1 minute read

Library attempts to regulate noise

expected to follow within the library are in the Student Handbook.

Lesch uses section V of the rights and responsibilities portion to determine if students are being disruptive. Both points 11 and 16 of this section help librarians to take appropriate actions. They say they will approach a group, and are sensitive to folks’ privacy.


“As employees, we will approach any student, without singling out any individual,” she said. “Loss of privileges defines for a designated period of time a student’s attendance on District property to specified activities including library privileges.”

They do hold the power to enforce a short or long-term suspension from the library if they deem it necessary. Banning a student from the library is an escalation that only the Dean of Student Services or vice president can make and will undergo more complex procedures outside of the librarians’ control.

LEFT: On March 31, Caregivers gather at Riverside Community Hospital (RCH) to protest understaffed and underpaid workers who are protesting under the Healthcare Corporation of America (HCU).

RIGHT: SEIU-UHW discovered 90% of healthcare workers at RCH reported being severely understaffed, nearly 80% reported having insufficient time for proper patient care and 70% reported delays or denials of patient care due to short staffing, according to the SEIU-UHW website.

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