San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)
PARTNERS MEETING SUMMARY NOTES April 5, 2012 | 10:00 a.m. County of Tulare RMA, RMA Main Conference Room| 5961 South Mooney Blvd., Visalia, CA 93277 Attendees: Lou Camara, City of Hanford Lew Nelson, City of Tulare Nathan Garza, City of Visalia Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO
Maureen Hoff, SJVCEO Hammad Chaudhry, SCE Mark Okino, SCE Brian Thoburn, SCE
Paulo Morais, So Cal Gas Bob Johnson, ConSol
Location: County of Tulare RMA, Conference Room E, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, CA 93277 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Next Meeting: Thursday, May 3, 2012 Location: County of Tulare RMA, RMA Main Conference Room, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, CA 93277 Agenda Topics on April 5, 2012 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Business Items 3. Municipal Energy Savings 4. Home Energy Tune Up Tulare/Kings Update 5. Strategic Plan 6. Marketing and Outreach Report 7. Other Business 8. Adjourn Meeting SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome and Introductions Lou Camara called the meeting to order and introductions were made. Business Items Courtney Kalashian reviewed items and efforts from the last partnership meeting: The PC power management software webinar has yet to be scheduled due to a delay but will be moving forward soon. Lou Camara and Paulo Morais were able to discuss potential gas projects for the City of Hanford and will continue discussions offline and will report back. Paulo and Kim Loeb did not connect regarding the Visalia Savings by Design project. Paulo asked that Kim follow up with the project contractor and then connect with him. Hammad Chaudhry did submit a request for direct install information and once he gets the additional information on number of businesses/types of retrofits he will follow up with the partners. Pat Stoner sent out information on the reach codes webinar that Courtney had promised to send to partners. Courtney reported on the Peer to Peer Q1 meeting: The Gas Company will be included in Peer meetings going forward.
2012 Meeting Schedule: May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, September 2, October 4, November 1, December 6.
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) There is a proposed pilot for community savings that could start this year, but most likely will start in 2013. In order to move up in the ELP tier model cities/counties would have to do a certain number of education/outreach events (outside of the partnership). The next small group Peer meeting will take place in June and will include discussion around how partnerships should be branded to reflect a ‘singular’ voice. The next larger Peer meeting will take place sometime during the SEEC event in Los Angeles. th Courtney reported on the Central California LGP meeting that took place in San Luis Obispo on March 29 : This meeting was specifically for local government partnerships based in the central region of the state – central coast and Central Valley. The conversation revolved around the future of partnerships, how they should be moving forward, and how we can better advocate for those voices that are in partnerships. It was agreed that there needs to be an advocacy day where local governments, especially those from the central state regions where their voice is often unheard, can present their ideas to the top. The CPUC 2013-14 draft decision was reviewed: Much of what is in the draft decision is reinforcing what was in the previous partnership cycle but the key focus will be in the direction of ‘deep’, or more comprehensive, energy efficiency retrofits. It was very evident in the draft decision that the CPUC has been listening to comments and taking them into consideration. They are specifically looking for criteria for success. Hammad, Paulo, and Courtney urged partners to give their input to them so they could package the comments to the CPUC. Energy Upgrade California will serve as the umbrella for energy efficiency in order to replace Engage 360. Expect to see more comprehensive approaches for doing energy efficiency retrofits in multi-family residential structures and small businesses. The draft decision also calls for more work with the workforce investment boards. VIEW will want to start bringing in the Kings County WIB to meetings and continue its relationship with Jim Claybaugh and the Tulare County WIB. th th The CPUC will be holding a quarterly meeting in Fresno on May 9 and 10 . This is a great opportunity for this region and partners are encouraged to attend. Please let Courtney know if you will be able to make it. Paulo said the intent is to have customers present their thoughts to actual commissioners (instead of through the utilities) and the CPUC really does take note of the feedback they receive. Municipal Energy Savings SoCalGas Paulo said that he hoped with the potential projects in Hanford and maybe some other cities there will still be an opportunity to show that things are going on and progress in being made in this program cycle. It also helps to have projects in the pipeline. Courtney and Maureen Hoff met with their staff IT person to discuss using Microsoft Access to track all projects in order to show overall partnership efforts and projects that are done outside the partnership. At the March Peer to Peer meeting they met with The Energy Coalition who shared their project tracking system, but the VIEW their goal will be to keep it simple when working on VIEW’s project tracking. SCE Mark Okino will send Lew Nelson a list of what is needed and check with Denise in order to move the WWTP expansion for the City of Tulare to ‘installed’ on the project tracking list. Lou Camara confirmed that once the downtown Hanford lighting retrofit project application is complete and all paperwork filled out it will appear on the project tracking list. Mark noted that SCE will have to work with the vendor on this project. Courtney reported that the SJVCEO will probably have to put in an application for the Kings County energy efficiency project because the contractor refused to do it. Hammad said SCE can help with all applications but just needs to know all of the details. Courtney will schedule a conference call with Mark, Hammad, and whoever else needed to provide the support to get this done. Courtney and Maureen will be delivering more plug load occupancy sensors to certain jurisdictions.
