San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)
PARTNERS MEETING AGENDA May 3, 2012 | 10:00 a.m. County of Tulare RMA, RMA Main Conference Room| 5961 South Mooney Blvd., Visalia, CA 93277 Attendees: Lew Nelson, City of Tulare Leslie Caviglia, City of Visalia Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Maureen Hoff, SJVCEO
Mark Okino, SCE Cal Rossi, SCE Paulo Morais, So Cal Gas Jim Claybaugh, WIB
Location: County of Tulare RMA, Conference Room E, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, CA 93277 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Next Meeting: Thursday, June 7, 2012 Location: County of Tulare RMA, RMA Main Conference Room, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, CA 93277 Agenda Topics on May 3, 2012 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Business Items 3. Municipal Energy Savings 4. Strategic Plan 5. Marketing and Outreach Report 6. Other Business 7. Adjourn Meeting SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome and Introductions Lew Nelson called the meeting to order and introductions were made. Business Items Courtney Kalashian reviewed items and efforts from the last partnership meeting. The PC Power Management software webinar is still on delay as Courtney as yet to hear from Lisa, the contact person. The info will be available to jurisdiction IT people if they are interested. As Paulo Morais explained, it is good software depending on who you ask! The technology is sound, but it depends on how you apply it. Paulo Morais visited the WWTP in Hanford and had a good discussion with facility manager, Robert Cisneros, about potential projects. Paulo also met with Lou Camara for further discussion about previously considered projects (community pool, Civic Center Auditorium), but it does not look like they will be moving forward with those. Operating times and demand were not great enough to justify projects. Paulo also had a conversation with Parsons regarding the Visalia project. The initial savings estimate was low according to Paulo so he wants to have a conversation with Visalia about the full potential of the project. The project looks to be completed in 2014. Maureen Hoff to work with PESC IT staff to create a project tracking program to capture all projects that have been completed during the partnership. Hammad Chaudhry is still waiting on Direct Install details on number of businesses per city and the types of retrofits per city. This item will remain on the agenda until this information is available.
2012 Meeting Schedule: June 7, July 5, August 2, September 2, October 4, November 1, December 6.
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) Courtney spoke with Ron Gorman regarding the one-day code compliance workshop to be scheduled for late August within VIEW territory. Ron said there will need to be a minimum of 20 attendees so it will be primarily for VIEW but will need to open it up to surrounding areas in order to meet the attendance requirements. The VIEW brochure has been updated and sent to the utilities for review and approval. Paulo will work on getting this approved for the Gas Company. st
Courtney and Paulo reported on the May 1 Gas Company Energy Efficiency stakeholders meeting. They reported that a lot of discussion surrounded Energy Upgrade California (EUCA) and financing. EUCA is a very costly program so more effort will be placed on making it worthwhile. VIEW will also look at ways of supporting EUCA, possibly including individual level review of contractors to add a level of credibility to the program. Another opportunity for the partnership to show support is to provide education and make the ‘story’ of how the program works stronger. Paulo stressed the importance of promoting the program in advance and spreading the word through Chambers, home builders, credit unions, and others to gain support. Courtney also briefly explained the SJVCEO’s new role on the ‘C6’ grant which will focus on redesigning community college curriculum based on the needs of employers. The goal is to have a standardized curriculum program and the SJVCEO will specifically be working in the area of alternative and clean energy. SJVCEO will be asking for the opinions from the local government representatives even though the job training is more for industry and not local government. Municipal Energy Savings Mark Okino reviewed the list of projects from Edison and was concerned with the Visalia project application. Leslie Caviglia will have Kim Loeb take a look at this right away. Lew Nelson mentioned he was having issues closing out his domestic plant project because the invoices are not detailed out by unit so he is having to go back to the pump manufacturer. Courtney will get Mark the invoice that was provided by Flouresco to the Air District for the Tulare County RMA lighting project. Strategic Plan Courtney did a quick recap of ‘Energy Efficiency and Your General Plan’ due to small partner attendance. This item will remain on the agenda for the next few months to make sure everyone is informed. Courtney will email Lew with the document because Tulare is in the process of updating their General Plan. The process started with a survey to see what the local governments were wanting and willing to do in terms of energy efficiency projects/goals that could be included in this supplemental document for General Plans. The document features five different goal areas, basic policy examples, real life examples, and resources. It is meant to serve as a supplemental document to General Plans, will assist in creating Energy Action Plans, addresses energy efficiency, and is broad enough that all jurisdictions can use it. Courtney emphasized that while this document is ‘finalized’ it can still be added to as we want it to be relevant and usable. Navigant has been conducting a telephone survey that focuses on partnership strategic planning activities, particularly benchmarking and Energy Action Plans. Paulo, Courtney, and Lew Nelson have all taken it thus far. The CPUC will be reading the report to help make decisions as to what will happen in the 2013-14 program cycle. A brief update was given on the status of benchmarking for each jurisdiction. Courtney and Maureen will be reaching out to everyone to help move the project along so it is completed by the end of June. Paulo added that the process that has been created for VIEW is a good way to be able to get the project done. Marketing and Outreach Report
2012 Meeting Schedule: June 7, July 5, August 2, September 2, October 4, November 1, December 6.
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) Maureen reported that the Porterville Iris Festival was held in April, counting as the city’s cobranded Demand Response co-branded event for ELM tier level advancement purposes. Upcoming events include two markets in June in the City of Lindsay and one in August in the City of Hanford. Courtney added that she will be attending an electric vehicle readiness workshop at the Air District in Fresno th on May 15 . Lew Nelson said the City of Tulare’s farmers markets will be starting up again soon. Maureen and Courtney are still waiting on utility approval of the updated VIEW brochure so it can go to print. Other Business The SEEC meeting will take place July 18-19 in Los Angeles. The meeting facility is right by LAX so it should make it easier for travel if you plan to fly. Scholarships for local governments to attend are being offered and Paulo thought it included one night’s stay and mileage. Contact Paulo and Hammad if you are interested in attending. The Peer to Peer group plans to meet during this time as well. There were no new action items. Next month’s facilitator will be determined at the meeting based on who is in attendance. The July partnership meeting will be cancelled due to Independence Day. The meeting was adjourned as there was no further business.
2012 Meeting Schedule: June 7, July 5, August 2, September 2, October 4, November 1, December 6.