03-21-13 VIEW Partnership Meeting Summary Notes

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San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)

PARTNERS MEETING SUMMARY NOTES March 21, 2013 | 9:30-11:30 a.m. Attendees: Lou Camara, City of Hanford Lew Nelson, City of Tulare Betsy Garcia, City of Visalia Kim Loeb, City of Visalia Rhonda Mann, County of Kings

Location: Time: Next Meeting: Location:

Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Maureen Hoff, SJVCEO

Alma Briseno, So Cal Gas Dave Christensen, PG&E

Michael DeSousa, SCE Mark Okino, SCE

Visalia Chamber of Commerce, 220 N. Santa Fe Street, Visalia, CA 93292 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Thursday, April 18, 2013 Visalia Chamber of Commerce, 220 N. Santa Fe Street, Visalia, CA 93292

SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Lou Camara welcomed the group and introductions were made.

Business Items SoCal REN Advisory Committee meeting report Courtney Kalashian reported back to partners her experience as the San Joaquin Valley representative at the SoCal Regional Advisory (REN) Committee meeting. The REN was designed and structured by LA County to compliment, not supplant, the partnership structure. There’s a $45 million budget and the three main areas of focus will be Energy Upgrade California (EUCA), financing, and the SoCal Regional Energy Center. It is still being worked out how to provide these REN services to the San Joaquin Valley. In order to minimize confusion, Courtney has requested that all related information come directly to the SJVCEO so Courtney and Maureen can serve as the liaison between REN offerings and the jurisdictions. If any of the VIEW partners are directly contacted regarding REN offerings, Courtney has asked that she be informed. Courtney believes that the REN opportunities for EUCA will likely be the most beneficial to the VIEW partnership. $4.6 million has been set aside for EUCA incentives. A new ‘flex’ path is available for customers who wish to participate in EUCA, bringing the financial entry point from $4000 down to $1500. It has yet to be determined if this opportunity will be offered servicewide; if so, all VIEW territory customers would have this flex path option. Courtney added that Barbara Spoonhour from the Western Riverside COG will be at the VIEW May partnership meeting to give a presentation on the WRCOG HERO (home energy renovation opportunity) program which provides low cost residential financing. The program has been operating for about a year and they will soon be moving into commercial. 2013 Meeting Schedule: April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19

San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)

Peer to Peer meeting report Courtney also reported back from the first quarter Peer to Peer meeting where the majority of the conversation centered on audit challenges. It looks as though a recent change in ownership of the audit company that is shared by SCE and SCG has resulted in poor results. ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) Level 2 audits are expected, but not being delivered. The peer group shared best practices related to technical assistance funds and the process of getting an audit. If a VIEW partner would like an audit, Courtney has asked that they contact her or Maureen in order to fill out the appropriate paperwork to get started. Municipal Energy Savings Alma Brise単o had no updates from the Gas Company. There had been a question as to whether pool covers for school districts would count towards the partnership, but they do not. Mark Okino reviewed the SCE project tracking list and provided a few updates. The City of Visalia lighting project is still being discussed at the upper management level as to whether or not Visalia will receive an incentive, and how much of an incentive, since the project went out of order. The City of Woodlake was paid at the end of January for the WWTP project, putting them at the Platinum level for municipal energy savings. Other steps still need to be taken in order to get Woodlake officially to Platinum. There was some discussion over invoicing issues (itemized vs. lump sums for project parts). Courtney said the SJVCEO would work on putting together a letter to present to third parties in order to get contractors, utilities, and jurisdictions on the same page for project processes. Dave Christensen reported that PG&E has been doing Direct Install work through Tulare and Kings Counties and next partnership meeting (April 18th) he and the other utility program managers will present on all partner offerings. Dave said that he will start bringing information on how many businesses they are serving through Direct Install. Dave, Courtney and a few others will be meeting with Dinuba, Avenal, Corcoran, and Lemoore over the next few weeks about joining the partnership. Work has already been completed in these areas, with approximately $3,500 of retrofits in Dinuba. Dave had checked on work done on fire stations in Kings County and reported to Rhonda Mann that Cam Maloy can get back to her with the specifics, but he did say they could go back and do assessments. Lighting may not have been replaced if it fell outside the list of five measures that PG&E could do back in 2009 when the work was taking place. Dave also mentioned that Staples will be in attendance at the April partnership meeting to give more detail on what has been done within the jurisdictions. Kim Loeb requested the list of direct install measures broken out by cities that were completed in the last partnership cycle. Courtney said she would start contacting the appropriate person at SCE once the new program cycle chaos settles. Michael DeSousa also offered to contact the contractor, FESS, directly. 2013 Meeting Schedule: April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19

