Q-1 Peer to Peer Meeting 2013-14: Roadmap to Success Friday, March 1, 2013 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Hosts: San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments The Alhambra 1000 South Fremont Avenue Building A-10, Suite 10220 Alhambra, CA 91803 (626) 457-1800 1. Admin Update ● Note taking / publishing to group via email (action items, takeaways, summarize w/ accomplishments) ● 2013 Upcoming Quarterly Meetings (set schedule) ● 2013 Hosting Locations: San Bernardino, South Bay, and Fresno ● Events/Conferences and Announcements: ○ PEPMA Solicitation Phase 3; proposals due 4.1.13, awarded on 4.24.13 (PEPMA) ○ 04.25.13 USGBC Municipal Green Build Conference & Expo (ERC: register online) SCG Events / Seminars ○ 05.08.13 SCG Business Expo (register online) SCG Seminar Sign Up ○ 4th Annual Statewide EE Best Practices Forum, 06.19-20.13 Energy Efficiency Best Practices 2. Previous Business: 10.26.12 Meeting ‘Follow-Up to Municipal Challenges’ ● #7, #16, and the EAP were ‘called out’ as our most important issues addressed in our last Peer to Peer Meeting. Revisit those 3 topics; withholding an opportunity to complain; let’s propose solutions. (see Municipal Challenges spreadsheet) ● Summarize and re-cap Muni Challenges with an action plan for next steps and to move forward. 3. Top 3-4 Discussion Topics for March 1st (open forum) 1. How we might enhance our relationships with the IOU’s 2. Expectations of Energy Action Plans (EAP) 3. EE Project Identification Approaches 4. Strategic Planning Activities ● Next Meeting Topic Ideas: Water/Energy Nexus, REN coordination, etc. 4. Next Steps with Utilities (tentative date plan for next quarter / invite IOU’s) 5. Misc./Q & A Confirm date and secure plans for next meeting