AI M 2011
Appl i edSt udi esI ns t i t ut e Hous t onTexas Jul y5-8
Cl as sDes cr i pt i ons
AIM 2011 International Music Department
CHILDREN’S MUSIC FORUM *MAMA, I WANT TO SING* Vincent Harris and Staff This class has been designed to ignite within young people an enthusiasm and passion for worship, while equipping them with the technical skills to serve. As we encourage them to sing with confidence and originality, we will focus on technical aspects of vocal production and help students to develop a deeper appreciation of music. In addition, we will examine how to properly prepare for ministry–giving strategies that will allow the vocalists to use their God-given gifts to their fullest potential. Group and individual instruction will be provided. *LET’S PLAY THE RECORDER* David Perry and Staff The recorder is an effective instrument for introducing children to music. Students will be exposed to fundamental music concepts as they are shown—in a simple manner—how to read basic notes and play the recorder correctly. No previous music experience is necessary; and recorders will be provided. *HELP, I’M WORKING WITH THE CHILDRENS CHOIR!!!* Pheonia Conners and Delores Adelake Children’s music ministry is well known for its rewarding experiences and many memorable moments. However, it does have the ability to deplete the initial passion and zeal of those who serve in this ministry. In this workshop, we endeavor to encourage, advise and instruct those who are called to work in this capacity. It is also our intent to equip attendees with the necessary tools that will help them carry out their assignments with purpose, strategic insight and renewed minds. *HOW TO BUILD A PUPPET MINISTRY IN YOUR LOCAL CHURCH* Tevin Hines The use of puppets with children is not a new idea; and for those ministering to children, a puppet ministry is great way to reach them and involve many of the older youth in the church. Attendees will learn the tricks of the trade, and how to create their own puppets for less than half the cost of purchasing them. Students will see actual samples, learn how to prepare for a ministry with puppets, and even watch a performance! The goal of this course is to provide a working knowledge base for starting or enhancing a ministry in the art of the Puppeteer.
CHOIR DIRECTORS’ FORUM *TEACHING MUSIC TO CHOIR MEMBERS* (How to Teach a Song in 7 Minutes or Less) Evangelist T. Lynn Smith, Coordinator, Quorum of Directors It is essential that we make the most of our rehearsal time and effort, as so many choir members devote less of their time to rehearsal sessions. This class will equip you with techniques that will help you to teach choir members more effectively and efficiently. You will be given tips on how to “PreTeach” and “Post-Teach” your choir. This class is a “must have” for all choir directors. *THE 5 SENSES OF CHOIR DECORUM* Minister Sam L. Townsend, Jr., Clinician In this class we will take a fresh approach to a familiar subject, Choir Decorum. By definition Decorum is having good taste in conduct or appearance. By design, God has equipped us with 5 natural senses to help us make judgments regarding our decorum based on a simple perception of situations or facts. During this open discussion we will, not only deal with the obvious, but we will go underneath the choir robe, above the melodic sound, beyond the well-intentioned heart and examine the true state of our choirs. *EFFECTIVE CHOIR DIRECTING* Evangelists T. Lynn Smith and Sybil Finney, Clinicians The choir director plays a significant role in helping to create and sustain a harmonious union between the musical aggregation and the music rendered. This is a "hands-on" instruction and application course. It is meant to help choir directors of any size choir. In this class we will address: mental, physical, and spiritual preparation; clear director signals; effective communication; moving in the spirit; timely musical entries and exits, enhancing your directing ministry, and so much more. *HOW TO BUILD AN EFFECTIVE YOUTH CHOIR* B. McCargo, Clinician What is the purpose of the youth choir? How does the Youth Choir work within the vision of the larger church? In this class, we will examine the unique blend of youth and music, and how these can be used to enhance the worship experience. This course will cover areas such as how to work with youth ministry staff, making proper song selection, choosing appropriate staff, establishing boundaries, securing parental involvement, and much more.
