2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative
Program Name: LGEAR: San Joaquin Program Number: SCEXXXX Quarter: Fourth Quarter 2011 1.
Program Description: LGEAR is a partnership program structure, which involves the creation of energy partnerships with cities and local governments to set energy efficiency goals and generate measurable, verifiable energy savings through identification of specific energy efficiency projects and community outreach activities. Projects are referred to Southern California Edison’s (SCE) and Southern California Gas Company’s (SoCalGas) core programs and can be residential or non-residential, including small, commercial and industrial businesses, municipal and other governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations. Low income and demand response programs will also be included.
2. Administrative Activities: The San Joaquin Valley Partnership: o Completed all Partnership activity monthly and quarterly reports, as requested by the IOUs, and required by the CPUC, and submitted on time. o Completed for submission to the CPUC activities for the third quarter that supported the CAEESP. o Maintained efforts toward document retention per the terms of Partnership implementation agreement. o Provided GAP services in accounting and bookkeeping. 3. Marketing Activities: The San Joaquin Valley Partnership: o Held the quarterly Marketing Task Force meeting on October 6th. Changes to the Marketing Plan for 2012 and an addendum document were reviewed. o Finalized the 2012 Marketing Plan which included an addendum titled, “Looking Forward to 2012”. New marketing activities in 2012 will include local print and radio advertisements to educate the public on energy efficiency with a ‘Did You Know?’ campaign. o Implementer worked with vendor in November and December to plan for the marketing brochure reprint.
4. Direct Implementation Activities: The San Joaquin Valley Partnership: o A monthly Partnership meeting was held on October 6th. Implementer discussed the addition of two code compliance strategic planning menu item selections for the partnership to pursue in 2012. 1.1.6 and 2.1.1 will have a strong focus on educating local elected officials and local government staff. Southern California Edison
4 Quarter 2011
2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative o Implementer attended a Peer to Peer meeting on October 19 th in Downey that was organized by the San Gabriel COG. o Implementer attended the ‘State of the Utility’ meeting at the Energy Education Center Tulare on October 25th. o Implementer presented the Partnership’s benchmarking best practices and ‘Benchmarking Made Easy’ guide during a SEEC webinar on October 27 th. o The inaugural VIEW the Success Luncheon was held on November 3 rd to recognize the achievements of the participating jurisdictions, as well as to receive feedback from the group for the future of the Partnership. o Implementer assisted SCE and jurisdictions with Express Efficiency applications for the Plug Load Occupancy Sensors. o A monthly Partnership meeting was held on December 1st. Discussion included projects on the horizon for 2012 and a ‘wish list’ of projects and potential barriers for completion for each jurisdiction. o In response to the favorable feedback from the first VIEW the Success Partnership Luncheon, a date for the second annual luncheon was set for November 1, 2012. Partners were encouraged to spread the word in advance to increase attendance of local elected officials. o Implementer traveled to Alhambra on December 20th to participate in a Peer to Peer Working Group to discuss the Energy Leader Model and partnership structure. Implementer proposed to take over the group coordination for future meetings of the smaller working group and larger peer group. o Implementer worked with the Statewide Best Practices Coordinator to release the first Best Practices Fact Sheet from a southern California LGP in December. The fact sheet features the Partnership benchmarking efforts and highlights the Benchmarking Made Easy how-to guide. 5.
Program Performance/Program Status:
Program is on target Program is exceeding expectations Program is falling short of expectations Explanation: The San Joaquin Valley partnership continues to be well received. SCE, SCG, and the partners are working on additional activities to customize existing energy efficiency programs. Great focuses for the fourth quarter of 2011 continued to be initiating Energy Action Plans and Demand Response programs for tier level advancement as well as Southern California Edison
4 Quarter 2011
2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative
making a push to finish up Strategic Planning activities, including Benchmarking and General Planning language. 6.
Program Achievements (non-resource programs only): The San Joaquin Valley o Implementer focused on 4.1.1 Energy Action Planning and 4.1.3 General Planning language for the 4th quarter of the year and will continue to do so to meet completion deadline of Q1 2012.
Changes in program emphasis, if any, from previous quarter (e.g., new program elements, less or more emphasis on a particular delivery strategy, program elements discontinued, measure discontinued, budget changes, etc.). The program focus has continued to move from such a community-heavy focus to more attention and efforts paid to Government facilities and staff. The Partnership is focusing on raising the awareness of municipal employees and working with the jurisdictions to instill Energy Efficiency as a core value. Implementer will work with utility partners to develop a campaign to improve personal use of energy while at work, as well as incorporate core programs into solutions. In Partnership use of embedded Strategic Planning dollars, the implementer continues to work with each jurisdiction (excluding the City of Visalia who applied on the competitive solicitation) to gather and input data from the EPA Portfolio Manager and craft a narrative for insertion in to the SCE provided EAP template. The goal of the project is to assist jurisdictions as they develop living planning documents that will guide their plan for energy projects, use, and financing for the future. The effort will take each jurisdiction through completion of the plan.
Discussion of near-term plans for program over the coming months (e.g., marketing and outreach efforts that are expected to significantly increase program participation, etc.) San Joaquin Valley: o Continual updates to Partnership website to increase outreach messaging and promotion utility core programs o Strategic planning implementation will continue.
Changes to staffing and staff responsibilities, if any: None
10. Changes to contracts, if any: Southern California Edison
4 Quarter 2011
2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Quarterly Report Narrative
None 11. Changes to contractors and contractor responsibilities, if any: None 12. Number of customer complaints received: None 13. Revisions to program theory and logic model, if any: None
Southern California Edison
4 Quarter 2011