2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative
Program Name: LGEAR: San Joaquin Program Number: SCEXXXX Quarter: Second Quarter 2011 1.
Program Description: LGEAR is a partnership program structure, which involves the creation of energy partnerships with cities and local governments to set energy efficiency goals and generate measurable, verifiable energy savings through identification of specific energy efficiency projects and community outreach activities. Projects are referred to Southern California Edison’s (SCE) and Southern California Gas Company’s (SoCalGas) core programs and can be residential or non-residential, including small, commercial and industrial businesses, municipal and other governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations. Low income and demand response programs will also be included.
2. Administrative Activities: The following activities took place in San Joaquin: o Implementer completed an update of the Detailed Partnership Plan. The DPP had not been updated since the 2009 bridge funding period. 3. Marketing Activities: The San Joaquin Valley: o The Partnership had a booth with the second Mobile Education Unit at the Porterville Iris Festival on Saturday, April 16th. o The Partnership had a self-staffed booth at the May 6th Porterville Prospect Education Center Earth Day. The event was targeted toward children K-6 and promotional giveaways shared the message of energy efficiency. o Local Public Affairs, in cooperation with SCE Outreach, brought the 1st Mobile Education Unit to the Partnership region May 8 th through 13th. LPA worked with Implementer to find community events or schools in the unincorporated County areas, including the May 13 th Kings-Tulare Senior Day. o The Partnership had a booth with the second Mobile Education Unit at the June 17th City of Lindsay Friday Night Market. o Implementer finalized design of keyboard calendars for giveaway to personnel working at municipal facilities. The intent of these calendars is to engage local municipal personnel in taking an active role in their personal contribution to energy use in the workplace. Three energy efficiency messages were identified for different target markets (“active”, “technical”, and “feeling”) and will be printed on the calendars with the Partnership logo and web address. The VIEW website is being updated to reflect the new awareness messages, as well as the addition of new efficiency in the workplace tips. Southern California Edison
2 Quarter 2011
2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative o Implementer helped promote Cool Center program through outreach at Tulare-Kings Senior Day, information distribution via email, and web calendar updates. Implementer also visited three of the six Cool Center locations in Tulare County to deliver partnership marketing materials and to photograph locations and facilities for promotion on the VIEW website. 4. Direct Implementation Activities: The San Joaquin Valley: o A monthly Partnership meeting was held on April 7th where Implementer discussed and previewed the ‘Benchmarking Made Easy’ guide. Guests from the City of Adelanto, a fellow Partnership, attended the meeting to begin a best practices sharing process between the Partnerships. o Implementer coordinated with Synergy Companies and both utilities to initiate promotional efforts for the Comprehensive Mobile Home Program. o Implementing partner attended a Benchmarking workshop at AgTAC on April 19th to aid in Strategic Plan efforts for uploading jurisdiction energy usage data into the EPA’s Portfolio Manager. o A monthly Partnership meeting was held on May 5th where a presentation on Energy Upgrade California was made. o The monthly Partnership meeting was held on June 1st. SCE’s Tara Becnel called in to report on jurisdiction tier level status and Demand Response related criteria for advancing levels. Drew Butler from Diesel 2 Gas presented on bifuel systems. o Through the initiation of an Energy Action Plan, completion of a Demand Response curtailment plan, distribution of a Demand Response brochure via email, and a few other items, both the County of Tulare and City of Porterville were able to advance from Valued Partners to Silver Tier Partners on the SCE Energy Leader model. The cities of Woodlake, Lindsay, Visalia, and Hanford are quite close to reaching their Silver Tier level and completion of ARRA funded projects should help them all to reach the next level through kWh savings. Based on success with Tulare county and Porterville, the same partnership approach will be initiated to see these four to success. The Program Manager and Implementer will meet to strategize next steps in assisting the City of Tulare to pursue Gold Tier status. 5.
Program Performance/Program Status:
Program is on target Program is exceeding expectations Program is falling short of expectations Southern California Edison
2 Quarter 2011
2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative
Explanation: The San Joaquin Valley partnerships have been well received. SCE, SCG, and the partners are working on additional activities to customize existing energy efficiency programs. Great focuses for the second quarter of 2011 included initiating Energy Action Plans and Demand Response programs for tier level advancement. 6.
Program Achievements (non-resource programs only): The San Joaquin Valley o Implementer completed the first portion of Strategic Plan menu selection 3.1.1 by drafting a VIEW users guide to the EPA Portfolio Manager program. The step by step guide demonstrates how to combine data from two utilities so it can be combined for upload, “benchmark� data, interpret data, and an addendum that helps walk the jurisdictions through what to do once they have access to and understanding of all this—a suggestion guide for how to implement a benchmarking policy.
Changes in program emphasis, if any, from previous quarter (e.g., new program elements, less or more emphasis on a particular delivery strategy, program elements discontinued, measure discontinued, budget changes, etc.). The program focus has continued to move from such a community-heavy focus to more attention and efforts paid to Government facilities and staff. The Partnership is focusing on raising the awareness of municipal employees and working with the jurisdictions to instill Energy Efficiency as a core value. Implementer will work with utility partners to develop a campaign to improve personal use of energy while at work, as well as incorporate core programs into solutions. In Partnership use of embedded Strategic Planning dollars, the implementer is working with each jurisdiction (excluding the City of Visalia who applied on the competitive solicitation) to gather and input data from the EPA Portfolio Manager and craft a narrative for insertion in to the SCE provided EAP template. The goal of the project is to assist jurisdictions as they develop living planning documents that will guide their plan for energy projects, use, and financing for the future. The effort will take each jurisdiction through completion of the plan. The Partners came to realize that due to a misunderstanding in the original reading of menu selections they read menu option 3.1.2 to address the in office training on how to use the EPA Portfolio Manager program. The item selection has been clarified and the Partnership has moved allocated funds to the 3.1.1 efforts for in office training.
Southern California Edison
2 Quarter 2011
2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative
Discussion of near-term plans for program over the coming months (e.g., marketing and outreach efforts that are expected to significantly increase program participation, etc.) San Joaquin Valley: o Continual updates to Partnership website to increase outreach messaging and promotion utility core programs o Strategic planning implementation will continue.
Changes to staffing and staff responsibilities, if any: Paulo Morais replaced Frank Lauro as program manager for Southern California Gas Company. City of Lindsay introduced new staff person, Becky Murphy, as primary Partnership contact. Implementer and SCE account manager met with the City of Lindsay on June 3rd to bring new city staff up to speed on partnership activities, as well as confirm pump projects that the City will pay for using their EECBG funds.
10. Changes to contracts, if any: None 11. Changes to contractors and contractor responsibilities, if any: None 12. Number of customer complaints received: None 13. Revisions to program theory and logic model, if any: None
Southern California Edison
2 Quarter 2011