1 minute read
Women seek authority, respect C
Former press secretary Sarah Sanders, who worked under Donald Trump’s administration, alleged that Trump suggested she, “go to North Korea and take one for the team,” after Kim Jong-un winked at Sanders.
Comments like that, especially by someone who held the highest authority in the U.S., only further promotes sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace.
Standing in solidarity with women is only effective if it becomes daily practice. Uplifting and supporting women should be habitual.
Women have made strides for equality but haven’t reached true equality because it starts from the top and works its way down the system.
If men in our democracy are making decisions about women’s bodies while continuously treating them as sexual beings, will there ever be a harassment-free workplace where each person has equal rights?
Both men and women together need to keep fighting for a world that does not tolerate sexual discrimination in the workplace. When more women begin to gain equality, we’ll start to see less discrimination and more opportunities. The workplace should become an equal opportunity environment for all, as the rest of the nation should be.
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Copy deadline: March 30
Photo deadline: March 30
Ad deadline: March 30
Next issue: April 6
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© 2023 by the Viewpoints staff, Riverside City College, 4800 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA. 92506-0528. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission of the Viewpoints editor-in-chief.
MULTIMEDIA EDITOR John Michael Guerrero multimedia.viewpointsonline@gmail.com
Izaiah Cerratos
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Lee Orozco
Dalila Romero
Kathya Sagrero
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Angela Burrell
Matt Schoenmann
Matt Schoenmann matthew.schoenmann@rcc.edu
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