2013-2014 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative
Program Name: LGEAR: San Joaquin Program Number: SCEXXXX Quarter: Third Quarter 2013 1.
Program Description: LGEAR is a partnership program structure, which involves the creation of energy partnerships with cities and local governments to set energy efficiency goals and generate measurable, verifiable energy savings through identification of specific energy efficiency projects and community outreach activities. Projects are referred to Southern California Edison’s (SCE) and Southern California Gas Company’s (SoCalGas) core programs and can be residential or non-residential, including small, commercial and industrial businesses, municipal and other governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations. Low income and demand response programs will also be included.
2. Administrative Activities: The following activities took place in San Joaquin: o Completed all Partnership activity monthly and quarterly reports, as requested by the IOUs, and required by the CPUC, and submitted on time. o Maintained efforts toward document retention per the terms of Partnership implementation agreement. o Provided GAP services in accounting and bookkeeping. o Continued active participation with the implementer partners’ Peer to Peer group. 3. Marketing Activities: o Partnership had a booth at the Tulare County Employee Health Fair. o Implementing partner assisted City of Visalia with Battle of the Buildings, its municipal facility energy usage competition. o Implementing partner assisted with the preparation for community events in Waukena and Stratford to be held in early October. 4. Direct Implementation Activities: o The monthly partnership meeting was held on Thursday, July 18th at the Visalia Chamber of Commerce. There were presentations on SCG’s Advanced Meters and SCE Demand Response. It was also announced that due to partner feedback, monthly meetings will now be held at the Tulare County RMA building due to its proximity to the freeway. o The upgraded version of the EPA’s Energy STAR Portfolio Manager launched on July 17th and implementing partner participated in several Southern California Edison
3 Quarter 2013
2013-2014 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative
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related online trainings (Introducing the New Portfolio Manager, Portfolio Manager 101, and Portfolio Manager 201) the following week to learn the new system. On July 25th implementing partner had a meeting in Porterville with Marcia Tolentino and David Myers of Build It Green to discuss coordinated outreach opportunities in partnership territory. Following the meeting, implementing partner delivered SCE Summer Readiness materials to the cities of Porterville and Lindsay. Implementing partner researched and made efforts towards drafting the City of Farmersville’s Energy Action Plan. Implementing partner worked on program design for partnership outreach and small business energy reduction campaign (Kill-a-Watt Crackdown) to launch in fall 2013. Implementing partner provided support to the City of Visalia with LED lighting payback analysis. Implementing partner pulled reports in Energy Star Portfolio Manager in order to identify the highest gas and electricity users in each jurisdiction. In addition, reports were pulled for any facilities that qualified for Energy Star certification. All reports were sent to their corresponding jurisdictions in order to verify facility details. Once details are confirmed, implementing partner will move forward with energy audits and the Energy Star certification process as necessary.
Program Performance/Program Status:
Program is on target Program is exceeding expectations Program is falling short of expectations Explanation: The San Joaquin Valley partnerships have been well received. SCE, SCG, new utility partner PG&E, and the partners are working on activities to customize existing energy efficiency programs and to continue to capitalize on the success of the partnership in its first cycle. 6.
Program Achievements (non-resource programs only):
Southern California Edison
3 Quarter 2013
2013-2014 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative
Changes in program emphasis, if any, from previous quarter (e.g., new program elements, less or more emphasis on a particular delivery strategy, program elements discontinued, measure discontinued, budget changes, etc.). No change in focus.
Discussion of near-term plans for program over the coming months (e.g., marketing and outreach efforts that are expected to significantly increase program participation, etc.) 
San Joaquin Valley: o Preparation of partners and plans for the new 2013-2014 transition cycle. o Continual updates to Partnership website to highlight marketing events and other partnership activities/programs o Support jurisdictions in efforts to achieve community savings and tier level advancement through the new community savings menu options
Changes to staffing and staff responsibilities, if any: The SJVCEO hired a new employee, Sarah Farell, in June who began work in July 2013.
10. Changes to contracts, if any: None 11. Changes to contractors and contractor responsibilities, if any: None 12. Number of customer complaints received: None 13. Revisions to program theory and logic model, if any: None
Southern California Edison
3 Quarter 2013