SCE XXXX_3rd_Quarter_2011_ LGEAR_San Joaquin

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2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative

Program Name: LGEAR: San Joaquin Program Number: SCEXXXX Quarter: Third Quarter 2011 1.

Program Description: LGEAR is a partnership program structure, which involves the creation of energy partnerships with cities and local governments to set energy efficiency goals and generate measurable, verifiable energy savings through identification of specific energy efficiency projects and community outreach activities. Projects are referred to Southern California Edison’s (SCE) and Southern California Gas Company’s (SoCalGas) core programs and can be residential or non-residential, including small, commercial and industrial businesses, municipal and other governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations. Low income and demand response programs will also be included.

2. Administrative Activities: 3. Marketing Activities: The San Joaquin Valley: o The quarterly Marketing Task Force meeting was held on July 7 th. Cool Centers were discussed at length, which inspired the idea of warming centers for wintertime. o The Partnership had a booth with the 2nd MEU at the July 22nd City of Lindsay Friday Night Market. o The Partnership had a booth with the 2nd MEU at the August 11th Hanford Thursday Night Market and Employee Appreciation Night. o Implementer drafted a 2012 Marketing Plan, to be presented and finalized in October. 4. Direct Implementation Activities: The San Joaquin Valley: o A monthly Partnership meeting was held on July 7th. Eugene Sedeno gave a presentation on available assistance to customers interested in solar and what questions one should ask when looking to implement a project. o Implementers attended the Statewide Local Government Partners meeting on Wednesday, July 27 and participated in small groups addressing: codes and ordinances, small community partnerships, and marketing education and outreach to commercial and industrial sectors. They picked up useful information—especially in the conversation on codes and ordinances that they will share at the August VIEW Partners meeting. o Implementer attended and presented on Benchmarking efforts at the 2 nd Annual Statewide Energy Efficiency Best Practices Forum Thursday, July 28th in San Jose. In the week following the presentation, the implementer received Southern California Edison



3 Quarter 2011

2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative

many inquiries as to the availability of the Benchmarking Made Easy tool from non-VIEW jurisdictions. The need for greater understanding and assistance in benchmarking is evident, and the implementer is pleased that the VIEW partners recognized the benefit early on. o A monthly Partnership meeting was held on August 4th. City of Fresno’s Sustainability Manager, Joseph Oldham, presented on the Regional Comprehensive Retrofit Program of Fresno and Kern Counties. The program received additional funding to move into Tulare County and provides comprehensive residential energy surveys and educates homeowners on energy efficiency solutions, including Energy Upgrade California. Jeannie Harrell of SCE’s Cool Center program attended the meeting to thank the partnership for providing half a dozen centers within Tulare County for 2011. She also introduced ‘Edison Day’, a pilot program that will provide assistance to SCE customers at one of the Tulare County Cool Center locations. Customers will be able to get answers to their billing questions and learn about other SCE programs and offerings. o A monthly Partnership meeting was held on September 1 st. Mark Easland and Roger S now from Watermark Energy Solutions presented on variable frequency drives for commercial pool equipment. Jennifer Kaminski of The Climate Registry presented on the Cool Planet Project, a co-administered program with the investor owned utilities. The program encourages customers to install energy efficiency projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and provides assistance in completing a GHG inventory, among other benefits. Small Business Direct Install results were presented and it was reported that small businesses within Partnership territory saved over 6 million kWh, which equals about $900k in savings per year. o Implementing Partner met with local governments around the State at the Rural Energy and Climate Planning conference on September 28 th. The implementer brought back valuable information as it relates to Strategic Plan Support efforts, specially related to the partner’s efforts in adopting Energy Action Plans, and drafting energy efficiency language for General Plan updates. o The City of Lindsay and the County of Kings accepted their memorandum of understanding authorization the start of work on efficiency projects funded through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program, saving the County more than 200,000 kWh. Southern California Edison



3 Quarter 2011

2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative o The cities of Hanford and Woodlake initiated their Energy Action Plans at the end of September.


Program Performance/Program Status:

 Program is on target  Program is exceeding expectations  Program is falling short of expectations Explanation: The San Joaquin Valley partnerships have been well received. SCE, SCG, and the partners are working on additional activities to customize existing energy efficiency programs. Great focuses for the third quarter of 2011 continued to be initiating Energy Action Plans and Demand Response programs for tier level advancement. 6.

Program Achievements (non-resource programs only): The San Joaquin Valley o Implementer will focus on 4.1.1 Energy Action Planning and 4.1.3 General Planning language for the 4th quarter of the year.


Changes in program emphasis, if any, from previous quarter (e.g., new program elements, less or more emphasis on a particular delivery strategy, program elements discontinued, measure discontinued, budget changes, etc.). The program focus has continued to move from such a community-heavy focus to more attention and efforts paid to Government facilities and staff. The Partnership is focusing on raising the awareness of municipal employees and working with the jurisdictions to instill Energy Efficiency as a core value. Implementer will work with utility partners to develop a campaign to improve personal use of energy while at work, as well as incorporate core programs into solutions. In Partnership use of embedded Strategic Planning dollars, the implementer is working with each jurisdiction (excluding the City of Visalia who applied on the competitive solicitation) to gather and input data from the EPA Portfolio Manager and craft a narrative for insertion in to the SCE provided EAP template. The goal of the project is to assist jurisdictions as they develop living planning documents that will guide their plan for energy projects, use, and financing for the future. The effort will take each jurisdiction through completion of the plan.

Southern California Edison



3 Quarter 2011

2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative

The Partners came to realize that due to a misunderstanding in the original reading of menu selections they read menu option 3.1.2 to address the in office training on how to use the EPA Portfolio Manager program. The item selection has been clarified and the Partnership has moved allocated funds to the 3.1.1 efforts for in office training.


Discussion of near-term plans for program over the coming months (e.g., marketing and outreach efforts that are expected to significantly increase program participation, etc.) San Joaquin Valley: o The Partnership will host a luncheon in the fall to recognize the achievements of the participating jurisdictions, as well as receive feedback from the group. o Implementer will be working with the Statewide Energy Efficiency Best Practices Coordinator in September and October to produce a Best Practice Fact Sheet on the partnership benchmarking efforts. o Continual updates to Partnership website to increase outreach messaging and promotion utility core programs o Strategic planning implementation will continue.


Changes to staffing and staff responsibilities, if any: None

10. Changes to contracts, if any: None 11. Changes to contractors and contractor responsibilities, if any: None 12. Number of customer complaints received: None 13. Revisions to program theory and logic model, if any: None

Southern California Edison



3 Quarter 2011

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