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Local Government Partnerships “Peer to Peer” Working Group Agenda June 1, 2012, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. South Bay Cities Council of Governments, 20285 S. Western Avenue, Suite 100, Torrance, CA Invitees Partnerships Community ELP, Laurel Rothschild San Gabriel Valley ELP, Marisa Creter San Gabriel Valley ELP, Caitlin Sims San Joaquin Valley ELP (VIEW), Maureen Hoff San Joaquin Valley ELP, Courtney Kalashian South Bay ELP, Jacki Bacharach South Bay ELP, Marilyn Lyon South Bay ELP, Catherine Showalter Ventura ELP, Cheryl Collart Western Riverside ELP, Barbara Spoonhour

Time 10:30 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

11:45 a.m.

1:20 p.m.

1:30 p.m.

Southern California Edison Demand Response, Tara Becnel Energy Efficiency Programs, Marjorie Hamilton Energy Efficiency Programs, Greg Haney Energy Efficiency Programs, Nancy Jenkins LG Accounts Team Manager, John King Public Affairs, Chris Peck Southern California Gas Company Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Becky Estrella Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Jeannie Kong Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Paulo Morias Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Frank Spasaro Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Chauncy Tou

Item Welcome and introductions Business Items a. Reports on items and efforts of 03-02-2012 meeting Discussion a. Community Energy Savings • Follow up from Q1 meeting discussion, proposed time of rollout • Success criteria for ELP 2013-14 ***Working lunch served*** b. Customer Data • Climate Action Plans (CAP) • Enterprise Energy Management Information System (EEMIS) c. 2013-14 Transition Issues • Partnership success criteria • Changes to master PIPs d. Partnership branding continued conversation from Q1 meeting. Other Business a. Next small group meeting, September 7 (?), Western Riverside b. Next large group meeting, July 18-19 in Los Angeles c. Review action items and assignments Adjourn meeting

Party Marilyn Courtney

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Laurel Courtney



Local Government Partnerships “Peer to Peer” Working Group Agenda Briefing Document 1. Issues for Review from March 2, 2012 Energy Efficiency Programs • • •

Continued item—SCE will report back to the group on EE credit for “up-streamed HVAC” Continued item—SCE general email from partnership team, to include program changes, new collateral, general updates. Reminder—SCE will send out a notice when the process begins for soliciting contractors for technical assistance.

Demand Response •

Tara Becnel will provide Marilyn Lyon with IDSM audits.

Accounts •

John King will help free up his staff members’ time to ensure they can meet other partnership meeting obligations—have Account Managers been meeting obligations to partnership meetings?

Partnerships • • •

Peer group will collect best examples of partnership templates for sharing. Laurel Rothschild will share her technical assistance guideline/application with the peer group. Maureen Hoff will put the following on the Peer to Peer page of the VIEW website: o EAP template o Best examples of any partnership templates o Current core program info/collateral – to be updated on a regular basis to remain current o Approved list of contractors for technical assistance

2. DISCUSSION: Proposed Community Savings guidelines. The Peer to Peer group presented SCE with alternative suggestions to achieving community energy savings goals in the current and future partnership program cycles. That document is found on pages 3-5 of the Mach 2 meeting packet. SCE reviewed and has provided a proposal in response to the suggestions of the work group. Actions from Q1 2012 meeting: •

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SCE proposed community savings guideline document language will be edited to say that these are city events being done in addition to anything the partnership does. All instances of ‘i.e.’ will be changed to ‘e.g.’ to reflect that suggestions are only examples. Items #2 and #5 can be co-presentations with SCE or implementing partner support. SCE will clarify menu item #4 of the proposed community savings guideline on what is the minimum threshold for a success story to count. The Peer group will also provide feedback on what they think should count. Peer group will gather comments regarding start time of the new community savings system.

3. DISCUSSION: Comprehensive energy partnership branding. A request from the Partnerships to SCE and SCG (and PG&E where applicable): The Partnerships would like to open discussion about branding around the Energy Leader Partnership logo, SCE logo, SCG logo, and individual partnership logos. The ultimate co-branding!

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