San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)
PARTNERS MEETING SUMMARY NOTES May 6, 2010 Attendees: Lou Camara, City of Hanford Barbara Marty, City of Hanford Valerie Williams, City of Lindsay Jim Perrine, City of Porterville Lew Nelson, City of Tulare Nathan Garza, City of Visalia Kim Loeb, City of Visalia Gail Henry, County of Tulare
Chris Coronel, SCE Jesse Langley, SCE Cal Rossi, SCE Paulo Morais, So Cal Gas Sandi Miller, Tulare County WIB Janelle Villalba, SCE AgTAC
Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Maureen Hoff, SJVCEO
Location: County of Tulare RMA, RMA Main Conference Room, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, CA 93277 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Next Meeting: Thursday, June 3, 2010 Location: County of Tulare RMA, RMA Main Conference Room, 5961 South Mooney Boulevard, Visalia, CA 93277 Agenda Topics on May 6, 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Welcome and Introductions Administrative Business Energy Savings Goals for 2010 – Chris Coronel Marketing and Outreach Southern California Gas Company Programs – Paulo Morais Residential Retrofit Forum – Sandi Miller, Tulare County WIB Old Business Next Steps
Summary of Discussions: •
Nathan Garza called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m.
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) •
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Administrative Business o The meeting began with all partners filling out the customer information forms to release their energy data records through December 31, 2012 to the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization (SJVCEO). Courtney Kalashian explained which boxes to check and Paulo Morais suggested making a second copy for SoCalGas’s records as well. Some forms were turned in to Courtney at the meeting; however, those that were not need to be completed and emailed to Maureen Hoff. o Courtney explained that we are trying to set up meetings with each partner for the Partnership assessments in order to get an idea of where we are and how we can improve. We have already met with Hanford and the County of Tulare. The purpose of these meeting is to see what each partner would like us to focus in on so that we can tailor information for the jurisdictions. It is not to encourage or enforce an additional time commitment on the part of the partners. Although we would prefer to meet in person, we can also schedule conference calls for the assessments. Energy Savings Goals for 2010, was pushed back in the meeting until Chris Coronel’s arrival. Marketing and Outreach – Courtney reported on our morning Marketing and Outreach meeting. We focused on the most recent past events – Visalia’s Earth Day and the Porterville Iris Festival, both of which were reported successes. Nathan Garza said Visalia’s Earth Day turned out really well and the people there were the right target. We are still waiting on the MEU report for the Porterville Iris Festival. Valerie Williams also chimed in saying that the City of Lindsay’s Earth Day turned out well; unfortunately, most people were only interested in the giveaways, so next year’s focus will be on more education. We also discussed active participation at events and utilizing volunteers from one’s own jurisdiction in order to help staff events. Lew Nelson said he was on vacation and couldn’t be at the AgTAC Earth Day celebration, but he is planning on attending more events. Courtney announced that we have been working hard on completing edits to the VIEW website and she or Maureen will send an email to all partners once the site goes live.
Paulo gave a presentation of the available programs SoCalGas has to offer. Courtney will email all partners with the power point presentation and more information is also available on the gas company’s website. Paulo noted the difference between rebates and incentives. Rebates allow you to purchase and then apply for that particular retrofit to be rebated. You don’t need to get an agreement or project screened beforehand; however, with an incentive, you do. Paulo also encouraged people to check and make sure the rebate money is still available before purchasing anything. SoCalGas will also help you walk through the process of receiving an incentive or rebate. An important, required first step for receiving an 2
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) incentive or rebate is to make sure your facility is benchmarked using Portfolio Manager. The energy resource center in Downey, California is also a great resource provided by the gas company. It is similar to Edison’s AgTAC and many workshops are available to customers with no cost. Also, if there is a program you would like brought to your jurisdiction, SoCalGas is willing to work with you to make it happen. •
Sandi Miller from the Tulare County WIB presented the Residential Retrofit Forum a clinic designed for contractors that will be doing retrofits on existing homes. The state is trying to minimize the ability of fraud for the homeowner, requiring contractors to be certified. Certified contractors will speak on how to become certified. There will also be information on how homeowners will be able to finance their retrofits. Janelle Villalba from SCE’s AgTAC explained that the state is trying to prepare contractors, local governments, and home owners for these programs that are coming down the pipeline. The forum will take place June 2nd at AgTAC from 10am to 3pm. The current agenda and lineup for program includes the California Energy Commission; SCE and an overview of the Whole House Retrofit; Renewable Funding; the Building Performance Institute; and local financers. Each panel has 45 minutes and a question and answer session at the end. VIEW partners had many questions about the financing of projects and were encouraged to attend and to bring their questions to the forum.
Once Chris Coronel arrived, we moved on to discuss Energy Savings Goals 2010. The intent of the list of projects to date is to get a brief description for each project. Chris will have his assistant update the list with the kilowatt hours and will send it to all partners. Chris went through the list for each jurisdiction and the processes to follow whether applications and/or contracts were needed.
Old Business o Update on On-bill Financing (OBF) – It looks like financing will begin in June for SCE. Partners were encouraged to get any identified projects to Courtney or Jesse Langley as soon as possible. o Cool Center applications – Courtney asked if any other partners were interested in SCE’s Cool Centers. The City of Tulare has already been approved and Lindsay is still interested. Courtney will check with the Cool Center representative to see if they are still taking applicants. o Courtney asked all partners if they had signed up for Demand Response. There was some confusion about who had and it looked as if nobody did when in fact almost all partners reported that they had done so. Courtney will speak with Tara Becnel and will get out instructions to everyone on how to sign up for the Flex Alerts. Before wrapping up the meeting, Courtney announced the June 14th All Partners meeting in Downey, California. It will be a great opportunity to exchange information, network, and see what other partnerships are up to. Maureen and Courtney are planning on attending and encouraged others to join them!
San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) •
Barbara Marty will be the facilitator for the next meeting. ACTION ITEMS:
1. All partners are to complete the Customer information form and turn it in to Courtney either today or via email. 2. Courtney will alert everyone when the VIEW website goes live. 3. Paulo will send the slides form his power point presentation to Courtney for distribution to partners. Paulo will also work on getting a flyer with all the programs together to distribute at a future meeting. 4. Chris Coronel will have his assistant update the projects up to date with the kilowatt hours and will send the list to all partners. 5. Courtney will have the SCE Cool Center representative, Pete, contact Gail and Jim. 6. Courtney will talk with Tara Becnel about Demand Response and signing up for Flex Alerts and will forward the information on to all partners.
PARTNERSHIP 2010 MEETING SCHEDULE: Thursday, June 3, 2010 Thursday, July 1, 2010 Thursday, August 5, 2010 Thursday, September 2, 2010 Thursday, October 7, 2010 Thursday, November 4, 2010 Thursday, December 2, 2010