LEADERSHIP FORUM *LEADERS EMPOWERED FOR EXCELLENCE* Evangelist Barbara Sago Jackson, Vice President Effective ministry demands excellence in both musical execution and in administrative giftedness. This class will cover this aspect of ministry. Discussion will include practical and applicable approaches to move any church music ministry from “good” to “excellent.”; from dealing with the Praise and Worship Team, building confident leadership skills amongst choir directors, to empowering multiple generations simultaneously through music ministry. *W.O.W. - WARRIORS OF WORSHIP* Dr. Judith C. McAllister, President This class will cover Spiritual Empowerment Strategies for effective warfare in worship. The understanding of spiritual warfare is vital to the individual who accepts the call to the ministry of music. Although there are several varying and effective weapons notated in scripture, in this session, we will deal specifically with three: The Word of God, Praise, and intently, Prayer. *LEADERSHIP AND ACCOUNTABILITY* Sandra Walker God created us with a capacity to lead; but becoming a leader involves a process. What elements make one a leader? What is the purpose of leadership? This class will explore principles necessary for successful leadership. In addition to exploring skills needed to be effective, we will also cover issues such as accountability and integrity. *GUIDELINES FOR THE SELECTION OF MUSIC FOR WORSHIP SERVICES* Dr. Judith C. McAllister, President It is essential that the proper music be chosen for all worship services. Every song chosen should do one of the following: glorify God, edify believers, and persuade unbelievers to come to Christ. Music should also promote audience participation. This class will help all leaders to be more effective in their choice of worship music.
*HOW TO BUILD YOUR LOCAL, DISTRICT, AND JURISDICTIONAL CHOIR* Markita Knight, Petey Madison, Zacchaeus Hayslett, and Cynthia Benning What helps to make a good Local, District or Jurisdictional Choir? District and Jurisdictional Choirs are very different from the local church choir; and this class is for Local, District, Jurisdictional leaders, choir members and directors who desire to make their choir the BEST that it can be. Attendees will learn strategies that are particular to their regions, as well as factors that can promote or hinder their choir’s growth and effectiveness. *LEVITICAL LEADERSHIP—“THE SHIFT”* Micah Stampley This class will focus on shifting your music ministry to a new dimension of effectiveness and fruitfulness. This will entail dying to the flesh, knowing what it takes to destroy yokes, and knowing how to give way to the anointing. *HISTORY OF THE COGIC INTERNATIONAL MUSIC DEPARTMENT* Curtis Lewis, Director, COGIC Heritage Singers/Historian If the next generation is to partake of our heritage, we must commit to their remembrance our legacy so that they can, in turn, teach others. We must set up memorial stones that will cause them to ask: “What mean ye by these stones?” (Joshua 4:6, KJV) The COGIC (Collection of God Inspired Choruses) expression, and that of many black Pentecostal ministries, has been put on the back burner because it was labeled as the music of the unlearned, steeped in emotionalism, and said to have no redeeming value; but it is our desire to revive those songs that summon the very presence of God. We will revisit the great songs and hymns of faith that have, throughout the ages, served as a bulwark of strength for the Christian church; and we will examine the contributions of the great IMD pioneers who laid the foundation upon which our department now stands. *MUSIC MINISTRY IMPARTATION* (General Sessions) Aaron Lindsey and Kurt Carr The entire International Music Department will come together for an hour of foundational worship teaching and impartation. The focus will be on the return to “the heart of worship” and principles of Levitical ministry which will maximize our effectiveness in serving the national church. *THE POWER OF WORD IN WORSHIP* Elder James Smith This class will teach you how to take dominion over the adversity and subdue those things in life that confront you through by using the Word in Worship. The devil knows the power of the message that the Word in Worship has in this time. It is our duty, in this hour, to minister in such a way that others may realize the Person of Jesus the Christ in our Worship.
