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San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW)

PARTNERS MEETING SUMMARY NOTES September 20, 2012 | 9:30 a.m. Attendees: Lou Camara, City of Hanford Lew Nelson, City of Tulare Kim Loeb, City of Visalia Rhonda Mann, County of Kings

Location: Time: Next Meeting: Location:

Gail Henry, County of Tulare Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Hammad Chaudhry, SCE Mark Okino, SCE

Bill DeLain, SCE Paulo Morais, So Cal Gas Dave Christensen, PGE

Visalia Chamber of Commerce, 220 N. Santa Fe Street, Visalia, CA 93292 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Thursday, December 20, 2012 Visalia Chamber of Commerce, 220 N. Santa Fe Street, Visalia, CA 93292

SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Welcome & Introductions Lou Camara welcomed the group and introductions followed. Business Items Report on 9/25 meeting with Central California LGC Paulo Morais reported that the CPUC had its proceedings and the draft decision came out stating that partnerships have been approved with a 30% cut to all non-incentive activities. The VIEW partnership should be just fine because Courtney Kalashian and Maureen Hoff looked at the budget reduced by 35% and all looked okay. The Central California LGC meeting in Santa Barbara went well and was one of the best yet with good representation. People were more comfortable sharing issues that are important to them and their peers. The next meeting will be held somewhere in the San Joaquin Valley and will include virtual meeting capabilities for those that cannot attend in person. They are striving to make these meetings more inclusive. Courtney likes the sharing opportunity on business outreach. Dave Christiensen mentioned that the five minute sessions for each partnership to present were beneficial. The afternoon portion of the meeting looked at obstacles and solutions to address them. Two of the obstacles discussed were engaging elected officials and peer sharing. PG&E will focus on elected officials in partnership activities in 2013-14. Courtney likes the opportunity to create a broader outlet for sharing. Notes and impressions from the meeting will be posted to the archive page of the VIEW website. SCE Staff Comment Hammad Chaudhry addressed the Strategic Plan 5.6 opportunities. There has been good success and SCE is planning to make the program available again in 2013-14. They are looking at having available about 10-15 million dollars. If jurisdictions are interested, bring your case and work with SCE to determine the best next steps. Courtney will send out the menu item options in an email and post on the website. Kim Loeb asked if Hammad was going to have a more active role because he will like guidance on how jurisdictions can effectively approach the menu. Courtney suggested that the SJVCEO

2012 Meeting Schedule: December 20 2013 Meeting Schedule: January 17, February 21, March 21, April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19

San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) can assist or a city or county can take on the leadership role or use the COG. The solicitation may come out in January or February but Paulo said to plan on the first quarter of 2013. SCE is sending out extension letters and Hammad will send those to Kim. Once the final decision comes out, 5.6 will be allowed to extend into 2013. Kim feels confident that Visalia will be complete in this year. Along the lines of Strategic Planning, Paulo said the IOUs had a conversation of trying to get in better alignment on the Strategic Plan menu. They are still waiting to see what the PUC emphasis on Strategic Planning will be. Leif Christiansen, Lynne Galal, Nancy Jenkins, Jesse Langley, Frank Spasaro, Becky Estrella, and Paulo met last week to get on the same page because they all want the same goal. They are looking to see if there is a way for SCG to compliment 5.6. Municipal Energy Savings SCG No updates to report. SCE The Woodlake WWTP application was submitted and we’re waiting to hear. Gail Henry received the check for the Tulare County lighting project. The City of Tulare impellers have been installed. Lew has not heard an update but SCE needs to come back and do the final inspection. Traeger Cotton needs to be in touch with Lew. SCE would prefer to have it re-tested because the original numbers came back so low. Gail wanted to publicly thank Mark Okino and Hammad for all of their work. Mark is currently working on the City of Visalia’s project and Courtney said that she will jump in and offer help soon. Courtney explained the ‘carrot mob’, a movement shared by the San Luis Obispo partnership at the Central California LGC meeting in Santa Barbara. The idea is that the organizers of the carrot mob make an agreement with a business in order to promote that people vote with their dollars and support local businesses making wise investments. For example, the agreement might say that a certain percentage of sales on a specified date will go towards energy efficient/sustainable improvements within that business. ME&O Report Kill-a-Watt library lending program for counties through PG&E Dave gave a demonstration of the Kill-a-Watt meter. These meters, over time, show demand. There are 30 meters available each for Kings County and Tulare County libraries for check-out. It was noted that they can be used in all libraries even if the new Tulare Library is part of the Fresno County library system. Gail would like written materials that officially explain this. Dave will provide this to Courtney who will then pass it along to Gail. The meters become property of the library. Courtney aside asked Bill DeLain what SCE has that is comparable. He mentioned the lending library at the Energy Education Center in Tulare. Lou asked if the Kill-a-Watt meters were available to purchase for city staff. Dave will look into this. Kim suggested going on Amazon and Courtney suggested using the program and checking one out at the library. Kim explained that instant-on devices are the ones that use the most power. Dave 2012 Meeting Schedule: December 20 2013 Meeting Schedule: January 17, February 21, March 21, April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19

