildings going forward is being discussed but nothing is certain at this time. “There is a group that is looking at the

secondary effects in terms of where we have space problems and how we will be able to use those spaces effectively to solve those problems once those (buildings are vacated),” Isaac said. He also mentioned that the same process will take place when some of RCC’s school of the arts department moves off campus to the new building that is going to be built on Market Street. A new cafe/restaurant is also said to be a part of the $32 million project. “As you can see with the development of the campus, the campus is maturing into a fully equipped campus,” Isaac explained. “We have the new math and science building, the nursing building, the quad and now the new student services building; all of which are further way from the cafeteria which is closer to the other areas down on the south side (of campus).” Isaac stated a need had been identified on the campus of over 19,000 students. “We need to create a space for people to find food on this side of the campus, so they do not have to travel all the way to the cafeteria down on the other side.” The new facility will be called “Grab N’ Go” and is budgeted to cost $1.6 million. Isaac said it is going to be like a proper restaurant, where students will be able to sit and “get good food.” The progress of the construction is expected to be posted on the college’s website to keep students up to date. Aside from the student services project, the college has had plans in place for other buildings to be renovated or built in the future. The old Physical Life Sciences Building has been planned to be the place for the business and CIS departments. “The old Physical Life Sciences Building is our number one project waiting to be funded by the state … it has not been a lack of planning but a lack of funding,” Isaac explained. According to Isaac, RCC had submitted the project for refurbishment of the building to the state and “it has been on the queue for a long time because there was no bond money, after the state almost went through bankruptcy.” After five years of waiting, RCC is still not sure when the state will start funding buildings again to get the project completed.


Serving students since 1922



August 26, 2013 | 3


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Destiny Rivera 951- 222-8494 INTERIM MANAGING EDITOR Nishe Butler INTERIM ADVERTISING MANAGER Nishe Butler 951-536-2511 JOURNALISM SPECIALIST Matt Schoenmann FACULTY ADVISERS Allan Lovelace Jim Burns


lUIS sOLIS / Interim asst. photo editor

A NEW LOOK: A rebuild of the Administrative Center is just the first phase in constructing new additions around Riverside City College.


Costly renovations


Building, expanding and renovating are three words that should seem familiar to Riverside City College students. With the new Math and Science Building finally finished in February 2012, students went through two years and three months dodging construction on their way to class. Now, RCC has three new phases in store for the campus. Phase one to build a new Student Services Building has a budget of $32 million and phase two being $1.55 million. The third and final phase is a “Grab N’ Go” café with a budget of $1.6 million. All together it will cost roughly $37.3 for the school to go through this mass construction project. The tennis courts will also be relocated to the Lovekin field in order to put parking spots in their place. It will cost $2 million for the relocation and $225,000 to paint stripes for parking spaces. But is that the only price that will be paid? In addition to unnecessary spending by the college, students will now suffer from fewer parking spaces, detours on their way to class and noise disruption during class. The estimated time of completion is fall 2015. But what about after all this is built? Now the college has dipped into the $350 million Measure C bond for additions to the campus, while there are still older buildings that need attending to. Where will the money come from to keep the buildings up and running? More facilities mean hiring new staff members, paying electric and water bills and whatever else the building may need to stay in business. Suppose an incident similar to what happened with the Math and Science building occurs with these new additions. Are students and employees going to experience a similar sickness? Is the school going to fork over more money to fix those


STAFF David Gonzalez Mark Howard Dominique Smith Luis Solis Celeste Walter



Letters to the editor should be kept to 250 words or less. Deliver letters to the Viewpoints office in the room behind the Assessment Building. Viewpoints reserves the right to edit letters for space and to reject libelous or obscene letters. Letters to the editor and columns represent the opinions of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the entire Viewpoints staff, Viewpoints faculty advisers, student government, faculty, administration nor the Board of Trustees.

issues again? These plans were made to make it simpler for the students so everything is more convenient. However, in the process of it all, it will cause more damage than it would be a solution to the various issues. Yes, it would be ideal if all of the Student Services were in one place. And how nice would the college look with those new tennis courts? Plus, it sure would be neat to have a Panera Bread/ Starbucks like café right here on campus. But at what cost? Sure, RCC will look modern and it may be slightly more accessible, but is that really where the focus should be? The students’ education is what is most important. After all, students do not come to RCC to sit around and look at pretty buildings. They honestly come to get the proper education and tools they need to get out of here and move on to a university. RCC does not need a café that will most likely cause students to be late for class anyway. City Grill was just renovated two years ago, and is good enough for coffee and snacks, and the Bookstore is just as useful. The money should be used for a larger Reading and Writing Center to prevent excessively long lines and to allow more students to put in the hours they need without it being too full. The Student Services Building is in working condition and is fairly easy to locate and there are signs all around campus clearly indicating where each building is located. It seems as though the real reason this money is being used and new buildings are being constructed is so the college does not lose the Measure C bond. If the college does not need it, then using it will be a loss in other areas. Sometimes money isn’t the only thing at stake.