MUSIC INDUSTRY FORUM *MUSIC THEORY 101* Mark T. Jackson Have you ever had the desire to read music, or to write out music that you hear with notes and rests on staff paper? Are you a choir member or a musician who plays by ear but never had an opportunity to learn how to read and study music theory? Do you want to expand your local church’s music department but lack the training to do so? If you can identify with any of these questions above, then this basic, beginning theory class is just for you!!! Students will leave the class with basic skills in the fundamentals of music such as note reading, ear-training, sight-singing, building scales, musical terminology, building chords, time signatures, rhythm, basic conducting skills and writing music. This class is open to everyone: choir members, musicians, choir directors, singers, ministers of music, audio engineers, etc. NO PRIOR MUSIC THEORY KNOWLEDGE NECESSARY! *EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT PRODUCING* Michael Bereal Do you have what it takes to become a great producer? When you ask a musician what’s new in their life, many reply, “I’m in the studio working on a hot new project” or “I’ve been on the grind making a track.” It seems that the goal of many musicians is to become the next greatest producer and to successfully get placement on a platinum-selling recording project. Taught by a team of Awardwinning producers, this class will help bridge the gap between the dream to become a great producer and the manifestation of the dream. *UNDERSTANDING THE MUSIC BUSINESS* Stanley Brown Promotion is a very important part of the Music Business. We will explore areas that will provide insight and understanding for aspiring artists, producers, as well as those involved in other areas of music. The Bible states that we are in this world, but not of the world. Although we do not ascribe to some of the “behind the scenes” practices of many music industry executives, we need to have clear understanding as to how this industry can be most beneficial to us as we move forward in the things of God.
*HOW TO MINISTER WITH EXCELLENCE* ***RECORDING ARTISTS *** (You do NOT want to miss this class!!!) The definition of excellence is the quality or state of being outstanding and superior. It is our responsibility to be cognizant of the excellent God that we serve, giving him no less than what He has given to us. As we minister before the Lord and to His people, it is imperative that we set high standards and make extra effort to offer unto Him what He deserves. Learn how to take your personal and/or collective music ministry to the next dimension from a panel of the most successful and anointed recording artists of our day. *THE GOSPEL MUSIC INDUSTRY TODAY* Aaron Lindsey Today’s Gospel music industry has expanded tremendously throughout the world. Aspects of Christian music have long struggled to gain general acceptance, even within the Christian community. The Christian music industry experienced explosive growth in the 1990s. Christian music sales grew to exceed those for classical, jazz, and new age music. Even so, the Christian music industry has experienced some of the same issues as the general market in recent years. This class will explore the present Gospel music industry that will help you to excel. *HOW SWEET THE SOUND* (The Art of Using Sound Technology) Asaph Alexander Ward Nothing can be more frustrating or distracting during a church service than struggling with either an inadequate sound system or sound technicians who are unskilled at mixing sound. This class will teach you how to install the proper sound equipment in your church buildings—depending upon the approximate size of building, etc., and it will equip with the basic techniques to use to run sound equipment. This class will also aid singers and speakers in the proper terminology when requesting assistance of sound technicians while in the midst of ministering. *SONGWRITING 101* V. Michael McKay This class introduces techniques and principles for songwriting. We will cover areas such as: The Importance of writing music that glorifies God, Thematic Writing, Hook Development, and common formats in Gospel music. This is a writing workshop where students will learn to write in class, and receive immediate feedback from the instructor.
