Energy Plan Checklist June 2011

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Energy Action Plan Checklist

Silver Level – Initiate EAP The Partner City/County demonstrates initiation of an Energy Action Plan to qualify for the Silver level criteria. This can include any of the following options:  Partner selected Strategic Plan 4.1 as their menu item for embedded Strategic Plan budget  Partner submitted Strategic Plan Proposal for Menu item 4.1 and was awarded by SCE  A draft of an Energy Action Plan is submitted by Partner City/County  RFP issued or consultant hired to complete Energy Action Plan Gold Level – Complete EAP The Partner City/County must submit a completed plan to SCE, which includes (at least) the following components:  Establish long term vision and plan for energy efficiency in the City/County  Clearly states the aim and objectives of the plan  Records the baseline municipal energy usage (kWh)  Displays the highest users (facilities) that the City should target  Identifies the City/County reduction goals and milestones  Provides the plan of municipal facility projects the City/County can complete to assist in achieving their reduction  Identifies funding mechanisms to complete municipal facility energy efficiency projects  Identifies any policies or procedures the City/County can implement to assist in reducing energy Platinum Level – Implement EAP  Energy Action Plan approved by Council/Board with the plan’s implementation time-frame beginning within 6 months of approval.  Implementation actions must include the following: Evidence of inclusion (as a line item) of Energy Action Plan implementation in city/county operating budget 

Example: Establishment of energy revolving fund allowing long term implementation of Energy Action Plan

Evidence of integration of Energy Action Plan initiatives in city General Plan or other policy document(s) Evidence of substantial implementation of energy efficiency measures as identified in the Energy Action Plan as part of annual city planning process

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