Viewpoints’ editorials represent the majority opinion of and are written by the Viewpoints’ student editorial board.


viewpoints R

California Newspaper Publishers Association

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Vol. XCII, No. 1








August 26, 2013

Reach us: Associated Collegiate Press


PHONE: (951) 222-8488 E-mail: Editor in Chief PHONE: (951) 222-8495

Printing Schedule

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Viewpoints is a public forum, First Amendment newspaper. Student editors have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. © 2013 by the Viewpoints staff, Riverside City College, 4800 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA. 92506-0528. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission of the Viewpoints Editor-in-Chief.


4 | August 26, 2013

Serving students since 1922

Campus Conversations How do you feel about the current construction on campus? Interviews by: Mark Anthony Howard Photos by: Luis Solis “I’m thinking the construction is good. More updated stuff, more modern.” Kevin Hoang

“I know they are supposed to be doing this construction because it’s really old and nasty in (the MLK building).” Diana Hernandez

“I think it’s good as long as it’s not during classes and stuff.” Liliana Rubio

“I don’t think it’s cool at all. I think they should be putting money toward our books and toward our education instead of all the extra (construction).” Alex Bullard

Bianca Nuno

“Most people don’t come here because it’s a nice campus, they come here to get their classes, they come here to get their things straight. They don’t come here to admire the campus.”


August 26, 2013 | 5

Serving students since 1922








Theatre department prepares for fall productions david roman Interim Asst. inscape editor

to work on the production as crew members and stage With the new semester hands. come new prospects for Also Riverside City College coming to RCC students who want to this semester get involved around the i s “ T h e Wi l d campus. Party,” a 1928 Perhaps one of the musical written most popular departments and composed by on campus is the theatre Andrew Lippa. department, known for putting Directed by on multiple productions theatre department throughout the semester. co-chair Jodi With past productions Julian, “The Wild including “The Secret Party” follows the Garden,” “How to Succeed bitter relationship i n B u s i n e s s Wi t h o u t of two vaudeville Really Trying,” “Spring performers: Burrs, Awakening,” “Chicago,” a clown and and “The Complete Works Queenie, a show of William Shakespeare girl. (Abridged),” the theatre Most of the department is regionally SHOWTIME: The theatre department has several new productions on the way for the Fall semester, including known for putting on some “Doubt, A Parable” and “A Wild Party.” Auditions for “Doubt” will be held starting August 26 in Quad 144. m u s i c a l i s s e t around a crazy the best shows in Riverside. party thrown by This semester, theatre the couple, with department co-chair David in inappropriate behavior with one the popular 2008 film of the same Nelson’s production of “Doubt, Nelson will be directing “Doubt, A of the students is brought to light. name, starring Meryl Streep, Philip A Parable” is set to premiere many interesting vaudeville Parable,” written by John Patrick With the church turning a blind Seymour Hoffman and Viola October 17 and run until the characters in attendance including a prizefighter named Eddie, a mute Shanley. eye, and the family of the student Davis and was directed by original October 20. The drama is set in the Bronx dissatisfied with Sister Aloysius’s playwright, Shanley. Students are encouraged to dancer, a hooker by the name of at a catholic school for boys during accusations, the nun is left only Among several awards, the audition. Auditions will be held Dolores and her lesbian madam the fall of 1964, and tells the tale with her doubt. film went on to be nominated for August 26 in Quad 144 from 3:30 Madeleine True. Julian’s “The Wild Party” is set of a devout nun’s persistent doubt The Pulitzer Prize winner for four Academy Awards and three p.m. to 7 p.m. of the parish’s priest when the Drama and Tony Award winning British Academy of Film and Students are also being to premiere November 8 and run possibility that he may be engaging 2004 play was later adapted into Television awards. presented with the opportunity through to November 17.

Viewpoints Entertainment Calendar August 27 August 28 August 29 August 30 August 31 EVENTS


Jerry Garcia @ The Improv Ontario 8:00 p.m.