MUSIC MINISTRY FORUM *INDUSTRY VS. MINISTRY* Kim Burrell, Vice President How do you define yourself? Are you an Artist or a Minster of the Gospel? Which is your primary role? Do you find yourself struggling to find a balance between the two? How does a minister in song effectively navigate throughout the sometimes daunting world of the music industry? If you find yourself in either of these categories, this class is certainly for you! *THE ART OF SINGING: TECHNIQUE & VOCAL HEALTH* Karla Scott The voice is a priceless musical instrument that is designed to give God absolute praise. Because of this, we must seek ways of improving and cultivating our gifts so that the result is maximum usage. Vocal technique is a vital part of that development. This course will explore breath support, understanding and preventing hoarseness, how to properly use one’s voice, how to avoid misuse of the voice, as well as how to properly care for your voice as an instrument. *STEPS TO PLANNING A SUCCESSFUL MUSIC CONFERENCE* Edgar O. Madison, Jr., Vice President Have you wanted to organize a major music conference but were unsure what it would take to do it? This class will give you helpful tools in planning, organizing and budgeting for a music conference, whether large or small. You don’t want to miss this class. *SINGING UNDER THE ANOINTING* Psalmist Bettye Nelson The Anointing makes the difference! This class will explore three aspects of the anointing – what it is, the real reason why individuals are anointed, and how to ensure that one’s gift does not hinder the flow of the anointing. *FOR WOMEN IN MUSIC MINISTRY* Evangelist Janice Craig This class will assist women in the proper attire for music ministry, whether it be praise and worship, choir, or liturgical dance. This class will also help individuals to realize the important role that women contribute to the ministry of music. All women are encouraged to attend.
PRAISE AND WORSHIP FORUM *SJF WORSHIP TEAM CLASS: TRAINING SESSION* (Why Send Judah First?) Psalmist Sharon Jackson In this class we will take a lot at who we are and what our purpose is, and how we can adequately and effectively fulfill that purpose. We will watch segments of previous ministry opportunities in order to critique ourselves and see what we did right and what we can do better (Judges 20:18; Psalms 33:3; 66:2). *SJF WORSHIP TEAM CLASS: FULFILLING THE CALL OF WORSHIP* Vandalyn Kennedy The purpose of this class is to assist the worship team member to fully understand the call of a worshipper and the process that is necessary for a worshipper to go through in order to become the vessel of honor that is needed to fulfill the call of a worshipper (Genesis 22). *SJF WORSHIP TEAM CLASS: THE OFFERING OF WORSHIP* Psalmist Sharon Jackson The highest purpose of worship is for God, not for us, and this should be demonstrated through our actions and offering. A broken vessel cannot retain its contents. It is powerless to withhold; therefore, it freely spills out all that is within it. As Mary broke the alabaster box of spikenard and poured it all on Jesus’ head, so must we break the boxes of religion, pride, tradition, etc., that are around our hearts. Through this process (brokenness), the pure love of a broken life will become the fragrance of worship which we can pour on and adorn our Savior (Mark 14:3). *SJF WORSHIP TEAM CLASS: WORSHIP VISION* Minister David Daughtry This class will ask the question: What is your vision for your worship ministry? Many times we get stuck in a routine of doing worship week after week with no vision, no goals for where we want our worship to go and what we want to see it accomplish in our services and within our ministries. This class will help to encourage the student to sit down with the pastor, hear his heart concerning the worship ministry at the church and then set goals to help bring the vision to pass. We cannot allow fear and doubt to prevent us from saying the things that we want to see come to pass in our church ministries, as well as personal ministries (Psalm 29:18 and Ezekiel 12:25).
