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Local Government Partnerships “Peer to Peer” Working Group Agenda September 6, 2012, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Western Riverside Council of Governments, 4080 Lemon Street, 3rd Floor, Riverside, CA 92501-3609 Invitees Partnerships Community ELP, Laurel Rothschild San Gabriel Valley ELP, Marisa Creter San Gabriel Valley ELP, Caitlin Sims San Joaquin Valley ELP (VIEW), Maureen Hoff San Joaquin Valley ELP, Courtney Kalashian South Bay ELP, Jacki Bacharach South Bay ELP, Marilyn Lyon South Bay ELP, Catherine Showalter Southgate Partnership, Dave Torres Ventura Partnership, Cheryl Collart Western Riverside ELP, Barbara Spoonhour

Time 12:30 p.m. 12:35 p.m.

Southern California Edison Demand Response, Tara Becnel Energy Efficiency Programs, Marjorie Hamilton Energy Efficiency Programs, Greg Haney Energy Efficiency Programs, Nancy Jenkins LG Accounts Team Manager, John King Public Affairs, Chris Peck Southern California Gas Company Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Becky Estrella Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Paulo Morias Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Frank Spasaro Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Chauncy Tou

Item Lunch provided by WRCOG Welcome and introductions a. WRCOG facility information b. Additions/revisions to agenda Previous Business Items a. Reports on items and efforts of 06-01-2012 meeting b. Questions regarding the ELP Community Participation Amendment that was sent out by SCE early August c. Municipal Project Challenges with utilities

2:30 p.m.

Discussion Items a. Lessons learned/challenges from 2013-14 application process; ways to improve? b. LA County REN: what it means to Partnerships, how the IOUs are working with the REN on implementation Adjourn Meeting

Lead Barbara

Courtney Laurel Laurel


Issues for Review from June 1, 2012 Laurel and Nancy will follow up regarding issue with account reps. Maureen will work with Greg to put together a list of current core program materials for the Peer to Peer page on the VIEW website. Laurel to create the list of issues with the incentive application process, with input from all implementers based on feedback from jurisdictions. Laurel and Courtney to meet regarding a co-branded, comprehensive city manager’s report.

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