R&F Railroad Open House 12:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. RELEASES

Wintersun @ House of Blues Anaheim 7:00 p.m.

“Closed Circuit” released in theaters




D.I.Y. Music and Hitchcock Rock’n’Roll Fashion Fest 2013 Night @ The Box Fridays @ Fox @ The Glass House in the Fox Enter- Performing Arts Pomona Center tainment Plaza 5:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Colin Kane @ The Improv Ontario 8:00 p.m.

RELEASES “Getaway” released in theaters

Throughout The Fall, Infamous Intake, Society Falls @ The Wire in Upland 7:00 p.m.

September 1 September 2 September 3 September 4 September 5 EVENTS





Jazz At The Box “Pink Sand” CD Release Party

The 1975 releases its first LP “The 1975”

Nine Inch Nails release “Hesitation Marks”

Saves The Day @ The Glass House Pomona 6:30 p.m.

Cindy Kaza and Sharon Klingler @ The Improv Ontario 3:00 p.m.

Comedy Central’s “Up Next” open call showcase @ The Imrpov Ontario 8:00 p.m.


Nature Spotting @ Riverside Metropolitan Museum 6:00 p.m.

Saliva releases “In It to Win It”

Corona Fall Arts Rock’n’Roll and Crafts Show @ 370 N. McKinley St Night @ The Box Corona, CA in the Fox Enter-

tainment Plaza 7:30 p.m.

Editor’s Pick Summer 2013

“The Average American Marriage”

The ever as blunt and slightly more emotionally present follow up novel to Chad Kultgen’s “The Average American Male”



The mature and eclectic fourth release from British hardcore band Bring Me The Horizon


“Do No Harm”

A short-lived thriller about a doctor with split personality disorder, ending this summer, Saturdays at 10 p.m. on NBC


“Evil Friends”

Indie rockers Portugal. The Man offer a well-rounded seventh full length filled with creative highs and emotional lows


A A ‘E CHA ND for LL’

6| August 26, 2013


Inscape | 7

Serving students since 1922

Michal Walter / Interim Photo Editor

SpeakEasy: Elegant

dining, specialty drinks and divine food is all found at downtown Riverside’s ProAbition.

Nishe Butler Managing Editor

Michael Walter / Interim Photo Editor

Bring a Friend:

ProAbition’s bar is fully stocked with whatever you need to quench your thirst and is best enjoyed with a friend.

Downtown Riverside is taking us back in time as a new restaurant/whiskey lounge opens, bringing back to life the classic era of the 1920s. On March 15, ProAbitions opened as the latest hot spot in downtown Riverside. The classic 1920s building is industrial yet modern with its brick walls and classic speakeasy feel. The upside down “A” in the name represents the mathematical sign each and for all, suggesting its appeal to everyone. Whether it’s a laid back lunch date or a fashionable evening with friends ProAbition is sure to appeal to all. The ambiance is one of class and elegance. From the debonair dress attire of the servers, to the big band music playing, it’s safe to say the roaring ‘20s are back and in full swing. “A promoter we had at the time wanted a strict dress code,” said manager Chris Sylvestor, referencing some earlier publicity criticizing whether the women servers were required to wear high heels to work. “We did not want anyone improperly dressed.” The restaurant followed up the misconstrued statements by holding a fundraiser where 75 percent of all proceeds were given to the American Cancer Society. Complete with a full menu and specialty drinks titled “Beez Neez” and Flapper menu there is something sure to appease everyone. Appetizers such as blue cheese shoe string fries or caramelized brussel sprouts are a few of the diverse selections sure to change any ill informed carnivore’s notions. For lunch I had the pleasure of experiencing the Capone Caprese sandwich, filled with mozzarella cheese, chili basil pesto sauce, complete with oven roasted tomatoes and whiskey balsamic. Holy matrimony at its finest where taste buds and flavor collide, one could only wish to dine here daily or at least weekly. The exquisite meal and specialty drink selections compliment the upbeat first class service, where everyone wears a smile and is eager to satisfy their customers. This restaurant also boasts a Thursday night burlesque show from 8 to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday night entertainment features a nine piece band that specializes in jazz standards and Rat Pack covers. “I love working here and we have a really good reputation that I am proud to be a part of,” Sylvestor said. Although the large variety appeals to many types of people, patrons must be 21 and over to enjoy weekend entertainment. ProAbitions is located at 3597 Main St. here in Riverside. They are open for business from 12 to 11 p.m. Sunday through Wednesday and 12 p.m. to 1 a.m. Thursday through Saturday.



