05 19 2016 view summary notes final

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Partners Meeting SUMMARY NOTES May 19th, 2016, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Lee Johnson, City of Visalia Victor Calderon, County of Tulare Jarred Olsen, SJVCEO Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO

Omar Faris, SCE Gustavo Sevilla, SCG

Action Items: Assigned Courtney Courtney Jarred Courtney Holly Holly Holly, Omar, Frank Holly Frank Lee Omar Omar Gustavo

Action Circulate new WWTP baseline study to partners – when it is available Set-up meeting with Kim, Frank and public works director in Visalia To keep checking up on capital improvement listings for VIEW partners To set-up a lunch and learn for the City of Tulare managers To find out if there are restrictions on funding for solicitations To confirm with the City of Visalia on EAP implementation To pull accounts that are on Summer Discount Plan & evaluate participation of those sites To check on baseline movement To Follow up with Lee Johnson from the City of Visalia on Enernoc question To find out more information on the LED lighting retrofit at the City of Visalia Airport To Find out more information on the Direct Install project for the City of Hanford To follow-up on the City of Porterville’s bus yard expansion through Savings by Design To send VIEW link of Climate & Energy 101 Webinar so it can be sent to partners

Complete by TBD 08/18/2016 Ongoing 08/18/2016 07/21/2016 07/21/2016 07/21/2016

Status Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

07/19/2016 07/19/2016

Open Open









SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO, welcomed the group and introductions followed. Partnership Business Review Action Items and Summary Notes The group reviewed the list of action items from the April partnership meeting. The only action item that was followed up on was the evaluation of accounts for Summer Discount Plan. Omar Faris, SCE, stated that Holly Merrihew, SCE would need to pull those items and then each representative would touch base with their respective cities/counties. All other items have been completed or held over for a later date. Public Sector Business Plan Update Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO, has been keeping the group up to date on public sector business plan items. CK was not in attendance at this month’s meeting so SD addressed the group on the item. SD stated that there was a meeting in early May and it has been quite after that item. She and CK will keep the group updated if there are pressing items. Save the Date: SEEC Conference June 15th & 16th in Riverside The seventh annual Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC) forum will occur June 15 th and 16th in Riverside at the Riverside Convention Center. The Riverside Marriott will serve as the host hotel and the forum room rate is available through May 23rd. The Partnership will sponsor local government partners to attend. VIEW can cover travel related expenses (mileage, airfare, lodging and meals) but cannot pay for staff time. If you are interested in attending please contact Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO at sdodero@pesc.com. More information will be sent to partners as it is available.

Working in the Partnership Fall Outreach Events  What do the events involve? SD went over what items have been involved in the partnership outreach events in the past. She stated that some of the events were on a much larger scale while others were a little smaller it all depended on the area and Supervisor. She stated that in the past the partnership has asked the partner to pick an underserved area in either the city or county. From there the partnership would try to connect with either the city council rep. or county supervisor. Having the backing of either makes the event much more reputable. From there the partnership would see if the partner can get into touch with any of the other community organizations to attend the event. All other items such as food, drinks, giveaways and marketing would be left to the partnership to handle. 

The benefits to the community when participating The communities that hold the events always show a lot of appreciation to the partnership as well as the IOU’s that attend. The partnership also includes Proteus Inc. to exhibit at each of the events since all 3 IOU’s fund the ESA and MIDI programs that the organization runs. At each of the events Proteus explains the free programs that are available and signs up those tenants that are interested. When throwing the community outreach the partnership also tries to include flu shots at no charge. This item benefits all members of the community as well as those children that are headed back to school, since they have to have the proof of the shoot for back to school.

Looking forward to Fall 2016 With the fall fast approaching SD stated that if any of the partners have an idea for an outreach event to please let her know. This year the partnership would like to have all events lined up and calendared by the end of August. This way the partnership has plenty of time for marketing the event. Omar Faris, SCE, stated that he has talked with Rhonda Mann, Kings County, and she has expressed interest in going back to Home Garden. SD stated that the partnership has spoken with RM and has agreed to go to Kettleman City and Armona in 2016. Home Garden will need to be carried over for 2017. SD also stated that SCE and the County are more than welcome to hold a meeting in Home Garden regarding EE just that partnership will not be playing a supporting role or funding the event. This item to be discussed more offline.

Project Review and Updates PG&E Staples Report April 2016 SD, SJVCEO, went over the April Staples report that was proved by Dave Christensen, PG&E. SD shared that there is a lot of work being completed in Lemoore and Orosi area. SD also stated that a batch of projects were submitted at the end of the month in April and will show on the May report at the July meeting. SCE Project Updates and Reviews SD asked that OF take on the discussion of SCE projects for the month. Hanford  All of the wells listed on the project listing were granted an extension until the end of June 2016.  The items that state authorized signature received have been paid out. That is why they have cropped back up. Porterville  The public safety building is in the que and approved with Savings by Design. Tulare  Well #23 and #33 are in the works and now just waiting IR. Visalia  Jarred Olsen, SJVCEO, found an opportunity on a city agenda, LED light retrofit for the city airport. Omar to inform Frank on the item.

SCG Project Updates Gustavo Sevilla, SCG, stated that he touched base with Paulo, SCG, on the Hanford WWTP methane recovery project. He stated that the issue with moving forward on the incentive was the new pipe that was laid was the wrong thickness.GS said he would try to find the old contact on the project and touch base. GS also gave the group the good news that SCG has been approved to roll out a Direct Install program. He is not sure of the timeline or the measures but those items are beginning to be discussed. He will keep the partners posted as things happen. Other Business Review of Visalia and Kings County Events SD shared the last two community outreach events with the group. With JO being the representative for the Visalia Earth Day event SD asked that he cover the event report. JO stated that the event was as usual a big success. He estimated that there were around 250 contacts made at the event. JO thought that many of the people were drawn to the table just for the great giveaways that the partnership had. JO also stated that it was nice collaborating with both GS and Rosemary Miranda, SCE, to table the event. SD then went on to cover the Kings County Appreciation BBQ that was held in May. She estimated that she made around 300 contacts and received a lot of interest in DR. DC, PGE, helped to table the event which was nice since at many times the table had around 10 people at a time. One item that was done differently was the partnership held its own raffle at the table which stirred a lot of interest. This may be an item that the partnership carries over for years to follow. Next Regular Meeting will be held on July 21st at 9:30am. Adjourn Meeting 11:00 a.m.

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