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San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)


PARTNERS MEETING SUMMARY NOTES March 1, 2012 | 10:00 a.m. County of Tulare RMA, RMA Main Conference Room| 5961 South Mooney Blvd., Visalia, CA 93277 Attendees: Lou Camara, City of Hanford Barbara Marty, City of Hanford Lew Nelson, City of Tulare Kim Loeb, City of Visalia

Gail Henry, County of Tulare Mike Dickerson, County of Tulare Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO

Maureen Hoff, SJVCEO Hammad Chaudhry, SCE Mark Okino, SCE Paulo Morais, SoCalGas

Location: County of Tulare RMA, Conference Room E, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, CA 93277 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Next Meeting: Thursday, April 5, 2012 Location: County of Tulare RMA, RMA Main Conference Room, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, CA 93277 Agenda Topics on March 1, 2012 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Business Items 3. Municipal Energy Savings 4. HVAC Optimization Program 5. SCE On Bill Financing Changes 6. Marketing and Outreach Report 7. Other Business 8. Adjourn Meeting SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome and Introductions Lou Camara facilitated the meeting, starting with a welcome and introductions. Business Items Courtney Kalashian introduced the briefing report, a new addition to the monthly meetings, which will report on nd items and efforts from the last meeting. She reviewed issues from the February 2 Partnership meeting as outlined. One item led into a brief discussion about of why certain ARRA projects in the City of Hanford do not qualify for partnership savings. This discussion resulted in the decision that the partnership will track not only projects that count towards savings, but also all other projects jurisdictions complete in order to get a larger picture of energy efficiency efforts within the VIEW territory. It is a great story to tell that focuses on the leadership of our communities. Instead of providing a one-page business case summary on PC software changes, Maureen and Courtney will coordinate a 30 minute to 1-hour webinar for the appropriate people within the jurisdictions. They will connect with jurisdictions to get names of appropriate people and dates that work best. Jurisdiction IDSM audits will be posted to the VIEW online archive page and Maureen will provide everyone with a link for access. Hammad reminded everyone that if the demand response audit recommendations are not possible, the business case will be made and it will not be required.

2012 Meeting Schedule: April 5, May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, September 2, October 4, November 1, December 6.

San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) Courtney updated the group on the Peer to Peer implementer group that she and Maureen take part in. The Peer group collaborated on a proposal of what it would like the community savings requirements for the SCE ELP model nd to be and received a draft from SCE to be reviewed at the March 2 Peer to Peer meeting in Irvine. Courtney reported that she and Maureen were conflicted because they didn’t want the requirements to be too easy and for it to still have a kWh goal attached; however, the SCE draft seemed overly simplified. Paulo noted that the intent from the Commission is to have local governments go above and beyond standards. Hammad felt the current model did have room for improvement. Gail Henry shared her frustrations with community savings because she feels there hasn’t been any help with the SCE agriculture people to actually realize those savings. Barbara Marty felt there should still be some sort of measurement when evaluating community savings/efforts. Kim Loeb added he would really like to get out more in the community because the only efforts that capture savings and reach the community are direct install types of programs and marketing. Hammad clarified that ‘community’ in the partnership structure is referring to core program support so savings are captured by supporting these programs. Kim suggested the group provide comments to the Commission to show them what we would like to see out of partnerships. Municipal Energy Savings SoCalGas Paulo Morais met with the City of Hanford to explore a few potential gas savings projects. Sites evaluated included the Civic Auditorium, community pool, and fleet yard. Lou and Paulo will further discuss potential projects. Paulo will also connect with Kim regarding the Visalia Savings by Design project details to verify savings. SCE The SCE project list was the same as last month as there were no major changes. The 3 Visalia lighting projects will be added to the list and the Tulare County projects will be fixed. Hammad reported that he is waiting on about 2,300 more plug load occupancy sensors and then once they are released he will be able to deliver to the appropriate jurisdictions. Courtney updated the group that the City of Lindsay was able to find a contractor for EECBG work. The City of Woodlake may also use the same contractor to go forward with their pump projects. The Porterville WWTP expansion has been delayed until 2013. th

