San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)
PARTNERS MEETING SUMMARY NOTES May 21, 2015 | 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Attendees: Dave Christensen, PG&E (Phone) Bob Decker, SCG Michael DeSousa, SCE Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO Gail Henry, County of Tulare Lee Johnson, City of Visalia
Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Mark Okino, SCE
SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Courtney welcomed the group and introductions were made. Partnership Business SEEC Updates Bod Decker from SCG gave the group an update on the upcoming SEEC conference in June. He stated that it’s a great event for trainings as well as networking. He encourages all of the municipal partners to attend. With that being said he wanted to remind the partners that there are travel scholarships available to cover the cost of the trip. Courtney also researched flights from the Visalia to Sacramento and the price is low enough that the travel scholarship will cover it. Mobile Home Direct Install Update Samantha gave the group an update on how the outreach for the mobile home direct install is going. She stated that letters from the City of Hanford as well as Visalia have been sent to mobile home parks that Synergy, the DI contractor, indicated on their outreach listing. She stated that she would be reaching out to the partners from the upcoming cities to get a signature on letters from the Cities or Counties. Project Review and Updates SJVCEO New Process Update CK informed the group of what SJVCEO has been doing to keep an eye on projects that our partner cities are moving forward with. The Partnership will be having Jarred from SJVCEO look over all of the City
Council agenda’s and minutes to make sure that the Partnership is not missing any potential projects. She gave the background of why she finds this tactic to be important. With that being said she had a list of items that were showing up on the agenda that the Partnership was not made aware of. The first was the Tulare County Health and Human Services Building, which SoCal Edison will look into as they were not aware either. The second was the HVAC steam boiler in Tulare County and Gail and Matt Hendrick will have a look at that one. The group agreed that it is worth having Jarred spend his time researching these items. PG&E Staples Report April 2015 Dave from PG&E joined in on the phone and was able to give a breakdown of the Staples report for the month of April. He stated that the extra funds for the VIEW Partnership for the year will be finalized by the end of May. DC gave the group good news when he stated that we are exceeding our 35% goal for this time of the year. SCE: Projects Pipeline and Current Michael from SCE went over the project list for the Partnership. We first went over Farmersville waste water treatment plant and it was decided that the completion date on the project needed to be pushed back by a year and show 2017. From there we moved to the City of Hanford and all projects look completed so Mark from SCE will follow up with Mario from the City to double check. For the City of Lindsay SCE shows projects that have been submitted without anything being completed. Courtney stated that for Lindsay it would be a good idea to create a project pipeline to push projects through once the City finds the funding. MD and Mo agreed and stated they would work on putting a plan together. The City of Porterville has two projects listed with one still having a valid date of completion and the other needing to be followed up with Mike Reed. As for the City of Tulare’s projects listed all items are still good to go except well #36. This well needs to be removed from the project listing since it is not eligible for incentive anymore. For Tulare County the South County Detention Facility needs to be removed as it is being handled under Savings by Design. With that being said CK wants to get all parties involved with the energy savings for the facility to sit down and discuss who is handling what. For the City of Visalia the park lighting project needs to be removed since the lighting kits were not approved for an incentive. With the convention center projects LJ will need to check on those projects since he is not aware of any projects through SCE. SCG: Pipeline and Current BD from SCG stated that there aren’t any current projects going on or in the pipeline. Monthly Feature Getting Projects Done CK wanted the group to address how each partner is getting things done in their area. Though the group was smaller than usual CK thought it would be helpful to hear the successes and challenges that each partner faces. Both LJ and GH stated that for the most part they can push a project through if they can show the amount of savings that will come of it. Both of their areas look at how the utility can help them cover some of the cost of the project.
One hurdle that both of the areas face is knowing what projects the City or County Council is looking into at any given time. Not all of the departments can keep up with what is going on in other departments. CK came up with a great solution and that was to have JO from SJVCEO keep up to date with City or County Council agendas. He will look over the agenda and minutes from each of the partner Cities or Counties and make note of any items coming up for vote or items that were passed. From there the Partnership can fill in our energy champions from the areas and see if they can get into contact with the project manager. If they are able to then the Partnership can inform the project manager on how they can achieve energy savings. Both of the partners LJ and GH were on board with the idea and stated that they think it is a great idea. They are not able to stay up to date on all agenda items so having someone else pay attention to those would be very helpful.
Other Business Next Regular Meeting will be held on July 16th. Adjourn Meeting Action Items: 1. Mark from SCE to sit down with Joe from the City of Tulare regarding well projects. 2. Courtney to look into sending out emails to higher utility personnel about water mitigation and project timelines. 3. Gail to find out more about the chillers at the South County Detention Facility 4. VIEW to send out email to partners regarding the change in SCG water heater rebate program. 5. Courtney to resend SEEC Save the Date to Gail 6. Samantha to send reminder email to Bob about water heater rebate verbiage 7. Lee to follow up on waste water treatment plant letter of interest resign 8. Courtney to have Jarred go over wells that are listed on agenda’s and send those to Mark from SCE. 9. Courtney to follow up with Farmersville on waste water treatment plant project 10. Courtney to follow up with Lou on what sites 24-47 and 1-23 are exactly 11. Courtney and SCE will work together on creating a project pipeline for the projects for the City of Lindsay 12. Gail to find and send capital projects budget 13. Need to get all parties involved in the South County Detention Facility to all sit down and work out the plans. 14. Michael to follow up with Lee and Kim on Convention Center project 15. Courtney and Samantha to send Gail the projects coming up for 2016 for budgeting purposes.