San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)
PARTNERS MARKETING TASKFORCE SUMMARY NOTES March 3, 2011 | 9:00 a.m. County of Tulare RMA, RMA Main Conference Room 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, California 93277
Attendees: Kim Loeb, City of Visalia Gail Henry, County of Tulare
Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Maureen Hoff, SJVCEO
Hammad Chaudhry, SCE Jesse Langley, SCE Frank Lauro, So Cal Gas
Location: County of Tulare, RMA, RMA Main Conference Room, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, California, 93277 Time: 9:00 a.m. Next Meeting: Thursday, June 2, 2011 Location: County of Tulare, RMA, RMA Main Conference Room, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, California, 93277
Agenda Topics for December 2, 2010
1. Welcome 2. Event Recap – Visalia SpringFest Home & Patio Show 3. Upcoming Events a. Porterville Iris Festival - April 16, 2011 b. Porterville Prospect Education Center Earth Day – May 6, 2011 c. Lindsay Friday Night Market – June 17th and July 22nd, 2011 4. Promotional Giveaway Selection 5. 2011 Community Based programs to replace Holiday Light Exchange 6. Brainstorming session: Use reduction in government facilities 7. Next Steps a. Action Items b. Next meeting – June 2, 2011 SUMMARY of DISCUSSION: Welcome Courtney Kalashian called the meeting to order at 9:07am. Event Recap and Upcoming Events The Partnership had a booth at the 2011 Visalia SpringFest Home & Patio Show. Both utilities were represented with the Mobile Education Unit (MEU) for SCE and a table set-up and retired volunteer for 2011 Meeting Schedule: June 2, 2011; September 1, 2011; December 1, 2011
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) SCG. SCG Program Manager, Frank Lauro, also volunteered his time at the event. The MEU report stated that there were fewer crowds than anticipated but the contacts made were with very engaged attendees. Kim Loeb said he felt like there were a lot of attendees but not much material from Edison to share. There wasn’t anything to catch people’s eye at the booth. Overall, however, everyone agreed that it was a worthwhile event. In regards to material for discussion at events, Courtney asked about the smart meter rollout. Jesse Langley said this was already slowly in process and Hammad Chaudhry could coordinate any necessary outreach as appropriate. Jesse also suggested using SCE’s ‘Carl and Eddy’ videos to draw people in at events. ‘Carl and Eddy’ videos are available on YouTube and could be played on a laptop at outreach events. Courtney liked this idea for the upcoming Porterville Prospect Education Center (PEC) Earth Day celebration. Upcoming outreach events include the April 16th Porterville Iris Festival and May 6th Porterville PEC Earth Day celebration. Partners were encouraged to support both events. Maureen Hoff will email a volunteer sign-up sheet for the Iris Festival. Maureen will also coordinate with the gas company to get a volunteer for events. Kim Loeb noted that the City of Visalia will have a regular presence at their farmers’ markets and will make sure to provide information on SCE and SCG programs and the partnership. Promotional Giveaway Selection Courtney presented the ME&O budget, what was spent on chip clips and magnets, and what partners found of interest in last meeting’s survey. She noted that we will need to go to re-print for brochures to add the Gas Company logo. She then presented options for new giveaway materials for purchase, all of which are manufactured in California. After some discussion it was decided to order the keyboard calendar (July 2011 – July 2012) and the magnet clip. The calendars will provide a space to include messaging about reducing energy. Per his experience with the Kern Energy Watch, Hammad Chaudhry suggested featuring energy efficiency tips as opposed to conservation tips. Courtney said the VIEW logo could be manipulated to fit in the space provided and she will also work on a tagline. The idea of a tabletop prize wheel for use at outreach events was also discussed. Maureen will look into pricing of making or purchasing one. Those in attendance agreed that a small quantity of the premium giveaway items could be purchased to serve as the ‘big’ prize. 2011 Community Based programs to replace Holiday Light Exchange Courtney asked for suggestions from the utilities on which programs were available to replace the Holiday Light Exchange. The Gas Company currently has the showerhead giveaway but nothing else. SCE suggested localizing the appliance recycling program where customers can turn in an outdated, inefficient refrigerator and receive a $50 check. Courtney will contact Rick Phelps for more information. Brainstorming session: Use reduction in government facilities Courtney asked the jurisdiction partners in attendance what was being done in their particular jurisdiction that is promoting conservation. Gail Henry said Tulare County has implemented demand response but it has lost its luster due to repetitive emails. Nothing else is formally planned but she will ask if we can put information in the county newsletter, The Grapevine. 2011 Meeting Schedule: June 2, 2011; September 1, 2011; December 1, 2011
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) Kim Loeb said the City of Visalia doesn’t do anything on a regular basis but they do distribute SCE materials that were provided a couple months ago. The city also sends out emails as necessary to encourage load reduction. Kim said a terrible amount of computers and monitors get left on so the smart strips will be helpful. He was interested in information that promotes behavior modification. Courtney will follow up with each jurisdiction about ways to promote use reduction. ACTION ITEMS:
Partnership will utilize SCE ‘Carl and Eddy’ videos at outreach events.
Maureen will email a volunteer sign-up sheet for the Iris Festival.
Maureen will coordinate with the gas company to get volunteers for events.
The keyboard calendar, magnet clip, and small quantity of premium giveaways will be ordered. Courtney will work on a tagline to put on the promotional pieces.
The idea of a tabletop prize wheel for use at outreach events was also discussed. Maureen will look into pricing of making or purchasing a tabletop prize wheel.
Courtney will contact Rick Phelps for more information on the appliance recycling program.
Courtney will follow up with each jurisdiction about ways to promote use reduction.
The next Marketing Task Force meeting will take place on June 2, 2011.
2011 Meeting Schedule: June 2, 2011; September 1, 2011; December 1, 2011