San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) gave a demo of the meter on lamps with a 60 watt incandescent and a 13 watt and also demonstrated the usage on holiday lights with a small regular strand and an LED strand. Also, LEDs are 1/10th the cost. Courtney will also work with Dave to connect the Fresno library with the City of Tulare people. Small Communities Network Report Cap and Trade Legislation and Small Communities Opportunities Courtney explained cap and trade options for local governments. Kate Meis may come to the December meeting to explain. Bill asked if cap and trade fall into EIR and CEQA. There is a company coming out of Texas that is coming through and offering to buy up credits from CNG. It was mentioned that there are companies in the northeast that are investing in LNG refueling long haul truck stops. LNG could be huge to the Valley. The CEC is offering their alternative fuels program (this is not yet on the VIEW archive page – is there a PDF that summarizes??) GM and Dodge are putting out ½ tone for CNG fuel. Rhonda mentioned that the Air Pollution Control District does have a lot of grants available. They are using so much CNG now! Paulo said the Gas Company did so much research on the LNG capacity. Joint solar purchase best practice Courtney will send out a link to the joint solar purchase experience on the archive page of the VIEW website. Other Business VIEW the Success Luncheon Kings County will have four people in attendance at the luncheon. Gail has concerns. Other Items Rhonda said in regards to the PC power management program to leave the IT guy alone and not push so hard otherwise it won’t work. It seems that there are missing plug load occupancy sensors. Maureen will get in touch with Porterville about the missing units. Courtney needs to ship the non-working units to Hammad. The program will be offered next year but jurisdictions will have to go through the manufacturer. Units will cost $15 each and there will be a rebate of $15. Programs for next meeting and who should attend The next partnership meeting will take place on December 20th and Lew Nelson will facilitate. Adjourn Meeting

2012 Meeting Schedule: December 20 2013 Meeting Schedule: January 17, February 21, March 21, April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19

San Joaquin Valley Energy Leader Partnership (VIEW) ACTION ITEMS: The Central California LGC meeting notes and impressions will be posted to the VIEW website. Courtney will send out the Strategic Plan menu items via email and a post. Hammad will send out Strategic Plan extension letters to Kim Loeb. Traeger Cotton needs to touch base with Lew Nelson regarding the City of Tulare’s project inspection and re-testing. Dave Christiensen will provide written materials regarding the Kill-a-Watt meter program to Courtney who will forward to Gail. Courtney will also work with Dave to connect the Fresno library with the City of Tulare people. Maureen will get in touch with Porterville about missing plug load occupancy sensors and Courtney will ship down the non-working ones to Hammad.

2012 Meeting Schedule: December 20 2013 Meeting Schedule: January 17, February 21, March 21, April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19

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