*THE PURPOSE AND NECESSITY OF PRAISE & WORSHIP* Psalmist Sharon Jackson and Minister David Daughtry In order for praise and worship to be effective, we must understand what it is. This class will deal with the basic foundational principles of praise and worship. What is praise? What is worship? What is God’s intended purpose for worship and why is it necessary? This class will attempt to give the attendee a clearer understanding of worship thereby allowing them to have a fuller participation in the worship experience. Corporate praise and worship is the time when we give to the Lord through our singing, praise, and declaring His holiness. Worship, however, goes beyond a life of prayer and Bible study. It is goes beyond a quiet time together with the Lord. Worship is what comes out of an understanding and realization of who God is, and what He means to us personally as Savior and Lord. The Father is not seeking worship in and of itself, but worshippers (John 4:23). *EFFECTIVE PRAISE & WORSHIP: ASPECT OF LIFESTYLE* Psalmist Sharon Jackson and Minister David Daughtry Now that we have established what praise and worship is, its purpose and necessity, now we will look at the issue of how to effectively praise and worship God. This class will deal with that from the aspect of living the lifestyle of a worshipper. Before you can effectively worship God in a church setting, there must be a personal walk and relationship with God that allows you access to the throne room and the presence of God. Our hands must be clean and our heart must be pure (Psalms 24:3). *EFFECTIVE PRAISE & WORSHIP: ASPECT OF PREPARATION* Minister David Daughtry We understand praise and worship, and we have come into the realization that there must be a lifestyle of worship. Now we will deal with being adequately prepared for our worship services so that we may minister to God with excellence. This class will help the student to understand the importance of preparation in things like song selection and flow, rehearsals, musicianship and skillfulness, giving and following cues, as well as give several tips that will help the worship leader and team to be able to effectively lead the congregation forth in praise and worship. If time allows, we will even allow for students to come forward and “practice” leading worship (Psalm 33:3; 66:2). *EFFECTIVE PRAISE & WORSHIP: UNDERSTANDING THE FLOW IN WORSHIP* Psalmist Sharon Jackson As worship leaders and team members, we must now understand that even after we have prepared our songs, rehearsed our parts and are ready to minister with excellence, there will be times when the Holy Spirit will lead you in another direction from what you have planned. This class will deal with how to know when the Spirit is flowing in another direction and how to follow His leading and guidance. Flowing in worship is not always speaking or singing in tongues or giving a prophetic utterance; it is simply being in tune to the leading of the Holy Spirit and what He wants to do in the midst of the congregation (Ephesians 5:19 and Psalm 40:3).
*TEACHING YOUR CONGREGATION TO WORSHIP* Psalmist Sharon Jackson and Minister David Daughtry This class will present tips and techniques that can be implemented to help the worship leader teach and train the congregation how to participate fuller in the worship experience. We must help the congregation to understand that they must be participators in, and not spectators of, the worship service. The entire congregation makes up the royal priesthood (I Peter 2:9). *SJF VOCAL PLACEMENTS: A – M AND N – Z* (For Current SJF Members Only) Psalmist Sharon Jackson and Minister David Daughtry As members of the Send Judah First, it is imperative that we minister not only with the anointing but with skill. We must be capable of being able to hear our parts, hold our parts and minister effectively on the microphone during times of praise and worship, as well as providing choir support. The Vocal Placement class allows for the opportunity to listen to the vocal abilities of those desiring to minister with SJF and make a determination as to whether or not the National Praise Team can benefit from the placement of that particular person on the team. Prospective members are asked to sing alone, as well as with a team, and they must be able to have an ear to hear their respective parts. (Thursday’s vocal placement class will be for prospective members whose last names begin with A – M. Friday’s vocal placement class will be for prospective members whose last names begin with N – Z.)
ORCHESTRAL FORUM *INSTRUMENTAL SKILLS ENHANCEMENT WORKSHOP* Ezra Howard Sing unto him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise. Psalm 33:3 (KJV) Our objective is to provide a learning and sharing environment for instrumentalists so that they are equipped, inspired and encouraged to take their musicianship to the next level. The AIM Convention class time will be divided into two main sessions: Session I—Music Theory, Techniques, and Exercises. We will discuss and conduct various exercises dealing with music theory, scales, sightreading, articulation, tone, blend and dynamics; Session II—Master Classes. During the Master Class session, musicians are divided into groups of like instruments. A skillful musician will instruct each group, discussing and demonstrating better playing techniques specific to their instrument. *EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE REQUIREMENTS OF ORCHESTRAL MINISTRY 101* Ezra Howard This class will explore and explain the necessary requirements of becoming a professional musician. It will feature personnel from various music schools and other trained musicians who will give insight into the various facets of being a professional orchestral musician. Discussion topics will include: Attending a music college or conservatory, how to audition for a music scholarship, how to become a member of a professional orchestra, the challenges and rewards of being a professional orchestral musician, utilizing your musicianship and training in the church.