The Visalia parking structure project is expected to be finished by April 6 . HVAC Optimization Hammad presented on the HVAC optimization program. The target of the program is to get contractors buy into the program, stressing the importance of HVAC maintenance through incentives on upkeep. The savings will be counted toward the ELP model. All SCE customers can take part in the program and local governments receive added incentives; however, brand new systems and broken systems are ineligible. Eligible units include rooftop units, heat pump units, and split systems; chilled/hot water fed units and variable speed compressor units do not qualify. Contractors must go through a free training to be put on the eligible contractor list. Hammad will find out details on the length of training and report back to the group. Contractors receive $75 per unit and the customer receives a $50 baseline incentive per unit as well as incentives for performance maintenance. Maureen will email the HVAC presentation to all partners and ask for names of those who would be interested in learning more about the program in a detailed webinar. Paulo added that the Gas Company is not currently participating in this program because it does not meet the costeffectiveness ratio for them.

2012 Meeting Schedule: April 5, May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, September 2, October 4, November 1, December 6.

San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) SCE On-bill financing nd $15 million is available for on-bill financing (OBF) and applications should be open for partners the 2 week of April. Accounts are allowed to be bundled, the max financing for local governments is $1 million, and there is zero percent interest. Lou Camara thanked Edison for listening to feedback after Hanford’s experience with OBF and for making changes to the program. Paulo reminded partners that projects with gas and electric components can be combined. Marketing and Outreach Report Volunteers reported on their experiences at the Visalia Springfest event. Mark Okino felt like he was overshadowing the Energy Upgrade California program because they had a booth right down the way. Gail said she spoke with a great number of people, focusing on EUCA and the gas company materials because the MEU staff had SCE programs covered. Kim expressed that we need enthusiastic people to staff the booth so as to pull people in. Paulo expressed that he would like to better engage the Gas Company at these types of events. The partnership also had a booth in February at the Valley Go Green summit. The MEU staff did a great job of engaging event attendees and freed up Maureen and Courtney’s time to network with other individuals. Courtney and Maureen are currently working with a designer to update the VIEW brochure. A first draft was received but edits need to be made. Once a second draft is created, they will share with partners. Other Business Direct Install results were presented to the group, showing that in VIEW alone over 10 million kWh was saved for small businesses! Kim would like a breakdown of how many businesses per city and, if possible, what types of retrofits were completed. Hammad will look into getting those details. Courtney will send the DI results to each individual jurisdiction. Courtney will send out details on an upcoming reach codes webinar. The Cool Center program will be bringing 6 centers in VIEW territory this year. There is a local government partners meeting in San Luis Obispo for central state partnerships (San Joaquin Valley, th central coast areas) on March 29 . Planning is still in the works. Courtney will attend. th


The next SEEC Conference will be July 18 –19 in Los Angeles near the airport. Barbara Marty nominated herself as the April Partnership meeting facilitator. ACTION ITEMS: Maureen and Courtney will coordinate a 30 minute to 1-hour webinar for the PC power management software. They will connect with jurisdictions to get names of appropriate people and dates that work best. Lou and Paulo will further discuss potential gas savings projects for the City of Hanford. Paulo will connect with Kim regarding the Visalia Savings by Design project details to verify savings. Hammad will find out details on the length of contractor training for the HVAC optimization program and report back to the group. Maureen will email the HVAC presentation to all partners and ask for names of those who would be interested in learning more about the program in a detailed webinar. Hammad to get details on number of businesses per city and the types of retrofits per city for Direct Install. Courtney to send DI results to each jurisdiction that shows dollar savings. Courtney will send out details on an upcoming reach codes webinar.

2012 Meeting Schedule: April 5, May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, September 2, October 4, November 1, December 6.

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