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Identity politics divides US
The divisiveness in politics creates tension in the home
The divisiveness in politics is growing worse and making its way into our own homes.
Many people today look up to politicians and are easily inspired by them. People are starting to take action and treat others with the same harshness exhibited by said politicians.
Recently Sen. Chuck Shumer, D-N.Y., was “threatening” supreme court justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh on Mar. 4th during a pro-choice rally outside the Supreme Court.
“I want to tell you, Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” The same can be said for President Donald Trump with his brash approach and tough personality and how he handles his own opponents. Trump is well known for being strong, but also very overpowering to both his critics and allies. Whether it is his handshake or how he controls a conversation, Trump is constantly trying to present an air of toughness. But the most interesting part of Shumer’s “threat” and downplay of his words is how similar to Trump he sounds.
“A judge who displeases me will pay a price,” wrote Garret Epps of The Atlantic. “His retraction was equally Trumpian: I didn’t threaten anyone. It would be okay if I had because in Brooklyn we threaten people all the time, but those aren’t threats, and anyway I would never, ever do what I just did.” Being from somewhere known for brash and loud people does not give Schumer a reason to act the way he did. There are plenty of people in Brooklyn who can behave like decent human beings in numerous situations without acting threatening or scary.
“So the dust-up over Schumer’s words soon turned into a controversy about hypocrisy — all the way around,” wrote Allyson Chiu, a reporter for the Washington Post.
Hypocrisy is now rampant on both sides of the political aisle and it needs to stop immediately.
This is similar to how Trump has responded in the past to his critics essentially saying he “didn’t mean anything by it, we’re just talk like that in New York and I would never do what I just did.”
Both political parties need to see how their acting and change their behavior not just for themselves but their constituents as well.It does not matter what party it stems from, it simply needs to stop. Politicians need to go back to simply disagreeing and lobbying for themselves and their party.
With this happening on both sides of the aisle, we the people need to stand against our politicians and side by side with our neighbors and family members. Families are being split because members have either a D or R next to their name. This should not warrant hatred and ostracization of family members.
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