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8| August 26, 2013


Serving students since 1922

The Butler serves inspiration

Rebekah Elliott / Photo Editor Photo courtesy of: the weinstein company

DIGNIFIED: Oscar winning actor Forrest Whitaker portrays the role of Cecil Gaines, the presidential butler for nearly 30 years. nishe Butler managing editor Imagine the year 1926, you are in a cotton field on a hot summer day enjoying a laugh with your mom and dad and all of a sudden your mother is snatched away and taken to a nearby shed where she is brutally raped. You hear her screams but there is nothing you can do. You ask your father, “What is going on?” He looks at you and simply says, “Mind your business.” All you seem to focus on for that brief moment is your mother, naturally, so you insist that your father do something. He stares at you with a blank look on his face, and when the man who has just assaulted your

mother passes by your father he says, “Hey,” to the man. In response, the man turns and shoots him dead in the head, in front of you - his son. This harsh opening scene sets the tone but defies what should have been a tragic outcome of one man’s life. The Butler was a very humbling, triumphant, and an informative look at our sometimes grim American history. The resilience of the human spirit is found in this truly epic story. The film takes us back to the days of slavery and the struggle of the civil rights movement that still continues today. Cecil Gaines, the child depicted in the opening scene, is now a

young man who ends up leaving the cotton farm and becoming the most valued manservant in American history thus far. Gaines, portrayed by Oscar winner Forrest Whitaker, makes his way in the world as a distinguished steward, working his way up with steadfast grace, providing a better life for himself, his wife (Oprah Winfrey) and their two young sons. The movie continues to unfold and we see an intimate portrait of the butler’s life in the White House of the president and first lady, and his life in the black house of a civil rights era African American family. As his family makes sacrifices for a better life, they become as bonded as any family could ever

possibly dream. Gaines’ presidential service career began with President Dwight Eisenhower and ended with President Ronald Reagan. This take on the film is sure to be a perspective that many Americans may have overlooked. The movie portrays an emotional take on the strains of several American presidents as they were served daily by the butler. The butler continued to have an unchangeable spirit through civil unrest which included the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., all while earning 40 percent less than his white counterparts, enduring for over 20 years. It also sheds light on the

fact that the African American culture played a significant role in establishing domestic careers as very respectable and dignified aspects of American history, defying the labels of dumb, lazy, and pride less. This picture reminds us that hatred is taught, love is felt and education is imperative to us all to understand where we have been in hopes of not returning, to take a close look at where we stand today, first individually and then collectively as a nation. We a l l h a v e a s o c i a l responsibility to recognize and uphold one another. A must see for all movie goers, The Butler is a true depiction of the tried and true American history that is part of us all.

Netflix and Kohan team up for massive success Dominique Smith staff writer

Prison dramas often have a tendency to paint a gritty, ugly portrait of what it is like to have freedoms surrendered, necessities vanquished and complete system reboots of everyday lives. Netflix launched its latest original series “Orange is the New Black” July 11 during the peak of summer to ease some of our heat stroke blues. Based on the memoir written by Piper Kerman of the same name, the story, at times heartfelt, emotional and downright hilarious, is a not so pretty portrait of what a maximum-security women’s prison is like. Created by Jenji Kohan (Weeds), the show follows P i p e r C h a p m a n ( Ta y l o r Schilling) who, at the age of 23, meets Alex Vause (Laura Prepon, “That 70s Show”). Vause invites her into a world of international drug smuggling, but do not worry,

it is not as bad as it sounds. After several months, Chapman leaves Vause and her life of crime behind. The show transports the audience five years into the future, where Chapman finds out that she has been named in the drug ring and decides to surrender with the support of her soon to be fiancée, Larry Bloom (Jason Biggs, “American Pie”) and her best friend Polly Harper (Maria Dizzia). As an upper class college graduate on the forefront of launching her own business and engagement, Chapman’s seemingly fantastic life is brought to a screeching halt, all due to a previous romp in a past life. As the former inmate makes her way back through the metal gates, everything becomes extraordinarily real.