LITURGICAL PRAISERS’ FORUM *CHOREOGRAPHY* Alana Brown This class is designed for those in liturgical dance ministry who would like to sharpen their choreography skills. Learn techniques as well as the differences between choreography for solo dancers, small and large ensembles. *CALLED TO DANCE* Rochelle Robbins, Director, SJF Liturgical Dancers Sarah Byrd This class will help give understanding and direction as to why we dance, and explore topics such as: Expressive Worship/Dancing before the Lord, Dance and Warfare, Dance and the Word, and much more. *BUILDING A DANCE MINISTRY IN YOUR LOCAL CHURCH* (ADULTS ONLY) Sarah Byrd and Rochelle Robbins This class will share the tools needed for effective ministry. Designed to explore issues such as working within the vision of leadership, the Role of a Dance Leader, how to build an effective team that will please God, Praising vs. Performing, finding resources to assist you, and creating a support system of like-minded individuals/ministries.
MUSICIANS’ FORUM *SHOW ME THAT!!!* Bro. Derrick Jackson, Keyboard; Dr. Curtis Daniel/Melvin Crispell/Asaph Ward/Artists, Organ; Pastor Keith Newton, Bass Guitar; and Austin Moore, Drums “Chenaniah, chief of the Levites was for song: He instructed about the song because he was skillful.” (I Chronicles 15:22, NKJV) We must always endeavor to ensure the capability of musical maturity, through God’s anointing, while simultaneously perfecting our gifting through spiritual and intellectual pursuits. Those who play piano, keyboards, organ, bass, guitar and drums are encouraged to attend these classes for exposure to new techniques, chords, etc. *BUSINESS FOR THE MUSICIAN* David Blakely “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.” (Proverbs 22:29, KJV) Many of today’s musicians find themselves in a quandary when it comes to balancing the spiritual with the natural—serving in the local church while also properly maintaining their own personal lives. This class deals with the business aspects of being a musician in the church. The questions addressed will include: ‘What should churches pay?’ ‘How do I acquire health insurance?’ etc. This class will questions like these and many more. *THE PASTOR & HIS MUSICIAN* Pastor Frank Anthone White The Priest and the Levite The relationship between the Priest and the Levite can be an awesome musical/ministry marriage, or a two-headed monster looking to divide a baffled congregation. Both of these roles play a critical role in the flow and ascension of the worship service; and we will explore how it is the job of both individuals to recognize the weight of the tasks they fulfill, and remember their one true goal—which must be the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
*ACCOMPANIMENT FOR CHOIR, SOLOIST, ENSEMBLE & SPEAKER* Curtis Daniel There is an art to accompanying soloists, preachers, and musical aggregations. Accompanists should not be the focus of a ministry/performance, but a vehicle to enhance. This class will explore this art, helping musicians to compliment, not take away from the main performance source. *THE CALL OF THE MUSICIAN* Superintendent Samuel Sago "...for many be called, but few chosen." (Matthew 20:16) Many are called or given an opportunity to do ministry for the Lord, but very few are willing to take the responsibility to answer that call. God calls musicians for a very special purpose. Not just to play an instrument, or demonstrate skillfulness, but to be effective Levites in music ministry. God took the Levites through a process of preparation before they could minister. We will explore the five things that the Levites did before they were ready to serve in the temple and what we must do today to be the Musicians God has called us to be. *EAR TRAINING/SKILL DEVELOPMENT* Derrick Jackson This class is designed to assist students in developing their musical ears by strengthening listening skills, exploring pitch recognition, as well as how to formulate FAT chords and execute precise fingering. *HOW TO FLOW IN A WORSHIP SERVICE* (Designed for all musicians. Not limited to keyboardists.) Michael Bereal Flowing in a worship service is not about playing the best chords and licks, but is about creating and maintaining an atmosphere for the presence of the Lord to dwell. It is the responsibility of every Levite to understand their purpose and role in the schematics of a worship service. We will discuss several aspects regarding this subject.
