SCE XXXX_1st_Quarter_2011_ LGEAR_San Joaquin

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2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative

Program Name: LGEAR: San Joaquin Program Number: SCEXXXX Quarter: First Quarter 2011 1.

Program Description: LGEAR is a partnership program structure, which involves the creation of energy partnerships with cities and local governments to set energy efficiency goals and generate measurable, verifiable energy savings through identification of specific energy efficiency projects and community outreach activities. Projects are referred to Southern California Edison’s (SCE) and Southern California Gas Company’s (SoCalGas) core programs and can be residential or non-residential, including small, commercial and industrial businesses, municipal and other governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations. Low income and demand response programs will also be included.

2. Administrative Activities: The following activities took place in San Joaquin: o CPUC Report documenting activities under the Strategic Plan were turned in on time in March. 3. Marketing Activities: The San Joaquin Valley: o The Partnership had a booth at the Visalia Spring Fest Home Show from February 11th through February 13th. Both utilities were represented and had volunteers to speak on current programs. o Implementer attended the February 24th dedication ceremony for SCE’s Solar Generating Station in Porterville. o The first quarter Marketing Task Force Meeting was held on March 3rd. New partnership-branded giveaway materials were discussed and will be purchased for upcoming outreach events. 4. Direct Implementation Activities: The San Joaquin Valley: o A monthly Partnership meeting was held on January 6th. o The finalized list of Holiday Light Exchange program participant data was handed over from implementer to SCE on January 26th. o A monthly Partnership meeting was held on February 3rd where Small Business Direct Install, Energy Upgrade California, and Habitat for Humanity’s low income program were discussed. o Implementing Partner attended the March All Partners Best Practice Workshop in Downey. o A monthly Partnership meeting was held on March 3rd where the Cool Center Program and Plug Load Power Strips were presented. Representatives from Southern California Edison



1 Quarter 2011

2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative

GRID Alternatives, a non-profit that installs solar panels on low-income homes, also made a presentation. o Implementing Partner hosted a SEEC workshop on conducting a greenhouse gas emissions inventory for both government operations and community scale. 5.

Program Performance/Program Status:

 Program is on target  Program is exceeding expectations  Program is falling short of expectations Explanation: The San Joaquin Valley partnerships have been well received. SCE, SCG, and the partners are working on additional activities to customize existing energy efficiency programs. Great focuses for the first quarter of 2011 included the Small Business Direct Install Program and the Comprehensive Mobile Home Program. 6.

Program Achievements (non-resource programs only): The San Joaquin Valley o Implementer continued work with jurisdiction partners to update and finalize the Detailed Partnership Plan. The DPP has been under review and revision over the 2010 summer months, as it had not been updated since the 2009 bridge funding period.


Changes in program emphasis, if any, from previous quarter (e.g., new program elements, less or more emphasis on a particular delivery strategy, program elements discontinued, measure discontinued, budget changes, etc.). The program focus has continued to move from such a community-heavy focus to more attention and efforts paid to Government facilities and staff.


Discussion of near-term plans for program over the coming months (e.g., marketing and outreach efforts that are expected to significantly increase program participation, etc.) San Joaquin Valley: o Continual updates to Partnership website to highlight marketing events o Strategic planning implementation will continue.


Changes to staffing and staff responsibilities, if any:

Southern California Edison



1 Quarter 2011

2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative

Hammad Chaudhry replaced Jesse Langley as the Southern California Edison program manager. 10. Changes to contracts, if any: None 11. Changes to contractors and contractor responsibilities, if any: None 12. Number of customer complaints received: None 13. Revisions to program theory and logic model, if any: None

Southern California Edison



1 Quarter 2011

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