Q 4 peer to peer agenda 12 16 13 draft notes

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DRAFT NOTES TAKEN AT MEETING Local Government Partnerships “Peer to Peer” Implementer Working Agenda December 16, 2013, 10:00 AM 12:00 PM SCG’s Energy Resource Center 9240 Firestone Blvd., Downey (Room TBD) Conference Call Line: (949) 7321097

Invitees Partnerships / Implementers Community Energy Partnership, Laurel Rothschild Community Energy Partnership, Robin Squier San Gabriel Valley ELP, Marisa Creter San Gabriel Valley ELP, Caitlin Sims San Joaquin Valley ELP (VIEW), Maureen Boese San Joaquin Valley ELP, Courtney Kalashian South Bay ELP, Jacki Bacharach South Bay ELP, Marilyn Lyon South Bay ELP, Kim Fuentes South Bay ELP, GraceFarwell Granger Western Riverside ELP, Barbara Spoonhour Western Riverside ELP, Tyler Masters

Southern California Edison Greg Haney Matt Garcia

Southern California Gas Paulo Morais Becky Estrella

Attendance: Laurel Rothschild, CEP, Robin Squier,CEP, Marisa Creter, SGVCOG, Caitlin Sims,SGVCOG, Maureen Boese (phone), San Joaquin Valley (VIEW), Marilyn Lyon,SBCCOG, Tyler Masers, WRCOG,Greg Haney, SCE, Matt Garcia, SCE, Paulo Morais, SCG, Besky Estrella, SCG.

1. Admin Update ●

Events/Conferences and other Announcements  Today after peer to peer there will be the third workshop regarding metrics and the Strategic Plan. Navigant has been hired by CPUC to develop the metrics assigned to the Local Government Chapter of the Strategic Plan.  Survey went out after the November 4 all partners meeting. There were questions about who was invited – It was confusing for cities belonging to implementing partnerships versus single city partners. Lots of high level discussion that city staff were not familiar with.  June 2014 Best Practices Statewide Meeting in San Diego – all partners. Notice was sent around to make reservations. Topics mentioned for the Best Practices meeting were street lighting, revolving energy fund.  There is an upcoming Central Valley and Central Coast partner meeting as it is geographically difficult for them to attend. This occurs once a year.  There was discussion regarding meetings held that not everyone has been notified such as the recent Program Advisory Group PAG. Discussion revolved around creating a yearly calendar – suggestion that SEEC create the calendar?

2. Discussion Topics ●

Community Menu Item Concerns ○

Issues/challenges specific to your partnership

Discussion re kiosks as a community menu item both physical and virtual. Some partners have had problems getting this approved by their program manager. Greg Haney stated that SCE had been working through this and it will now be considered. City proposals for this should include how long the kiosk campaign will last and how often the materials will be changed and how that will take place. Also, it would be advisable to have an end of campaign plan. There is SCE information on information regarding a digital kiosk building your content around Demand Response and cities can reference renewables such as CSI.

Additional workshops to help cities with the Incentive/Rebate Process ○

Similar to the SGVCOG and the joint WRELP/CEP workshops  There was much interest to doing these type of workshops for kicking off 2014. Program was successful for demographic group of city public works city. SCE/SCG are willing to do these together in two or three localities and perhaps a webinar for geographically challenging areas.  First one may be as early as February 2014. South Bay would like to be in March as February is their General Assembly.  Robin will send around a doodle poll to see who would like to be on the working group along with SCE/SCG to make these workshops happen.

Demand Response Updates – Greg Haney  Much thought is going into Demand Response as the summer of 2014 will be first fully summer without SONGS.  Future updates will include available funds for technical assistance for DR.

SCE's Municipal Direct Install  South Bay reported that although many of their cities want to participate, the vendor is not getting back to the cities or getting back to the SBCCOG’s engineer who is teeing up the projects for the vendors. Greg Haney will speak to program manager.  Other partnerships felt that the municipal direct install hindered ELP work with the cities.  All agreed it would have been better with more information early on.  It was stated that the free projects do create a savings stream for the cities.

2015 LGP Extensions  Paulo Morais stated that it is unknown currently what form the CPUC wants information regarding 2015 bridge year. Will it be advice letter or full blown pip?  There is a scoping memo due December 23 and budgets and goals are due by Q2.  With new rolling cycles, partnerships may go through periodic “health” checks.  Partnerships should find out if there are an issues with contracts extending longer than five years.

3. Next meeting: Q1 2014 ●

Consider inviting additional partners to participate in PeertoPeer  Topic of conversation regarding more partner cities at the Peer to Peer Implementer Working Group meetings. IOU’s want to expand our group.  Suggestions included program managers letting the new Partnerships know of the peer to peer working group. The working group decided to discuss and get back to the IOUs.  Laurel will invite Ventura.

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