San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)
PARTNERS MEETING SUMMARY NOTES April 16, 2015 | 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Joseph Carlini, City of Tulare Dave Christensen, PG&E Bob Decker, SCG Michael DeSousa, SCE Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO Sarah Farell, SJVCEO Gail Henry, County of Tulare Lee Johnson, City of Visalia
Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Mario Kristic, City of Farmersville Scott Landrum, Staples Energy Mike Martin, Staples Energy Mark Okino, SCE Mario Orosco, City of Hanford Mike Ward, Staples Energy
SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Gail welcomed the group and introductions were made. Partnership Business SEEC Reminder BD gave the group a reminder that this year’s event will be taking place from June 17th through the 18th in Sacramento. He stated that the planning committee is finalizing its speaker list at the moment. This year there will be a panel discussion with members of the CPUC and CEC. BD also informed the group that this year there will be breakout sessions for 2 ½ hours on the 18th that focus on training. Some of those sessions are on Clear Path technology, community outreach in disadvantaged communities as well as benchmarking in existing buildings. SCE 2015 Mini-Direct Install MD let the group know that Heidi from CRI will be reaching out to the partners regarding DI follow-up from last year. He let the group know that there is still room for DI opportunities just they will be on a smaller scale due to Title 24 issues. MD stated that Heidi from CRI has reached out to Rhonda and Gail, while she still needs to follow up with the City of Visalia.
Mobile Home Direct Install CK informed the partners that the CMHS will be launching this month and include all three utilities. This year the same contractor will be working to complete the work, Synergy. CK went over the outreach efforts that will be taking place to reach out to those mobile home parks that were listed by the utilities. She asked that the partners please point the Partnership in the right direction of who to have sign the LGC letters that will be mailed. Project Updates PG&E Staples Report for Feb. and Mar. 2015 DC went over the monthly Di report for the partnership. He stated that Staples is currently out in Dinuba completing work at this time. DC let the group know that the Partnership has a 1 million KWH savings goal for the year. He believes that the savings goal will be met by August or September of this year with 90,000 KWH already have being saved. SCE Projects: Pipeline and Current CK, MD and MO went down the list of potential and current projects for SCE. Every jurisdiction was covered and descriptions of the projects were input into the excel spreadsheet to give CK and MD a better sense of what each items entails. JC from the City of Tulare asked MD and MO if there is a way to go about water mitigation issues and getting projects pre-inspected. MD and MO stated that as of right now there are not any makeshift efforts on behalf of the utilities so pre-inspections are taking the same amount of time to be completed. CK, MD and MO will see what they can get done when it comes to well projects and timelines in the coming future. SCG: Pipeline and Current BD from SCG didn’t have any projects to cover during this time. He did want to let the partners know that SCG has changed up its water heater rebate program. The rebate will be shown on the invoice instead of being taken after purchase. BD really wanted to stress this change since some suppliers can work the system and you not know that you are receiving the rebate. BD also brought up SCG’s Trade Pro Program during this discussion. He wanted to bring it to everyone’s attention since it has undergone some change in the past few years. Also with the change in the water heater rebate program SCG Trade Pros are well aware of the rebate process. 2015 Lighting Opportunities Update Presentation Staples energy did a short presentation on their offerings through the PG&E DI program. MM from Staples gave a brief overview of how Staples came to partner with PG&E and what jurisdictions they work with. He then moved into what items are covered under DI work with PG&E. Items listed were HVAC, refrigeration and lighting. MM went over what lighting incentives are currently offered as well as the cost of the upgrades. He covered wattage and lumen comparisons for each lighting upgrade. MM also had a hands on demonstration of the lighting that Staples is offering. He wanted to give the partners the option to see the light in person.
Other Business Next Regular Meeting will be held on April 16th. Adjourn Meeting Action Items: 1. VIEW to send out the Save the Date for the SEEC Conference as well as flight information from Visalia. 2. Gail from County of Tulare needs to get back into contact with Heidi at CRI. 3. Michael from SCE needs to follow up with Lee and Kim from the City of Visalia on cleanup of project listings. 4. Mark from SCE to sit down with Joe from the City of Tulare regarding well projects. 5. Courtney to look into sending out emails to higher utility personnel about water mitigation and project timelines. 6. Gail to find out more about the chillers at the South County Detention Facility 7. VIEW to send out email to partners regarding the change in SCG water heater rebate program.