Her first real Many people may reality check happens feel that justice or when she discovers karma is a re-occurring how divided prison is, concept that will meet having her first meal with an intimidating crew and meeting the “mother hen” figure, Red (Kate Mulgrew), a scarlet-haired Russian woman. Chapman decides to break the ice and confess to Red how unpleasant she finds the taste of the prison food. Unfortunately for Chapman, she has now learned the hard way that you do not insult the prison chef to her face. The on-again inmate learns the new rules rather quickly (and usually the hard way), and her transition back into the prison life becomes a lot smoother – until she runs into Alex Vause.

us again - but imagine being face to face with the person you believe to have named you, the person you believe has taken away your life. Despite Vause trying to apologize, Chapman is unrelenting, and soon enough the pair is forced to accept that they must share the prison, despite what has happened in the past. Fans who enjoy a gritty and raunchy story telling (as it is with shows like “Breaking Bad,” “Sons of Anarchy”

and “True Blood”) would greatly enjoy the 13-episode comedydrama. The character development and rich emotion sheds a light on each of these women. It is a reminder that just because people are locked behind bard doesn’t mean they are just cold-hearted criminals. The joys, anger, pain and love that we feel freely, are the same emotions inmates feel behind bars, but with their limited view, they are forced to creatively tap into these emotions.


Serving students since 1922

August 26, 2013 | 9

Mandatory orientations are scheduled in the Journalism Building on August 27, 28, 29 and 30 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. (attend any one of these meetings).


Serving students since 1922

10 | August 26, 2013


“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor” - Vince Lombardi

RCC’s most anticipated sport reignites regime

After finishing 2012 with a 8-2 record, the Tigers will need a fast start for a shot at the state championship title

Travis West Interim Sports Editor Football has returned to the Riverside City College campus and with that brings freshly cut grass and sounds of football echoing throughout campus. When the Tigers last left the field it was with a 34-23 win over LA Harbor in the Garden State Bowl. Since then, the Tigers have lost 23 players. That does not include the eight pending offers other players had from various schools. For many schools that would be a huge hole to fill, but because of the reputation head coach Tom Craft has built, players come from all over to play here in Riverside. Over the break it was even rumored that former Notre Dame quarterback Everett Golson had visited the campus. Those rumors were soon shot down by Craft, stating that the rumors were just not true. Golson played in the BCS National Championship game where his team fell short to Alabama. Although Golson would have been a very nice addition, Craft thinks that second year quarterback, Tyler Shreve is capable of taking command of his offense. His offensive line in front of him is one of the better lines in junior college. Shreve will have plenty of time to get his read correct and make a accurate throw. Shreve is imposing to say the least, standing at 6 foot 4 inches 230 pounds the quarterback looks ready to take control of the team physically. From the walkway above the football team’s practice field, the voice shouting is that of Shreve’s, directing and giving out orders. He

Luis Solis/ Interim Asst.. photo editor

hustlin’: Players endured grueling summer workouts in 100 degree weather for shot to play on Saturdays. looks as if he has done it plenty times before. A couple key pieces the Tigers will be missing were key contributors last season. Gus Penning had 34 receptions for three touchdowns and 425 yards, ranking him third in the ESPN Junior College Tight End rankings. Penning committed to the university of Baylor where he will play Div. I football. Another player who helped the Tigers win numerous games now attends the school with the blue field, Boise State. Kicker Tyler Rausa was near perfect in point after attempts and converted 15

out of 20 kicks with a long of 48 yards. There is no doubt that filling those holes will be a problem for the Tigers, however, incoming freshmen have showed promise in the off season activities. Along with the new freshman joining the team, the Tigers have seven players who have been tagged as potential Div. I prospects. On that list are three wide receivers, two offensive lineman, a running back and a kicker. All of these players are expected to make an impact right away. The Tigers have been hard at work, getting their timing

and conditioning ready for the season. At the start of last season the Tigers were arguably the best team in the state and ranked nationally, finishing the year fourth in the state. This expectation has risen the bar for the Tiger’s football program and makes players worked harder. Players know that if they perform well here they will have a good opportunity to move on to play at a bigger school and further their education. The Tigers open the season at home on Sept. 7 when they faceoff against Ventura College.

New Tigers to watch for 2013-2014 Sam Boyd - Boyd stands at six foot four 235 pounds. His size will be an asset for the Tigers. Boyd recieved offers from Cal, ASU and Wash. State. Dominique Robertson Roberston is ecpected to be dominant on the offensive line for the Tigers. Robertson has recieved offers from various NCAA top 25 ranked schools, including, USC, Kansas State and Texas A&M.

