P2p summary notes 3 28 18 draft ck

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Peer-to-Peer Q1 In-Person Meeting SUMMARY NOTES March 28, 2018 11:00am – 2:00pm SCG Energy Resource Center, 9240 Firestone Blvd, Downey, CA 90241 Attendees: E. Sierra Energy Initiative Pam Bold North Orange County ELP & Westside ELP Jake Anderson Ivana Dorin Laurel Rothschild San Bernardino Regional EP Nicole Soto Malisa Lieng

San Gabriel Valley ELP Marissa Creter Katie Ward Valley Innovative Energy Watch & High Desert Regional ELP Samantha Dodero Courtney Kalashian South Bay ELP Marilyn Lyon Kim Fuentes

So. Co. Partnership April Price Western Riverside ELP Barbara Spoonhour Tyler Masters Anthony Segura Ventura County REA Alejandra Tellez Kelly Cattanach Heather Allen

SCE Robert Carbajal Michael Ellison Kimberly Rodriguez SCG Becky Estrella Paulo Morais Jennifer Vaughn Chauncy Tou

Agenda: Topic Welcome Becky Estrella, SCG, went over the safety message and site logistics. Then the group reviewed the agenda and discussed expected outcomes. Operations Issues  SCE Streetlighting o Any news on claimable streetlight savings? Impact to tier advancement? Kim Rodriguez, SCE, is going to honor 40,000kWh but bringing the TRC 0.29 CK asked is there any scenario when the savings post 2019 are better? KR, no, not really, we see LED going in as ISP, but where there’s opportunity is tiered up LED units. Acquisition, paid out at 2015 tier levels, but they get the core incentive that was much higher in 2015. Option E paid out at tier level when signed, so could be 2015, 2016. Acquisition customers: Core incentive and tier level are both based on contract date, (all were in 2015) core incentive rate was approximately 20% higher than current 2017/18 rate. LS1 Option E: Core incentive and tier level are both based on contract date (all are in 2016 or 2017) The tier levels for all are as follows Value: $0.03 per kWh, Silver: $0.06 per kWh, Gold: $0.09 per kWh, and Platinum: $0.12 per kWh.* If a customer was not a partner at the time of acquisition, they will receive the applicable core incentive and no tier incentive. Currently streetlight incentive can be applied for via SCE online tool application process. The online application tool has been set up to allow acquisition and LS1 Option E customers to apply for the express streetlight measures. How are savings being claimed? Savings are being claimed based off of installation approval date. Counting toward ELP movement, counting toward Partnership goals. * The 50% bonus to the tier level was for applications received April 1, 2015 – December 31, 2016. Action Item: May 5th send out SCE workpaper. 

Benchmarking Current Issue: California ratepayer funds have established the EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager (ESPM) as the go-to platform for free energy management for all non-residential customers, including Public Sector customers. Hard to reach, and Disadvantaged Communities especially, rely on this no-cost service to assist in identifying and the ongoing tracking of quantifiable energy savings through the automatic upload of energy data (web services). In late 2017, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) cancelled their “Legacy Systems” under web services, removing key features leveraged by the Public Sector for successful ongoing energy management.

A benchmarking Memo was prepared and shared with both Kim & Robert from SCE to address such issue with the cancelation of the Legacy Systems. SoCal Gas and San Diego Gas & Electric have reinstated and maintaining their “Legacy Systems” with Energy Star Portfolio Manager. Memo to be shared with other Utilities such as San Diego Gas & Electric and Pacific Gas & Electric. Will be provided to upper management to address issue of Benchmarking and goal of retaining Legacy Systems Action Item: Group to fine-tune document by Monday to IOUs. 

2019 Budgeting Exercise Update LGP Partners’ found the exercise for 2018 to be very informative and appreciated being part of the budget process for their Partnerships. Partners would like to continue being involved and they are looking forward to the 2019 process and updates soon to come. SCG: SoCal Gas will be assessing the SCE methodology that was implemented for the 2018 budget process and mirror the same exercise for their LGP’s. The schedule for the 2019 budget process will be like that of 2018’s. SCG will be coordinating on this process with SCE. Timeline schedule as of email blast from week of 4/9. Below are the key timeline dates to review closely and be prepared to complete by each due date. DATE ITEM 4/9 Joint SCE & SCG e-mail sent to kick off the 2019 budget development season 4/30 Partners’ responses due regarding data confirmation and metrics methodology 5/23 SCE to finalize 2019 budget metrics methodology and send draf 5/30 Partners are encouraged to provide feedback on budgets to SCE PMs 6/1 Final 2019 budgets provided to Partners 9/1 Submittal to CPUC May even have first round of numbers for “suggestion”. BE, liked that TEC put together a SOW (memo)--thought given to what needs to be done.

Action Item: Timeline out to partners, by 04/06/18. SCG to add language out to SCE communication for joint email Action Item: ID share a scope memo to the group. LUNCH Working lunch. IOU Clean Energy Strategies  SCE Clean Power Strategy KR, SCE, shared a PPT presentation. 45% of DACs are in SCE territory, and 45% of those are low income. SCE is hooking up 5,000 interconnections per month. $20 million ask from C&T dollars over four years. Clean Energy Optimization pilot, pay for performance, measured at the meter, GHG emission reduction. Using a Cap & Trade ceiling price on per metric ton. Everything behind the meter counts if it drops GHG emissions. Filing pilot April 20 th unless something drops in. Heather Allen asked a question relating to EV’s, related to number of parking spaces required adversely impacting small cities. Once Phase two is filed then it’s open to comments for the parties.

SCG Natural Gas as part of the solution to Climate Change SCG is preparing street ready materials street ready that will roll out through Public Affairs. SCG point is to

maintain customers right to choose and decarbonizing the supply. Looking at heavy duty, because yes, light duty to EV makes sense, but the heavy duty should go to clean natural gas. Agreed there’s not just one path forward, that this is about Clean Energy. SCG is evaluating the CEO plan to see if they can support or sit out on. Power to Gas project at UC Irvine. CR&R scrubbed gas project, and the 5 Points Dairy project. Implementers asked that IOU’s share this info more regularly. City of Huntington Beach, Advanced Energy Community—takes one DAC/LI neighborhood. Action Item: Implementers review how to structure outreach message to communities. Implementer Highlights  NOCC & Westside Partnerships Website and Partnership Mentor program Jake Andersen shared the NOCC website, city pages for progress toward goals. Add in, considerations for gas savings. Is this s public facing website? There are security controls. Developed in house, built on Google sites, utilizing Google Docs which then auto feeds into website. What kind of upkeep do you preform? Action Item: TEC to report back at next quarterly meeting on time commitment to upkeep Action Item: IOUs to discuss offline if meeting minutes should be made public. Other Business  SEEC Forum Funding for Local Government Partners 700 Form filers must report back. Yes, we can keep the policy in place. SCE and SCG will share out joint communication on this to all partners. Limit $470 dollars for 700 form filers. An exception/exemption for those who are speaking. SEEC scholarship may be a better option for the 700 form filers. General email out today tomorrow. Action Item: Implementers to send in minutes to IOUs as samples. Concluded at 2:15 p.m.  Next Meeting: June 27, 2018 Membership expansion working group, ID, AT, PM,

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