YOUTH FORUM *GUARDING YOUR ANOINTING!!!* Kim Burrell, Vice President Just as we have a distinct fingerprint, God has a distinct path and purpose for our individual lives. We all have a story that has been written, and it is important for us to embrace and utilize every aspect of our stories to bring glory to God. One’s musical gifts are part of his story and sound, and we, therefore, must be sure that we are using our gifts to build God’s kingdom—not our own. There is a creative, anointed sound that must come from each of us, but we must position ourselves for that sound to be released. We will examine how one can guard his anointing and maximize his effectiveness for the Kingdom of God by remaining in the specific place of ministry that God has ordained for his life. *YOUNG CHOIR DIRECTORS* Leon Lacey and B. McCargo “Let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example in both word and deed.” In this class, we will explore the spiritual and technical aspects of how to be an effective choir director. we will explore the importance of keeping a ministry focus, leading by example, using your influence for good, following leadership, the technical aspects of directing, and how to choose the appropriate songs.
APPLIED STUDIES 2010 REHEARSALS *AFTERNOON SESSIONS AND PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLES* These musical aggregations meet Tuesday – Friday at the times listed below
MASS CHOIR 5:00-6:45PM ROOM 362 D/E/F Dr. Judith C. McAllister & Staff Come and experience the ministry of breaking yokes, changing lives and outlooks that can only be fulfilled through the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Empowered singers and instrumentalists combine to amass one of the largest, anointed, inimitable singing aggregations ever. Songwriters and director/trainers rehearse the choir daily for night services.
YOUTH CHOIR 2:30-4:30PM HALLS D/E Vice President Kim Burrell & Staff Godliness with contentment is great gain. Hip hop and rave music cannot offer complete satisfaction to Godly people. Our multi-faceted, multi-talented and musically brilliant teens will glorify God through directing, singing, composing and playing instruments during rehearsals and worship services. This ensemble ministers during the Music & Youth Day services ,AIM Youth Night Worship, as well as the Youth Extravaganza.
CHILDREN’S CHOIR 1:00-2:00PM (TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY) GRAND BALLROOM A Elder David Perry & Staff Our children will be taught songs that exalt, praise and magnify God, edify believers, and extol their faith. Young believers are some of our most powerful witnesses. Let's equip them properly with great repertoire. Our children will minister during all three conventions.
CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST CHORALE 1:45 – 2:40 (TUESDAY thru THURSDAY ONLY) ROOM 361 F Evangelist Dolores Diggs & Staff Eight, nine, ten-part voicings can be relished as the blending of soprano, alto, tenor, baritone and bass combine in heavenly harmonies and stirring counterpoint. Come and dine!
ORCHESTRA Tuesday/Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:00 – 9:50 AM 9:00 – 10:50 AM 10:00 – 10:50 AM & ROOM 362 D/E/F ROOM 362 D/E/F 5:00 – 6:00 PM 5:00 – 6:45 PM ROOM 362 D/E/F HALLS D/E Elder Ezra Howard & Staff Full orchestration, i.e. strings, woodwind, brass and percussion will exchange ideas at anointed rehearsals. Beautiful, melodious refrains will be heard as the orchestra prepares to minister nightly. All are welcome to attend!
SEND JUDAH FIRST- PRAISE TEAM 3:30 - 5:00 PM ROOM 361 F Sharon Jackson & David Daughtry Worship the LORD in the beauty of Holiness. Send Judah First will minister during EVERY service. Teams of singers will be established in order for us to minister effectively - DAY, EVENING & LATE NIGHT.
MUSICIANS 3:30 - 5:00 PM ROOM 362 A Chief Levite David Blakely “Sing unto him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.” Psalm 33:3
SEND JUDAH FIRST – LITURGICAL PRAISE DANCERS Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 9:00 – 9:50 AM 10:00 – 10:50 AM 9:30 – 10:50 AM ROOM 362 B ROOM 362 B Location TBA Evangelist Rochelle Robbins