Women’s water polo is ready to go all in for another state title run Travis West Interim Sports Editor Former women’s water polo head coach, David Almquist decided to end his coaching career in the city his playing career began, here at RCC. Almquist left behind a strong program that has built a winning tradition in his years here, but now it will be up to a new head coach. Doug Frinfrock will be taking over the highly sought after job after learning the ways from Almquist. Frinfrock, like Amquist, is a product of the RCC aquatics program. He has played under coach Almquist as well has coached under his tutelage. Frinfrock’s experience and familiarity with the women on the team will be critical towards their success. The Tigers will be losing at least 10 players, but still have plenty

of fire power to hang with the top teams in the state. Tara Scheibeler was looked to as the leader of the team last season, now players will look to the second year players like standout, Megan Geurts. Geurts was unstoppable last season as she led the league in scoring and led her team in almost every major offensive category. Along with Guerts, was Dannielle Wenzel and Emmie Betz. Both were key contributors as the Tigers made a run for another state championship last season, coming up short in a game against Fullerton College that ended their season earlier than expected. The year was bitter sweet for the ladies, but many of them told me that they are ready to get back to form this year and this time take the state championship.

Luis Solis / Interim assnt. photo editor

All in together: women’s water polo will look to make 2013 a memorable season.


Alex Rodriguez is Major League Baseball’s public enemy number No.1 Travis west Interim Sports Editor In the latest feud between the on going rivalry between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox, Red Sox pitcher, Ryan Dempster looked like he intentionally hit Alex Rodriguez when he missed on the first two pitches, but found his target on the third. On most occasions baseball fans would chalk this up to the long history between the two franchises, but not this time. For the second time, Rodriguez has been accused of taking Performance Enhancing Drugs (PED’s) and for the second time, lied about taking the drugs. Although other players like Milwaukee Brewer Ryan Braun have lied about taking PED’s, Rodriguez was supposed to be the player that whipped away the tainted records of the steroid era in baseball. However, that was before the 10-year 275 million deal he signed with the Yankees. Now, Rodriguez has to again deal with the questions about his off the field activities. Major League Baseball has brought down the hammer on Rodriguez with a possible suspension of the entire 2013-2014 season. The question is has the MLB done enough? Many are comparing the severity of Rodriguez’s PED use to the gambling of Pete Rose. Rose was given a lifetime ban from the game of baseball after he was caught betting on baseball. Even though Rodriguez has not been accused of betting on the game, he is gotten such a horrible reputation that he is almost the villain of MLB. It has been reported that the Yankee’s front office and Rodriguez are not on speaking terms and Dempster’s actions pretty much sum up how the rest of the league feel about the one time adored star. Because it is Rodriguez second offense he should be disciplined even further. Most fans forgave Rodriguez after the first offense because he was able to produce and ultimately win a World Series. But since then, Rodriguez’s poor outings has given New York fans another reason to get on his case. With players being caught left and right, the MLB needs to make an example of a player to control the steroid problem in the MLB, or they need to allow all players to use them. The game of baseball needs to be cleaned up either way. It has come to the point where we as fans always question our athletes. In many ways it has taken away the authenticity of sports. Conversations about sports now revolve around the biggest names and biggest records followed by the injection of “but is he clean?” Baseball is not the only sport at fault, but it is definitely the most publicized and scrutinized. Whether Rodriguez is further punished or not, the game needs to be cleaned up for the sake of sports. Fans will always watch, but how many will they lose? Baseball is slowly being taken over by the National Football League as America’s favorite sport and a lot even consider the NFL as America’s pastime over the MLB. A season long suspension will make players think twice about taking PEDs, but a big contract will always cloud their judgment and integrity.

August 26, 2013 | 11

Serving students since 1922


This month in Tiger Athletics Football Season Record 0-0

Men’s Water Polo Conference 0-0

Next Game: Sept. 7 Vs. Ventura 6pm Vs. Ventura

Sept. 14

At. Palomar


Sept. 21

Vs. Saddleback


Sept. 28

At. LA Harbor


Oct. 5

Vs. Long Beach

Oct. 12

At. Fullerton

Oct. 19

At. El Camino

Oct. 26

Vs. Citrus


Nov. 9

At. Desert


Nov. 16

Vs. Mt. San Antonio


1pm 12:30pm 6pm

Conference 0-0

Schedule to be announced

Season Record 0-0

Conference 0-0

Next Event :


Volleyball Last Game:

Conference 0-0

Last Game:

Sept. 7

Season Record 0-0

Season Record 0-0

Women’s Water Polo

Schedule to be announced

Schedule to be announced

Women’s X-country Season Record 0-0

Conference 0-0

Last Game:

Schedule to be announced

Men’s X-country Season Record 0-0

Conference 0-0

Next Game:

Schedule to be announced

12| August 26, 2013


Serving students since 1922

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