San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)
PARTNERS MEETING SUMMARY NOTES February 19, 2015 | 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Joseph Carlini, City of Tulare Dave Christensen, PG&E Michael DeSousa, SCE Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO Gail Henry, County of Tulare Lee Johnson, City of Visalia Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Mario Kristic, City of Farmersville
Kimball Loeb, City of Visalia Cam Malloy, PG&E Mark Okino, SCE Mario Orosco, City of Hanford
Location: Tulare County Government Plaza, RMA Conference Room Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Next Meeting: March 19, 2015 at 9:30am SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Courtney welcomed the group and introductions were made. Partnership Business VIEW the Success! Recap Courtney wanted to thank the partners for their participation at this year’s VIEW the Success! Luncheon. She asked the group if there were any items that the partnership could have done better with and the group responded with no. They thought that the new format of the Luncheon was great. Review Action Items from 11/20 Meeting Courtney reviewed the action items from the November partners meeting to see if there were still outstanding items. The first action item of the 911 Visalia dispatch facility is still in the air and will be followed up on. There are other action items, numbers 6,7,9, are also still open and will be followed up for next month’s meeting. As for the finance presentation for an upcoming partners meeting Courtney will be have that be a meeting topic in April or May.
Update on Meeting Format Courtney explained the new meeting format and each topic that will be covered in the monthly meeting. She asked the group if they would like to continue with the format of the first hour being catch up time and the second hour being about individual topics of interest. The group stated that they would like to stay with that format. Courtney also stated the she will be sending out individual meeting invitations to all attendees so apologies for the bombardment of emails. Courtney also wanted the partners to know that they are able to extend an invite to local officials when the meeting topics are informational if they would like. Project Updates PG&E Staples Report for January 2015 Dave from PG&E went over the newest Staples report and stated that is not much to cover on the report as there are not any projects to report. He stated that some projects do not show since the invoicing is not completed at this time. Dave also announced that Staples is working with a new marketing plan for the year. He also let the group know that linear LED’s are now a part of the direct install from PG&E. He and Cam from PG&E were very excited that they are now being offered as a part of the program, since there aren’t any disposal issues and they are dimmable. Dave also went on to list the Cities that PG&E would like to work with when it comes to October outreach events. Those Cities are Allensworth, London, Soltana and Monson. SCE Direct Install Report Back Michael and Mark from SCE went over items that current and up and coming in the direct install program. They stated that Lou from the City of Hanford will conducting pump tests, but SCE needs to know what pumps to test. Mark stated that for now they can set up the 9 wells in the system so that when they City is ready to move ahead they will be all set. Michael went over the waste water treatment plant that Farmersville will be starting and how to proceed for savings. He continued on to the City of Hanford and how they have four projects in the pipeline, but need a better description of what the projects are. For the City of Tulare the well projects need clarification from SCE and Joe Carlini, since some wells may be dry now. For the City of Visalia Michael and Kimball need to get together to clear up duplicate projects that might have entered into the system. Michael also wanted to inform the group that the base year line might be changing after this year. He will keep the group informed on what the final decision may be for SCE. SCE OBF Status Michael from SCE went over the breakdown for OBF in 2015. He stated that there is 26 million reserved for the year in the program. The program has an outstanding 12 million and 16 million available for projects at this time. He advised the group to take advantage of this program as soon as possible, since much of the funding will be gone by the summer. Marketing & Outreach VIEW Website Update for 2015+ Samantha from SJVCEO was able to show a sample of what the new VIEW Partnership website will look like. The website is very user friendly and attracts those that not directly involved in the Partnership itself. She stated they hope to the website up and going by the end of the month or the beginning of March. As soon as the website is up and going she will send out an email to all partners.
Kill-A-Watt Krackdown Report Samantha from SJVCEO updated the group on what items are going on with the energy challenge. She stated that we are need of business contacts that the partners may have to get referrals for entries. Many of the partners stated they would email her with information and contacts. Other Business SEEC Meeting Courtney stated that the SEEC Conference would be taking place on June 17th and 18th instead of July this year. She wanted to make all partners aware that some of the utilities cover travel for one for partners. Courtney also wanted to see if the group would be open to changing the June meeting to July and take off the month of June. The group was fine with the move. Next Regular Meeting will be held on March 19th. Adjourn Meeting ACTION ITEMS 1. Kim Loeb to see about 911 dispatch facility with the Savings by Design personnel 2. Michael to have aggregate data to partners 3. Michael to follow up on Kings County fire Direct Install and see if the one can be completed 4. Courtney to look for and send Methane study to Gail (regarding solid waste facility) 5. Gail to talk with PG&E regarding the Juvenile Detention Facility 6. Courtney will send out the new LED offerings slideshow to partners 7. Dave to keep Sam and Gail in the loop on outreach event planning 8. Courtney to follow up with Lou on streetlights 9. VIEW Partnership to work on needed tier items for Farmersville 10. Mark to schedule a meeting with Joe Carlini to go over wells and well projects 11. Michael to send a list of projects to Kimball for clean up 12. Courtney will send out more information on going on in Three Rivers