2012 Meeting Schedule: May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, September 2, October 4, November 1, December 6.
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) Hammad reported that the HVAC Optimization contractor training is a very comprehensive and will take three days. Jurisdictions are to contact Hammad if they want to participate and then a webinar will be set up for interested parties. Home Energy Tune Up Tulare/Kings Update Courtney introduced Bob Johnson from ConSol to report on the Home Energy Tune Up in Tulare and Kings Counties. Bob gave a brief history of the energy assessment program and reported that an additional $500,000 in funding will be added by the CEC over the next few weeks to fund the program through June. Last month about 250 energy assessments were performed and they are expecting to do about 350 in April. Paulo asked if the assessment meets the criteria for the required assessment to participate in Energy Upgrade California (EUCA). Bob clarified that the only additional test homeowners would have to have done if they decided to go the route of EUCA would be the combustion safety testing. Paulo also asked if they have been able to track the customers who have followed up their assessments with actual upgrades. Bob said they have been contacting contractors, but the follow up process has been difficult. The only way to tell will probably to be call customers and check to see what they have done. Bob said PGE will provide the percentage of savings for customer bills if they provide addresses where audits have been performed. Paulo expressed that he would like to see better coordination of promoting the assessments and to help with messaging to keep it consistent so no opportunities are lost. Strategic Plan Courtney reported that with additional funds the partnership has added additional strategic planning menu items. She and Maureen will be coordinating code compliance workshops and will work with Kern in terms of outreach so attendance numbers are strong. It was decided that the best time to hold a one-day workshop would be late August and it will most likely be held in the local area, like Visalia or Tulare. Courtney will email details. Marketing and Outreach Report th Maureen Hoff reported that the next outreach event will be the April 28 Porterville Iris Festival. A draft of the new VIEW brochure was presented at the meeting. It was shown to be more ‘utility neutral’ and gives more details about the partnership has been doing. Lew Nelson requested that the City of Tulare logo be replaced with the city seal. Once brochures are finalized, approved by the utilities, and printed, Maureen and Courtney will provide them to jurisdictions along with some sort of counter-top brochure holder. Other Business Maureen and Courtney will coordinate with local public affairs to get letters signed by city/county officials for the home energy survey that is geared towards low income residents. The next SEEC meeting will take place in July and will be held at a hotel near the LAX airport. Hammad will doublecheck if the utilities are offering a stipend to help send a few people per jurisdiction to the event. Kim said that if Leslie Caviglia does not attend, he will.
ACTION ITEMS: The PC power management software webinar/follow-up to be scheduled. Lou Camara and Paulo Morais to continue discussions regarding potential gas projects for the City of Hanford. Hammad Chaudhry to follow up with partners once he receives more information regarding direct install results. Kim Loeb to contact contractor for Visalia Savings by Design project and be in touch with Paulo regarding savings estimates. Courtney will schedule a conference call with Mark, Hammad, and whoever else needed to provide the support to get applications in for the Kings County energy efficiency project.
2012 Meeting Schedule: May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, September 2, October 4, November 1, December 6.
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) Courtney and Maureen to coordinate a one-day code compliance workshop for late August within VIEW territory (Visalia or Tulare). Courtney will email partners with details. Maureen and Courtney to work with vendor to finalize VIEW brochure, have it approved by utilities and provide to jurisdictions. Maureen and Courtney will coordinate with local public affairs to get letters signed by city/county officials for the home energy survey that is geared towards low income residents. Hammad will double-check if the utilities are offering a stipend to help send a few people per jurisdiction to the July SEEC conference.
2012 Meeting Schedule: May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, September 2, October 4, November 1, December 6.