ME&O Self Staff Event Report
Date: May 6, 2011
Jurisdiction: City of Porterville
Event Name: Prospect Education Center (PEC) Earth Day Celebration Location: PEC
Display: Self-staff table display
Address: 645 N Prospect Street
Start Time: 9:30 a.m.
City/Zip: Porterville, 93257
End Time: 3:30 p.m.
Public Hours: 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Event Attendance: 800+
Additional Costs Incurred: TOTAL = $1,025.67 Travel @ $79.87 Meal @ $25.80 1 Staff @ $640 ($80 per hour) 1 Staff @ $280 ($35 per hour) Staff: Courtney Kalashian and Maureen Hoff
Attendee Demographic: Children, ages 5-12.
Report Written By: Courtney Kalashian
Estimated Contacts: 400
Topics of Interest: Coloring, CFLs, reduced use
# Promotional Items: Additional Supplies: 100 “VIEW” magnet clips Small VIEW Banner 200 “VIEW” magnets (100 returned) Small acrylic stand 200 “VIEW Word Searches (24 returned) Large acrylic stand 200 EE Coloring Sheets PESC Art set (colored pencils, crayons, etc.) 83 “VIEW” Brochures Table cloth 21 Energy Hog Scavenger Hunt sheets Comments: Great event—teachers lined up students to go to and speak with each booth. Very interesting hearing 6 years olds talk about efficiency and conservation (most common, “turn off the lights” and “we don’t use the AC”). Almost every child we spoke with knew to at least turn off the lights, so it’s safe to say the conservation message is getting out! Having the coloring sheets helped this year because it gave us an interactive activity to do with the kids while telling them about efficiency practices they could do at home and in their classes.
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