San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)

Dave said he would be happy to do presentations at libraries to help encourage the Kill-a-Watt meter program. The SJVCEO will reach out to the libraries directly to help coordinate presentations. Public Affairs Update Courtney quickly mentioned that she would like to have a Public Affairs Update be a recurring agenda item. Alma added that automated meters for SCG will be rolling out in the area. Lou said that about seven have already been installed in the City of Hanford. Courtney suggested that the partnership and SJVCEO assist in the promotion as when Edison did their SmartConnect meters. Alma also suggested that she could try to provide numbers on how many service people would be taken off the road due to these automated meter installations and the need for fewer meter readings. She thought jurisdictions could use the numbers for GHG inventories. Marketing Update Marketing Task Force meeting Maureen will send out a Doodle poll to schedule a two hour marketing task force meeting to go over all marketing-related items for this partnership cycle. May 7, Kings Co. Employee Recognition BBQ Maureen and Courtney will staff a partnership booth at the May 7th Kings County Employee Recognition BBQ. Energy Upgrade CA Alma is still investigating EUCA-approved contractors within the San Joaquin Valley. There were a handful of contractors but they had been removed from the list due to inactivity in the program. Proposed Meeting Format Change Courtney explained that the partnership meetings will have a format change to put the emphasis back on utility program offerings, instead of long project-related discussions, in order to make the meetings more fun and beneficial. Lou shared that he likes the current format because it allows for peer sharing regarding projects. Courtney said that there would still be discussion related to projects, but that the time period would be cut shorter. Suggestions for topics for the new meeting format included SCE’s street light buy-back program, energy and water efficient landscaping, AC cycling device, Air District and/or CEC funding/financing opportunities, and building operator certification programs. In relation to the street light program, Courtney suggested that those participating or who have started going through the motions share their experience with the rest of the partners. Courtney will also put Lew Nelson and Betsy in contact with Aaron Klemm from the City of Huntington Beach who is also doing the street light program. Lew said the City of Tulare is currently on hold in the process. 2013 Meeting Schedule: April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19

San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) Meeting themes would ideally be shared with partners three months in advance so the appropriate people could attend the meetings. April’s meeting will be program focused with each utility sharing current offerings. May will be residential focused and will include a presentation from Barbara Spoonhour on the WRCOG’s HERO program. Other Business The Central California Local Government Partnership meeting will take place on April 9 th in Coalinga. The SEEC Best Practices Forum will take place June 19-20 in Sacramento. Maureen and Courtney will coordinate with Bill DeLain to set up a presentation for a Gold certificate presentation to the City of Tulare. Kim announced that the Visalia City Council has approved Visalia to join the California First PACE program. The County will additionally have to join in order to make it official but they are hopefully moving forward and bringing it to the Board of Supervisors in April. Action items were reviewed and Kim Loeb was selected as the next meeting facilitator. Adjourn Meeting

ACTION ITEMS: SJVCEO will put together a letter to present to third parties in order to get contractors, utilities, and jurisdictions on the same page for project processes. Courtney will contact SCE in April regarding last program cycle Direct Install results. Michael DeSousa will contact the contractor directly for the same information. SJVCEO will reach out to libraries to help coordinate Kill-a-Watt meter program presentations. Alma will look into getting information related to the numbers of service people who would be taken off the road due to automated meter installations and the effect on GHG emissions. Maureen will send out a Doodle poll to schedule a two hour marketing task force meeting to go over all marketing-related items for this partnership cycle. Courtney will put Lew Nelson and Betsy in contact with Aaron Klemm from the City of Huntington Beach regarding the SCE street light program. 2013 Meeting Schedule: April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19

San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) Maureen and Courtney will coordinate with Bill DeLain to set up a presentation for a Gold certificate presentation to the City of Tulare.

2013 Meeting Schedule: April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19

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