Board Meeting Minutes February 7, 2008 Professional Exchange Service Corporation Offices st 4747 North 1 Street, Suite 140 Fresno, California (559) 228-6140
Welcome & Introductions
Rollie Smith called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization (SJVCEO) meeting to order at 10:00 am. The following people were in attendance:
Ricardo Amon (Call-in) Jeff Briltz Roger Christy (Call-in) Ron Durbin (Alternate) Chris Cornell Phil Erro Randy Ghan Gary Hanson Elizabeth Knudsen Roger McNeil Paul Johnson Tom Jordan Randy Radoicich (Alternate) Chuck Riojas Rollie Smith Mark Stout (call-in)
Linda Urata Joy Warren Dianna Westmoreland Pedrozo Jeff Wright (call-in) Guests: Elliot Balch Ralph Fackheim – U.S. Dept of Labor Beau Radoicich Daniel Costa Thor Bailey Laura Fultz (call-in) Staff: Paul Johnson Jeremy Hofer
II. Approval of Minutes of December 4, 2007 Board Meeting Motion made to approve December’s Meeting Minutes by Phil Erro, seconded by Roger McNeil. December Meeting Minutes approved unanimously. III. Approval of Financial Report Paul Johnson reviewed the financial report. Rollie Smith indicted that there is $20,000 in Permanent Director line item that is needed to continue to fund Paul as an Interim Director. A Motion by Elizabeth Knudsen to combine Interim and Permanent Director line items was seconded by Gary Hanson. The Motion was approved unanimously. Paul indicated that if current expenditure patterns continue, seed grant funds will expire in the 4th quarter of 2008. IV.
Work Group Reports and Preliminary Recommendations Ag/Biofuels Work Group Ricardo Amon (Ag/Biofuels Work Group Chair) reviewed the three WebEx meetings that were conducted since the December board meeting. Meeting notes were included in the board packet.
Biogas Energy Potential (animal manure/food waste): Current barriers were discussed, including the permitting process. There’s no ‘play book’ that agencies can follow. An
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – Feb 7, 2008
interagency bioenergy working group exists. Issued report July ‘07 – highlighted need to streamline process. The California Air Resources Board (ARB) is in charge of implementing AB32 Greenhouse gas emission – animal and green waste is identified as targets. ARB will be providing an action plan in fall ’08.
Urban Green waste was discussed as a potential source of Biogas. Peter Mowery will lead the Work Group’s activities in this area..
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During the upcoming month the Work Group will look at resource considerations Some potential action items were identified by the SJVCEO Board: Look at the potential to take advantage of Biogas directly to the pipeline Examine the Merced Food Processing Model for opportunities
Communities Work Group The Communities Work group progress was reported by Paul Johnson. Notes were included in the board packet.
Feedback and Potential Action Items from the Board and attendees included : The SJVCEO should conduct a survey of municipalities/ counties to determine needs and interests, including best practices Randy Radoicich discussed a prison-related project opportunity project to include a Biodiesel Plant, potentially solar and wind power generation, and bio-butenal plant. Stakeholders are engaged and willing. The SJVCEO should conduct outreach as an independent clean energy expert. PG&E has additional funding to expand efficiency program into Fresno County A key role for the SJVCEO is to serve as a catalyst and facilitator tying all of the pieces and partners together to help communities develop solutions. The SJVCEO should explore using a Sister Cities program for peer exchanges and technical support. Merced is going through a general plan update and there is new leadership in the city that may be interested in new ideas. We should see how we might provided assistance in this process We need to look at the Cool Cities Program and leverage its resources. Jeff Briltz indicated that Lemoore is putting up large scale PV systems and needs for an independent group to add credibility to the process. There is a need for clearinghouse to help Cities evaluate proposals. Lots of opportunities for efficiency upgrades – not so much in renewables.
Renewable Power Production Work Group Mark Stout reviewed the notes and documents from the Renewable Power Workgroup WebEx Meetings. See handouts from the Board Packet for full text of documents discussed. JEREMY ADD A FEW KEY NUMBERS HERE We need to complete analysis to inventory existing and identify potential SJV power production out of renewable sources. Actions items included: o
Demand response programs need to be looked at – prioritize the peak load.
We should use 25 by 25 goal to identify potential production. This is an intermediate goal for 2025 timeframe, technical and economic potential is much higher than 25% over longer timeframe.
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – Feb 7, 2008
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The Work Group will coordinate with Ag Biofuels Work Group on quantifying ag biogasbased projects, and continue work to include additional, appropriate renewable projects.
Forging a Development Strategy for the SJVCEO
Paul highlighted a series of foundation, federal, and corporate opportunities for funding: The Energy Block Grant program is a potential source of future funding and support for the SJVCEO but not a likely source of support in 2008. Dept of Labor: Ralph Fakheim, U.S. Dept of Labor briefed the board on a current RFP under the “High Growth Job Training Initiative” related to energy industry training. $10 million total being granted; about 15 enterprises will be funded. Encouraged the board to work with local workforce investment board and community colleges. Supporting existing industry partners. The Board was reminded that SJVCEO can rely on the Partnership to help pitch funding proposals and that there are 2 main types of funding the organization is looking for: o
Project Related – will come out of workgroups
Organizational – unrestricted. This is a priority as the organization really needs ongoing “core” support. Some of this funding will come through projects in the form of budgeting for administrative costs.
Paul updated the board on current funding proposals: o
Packard Foundation Update: nothing definitive, should hear by March.
Valley CAN has agreed to fund work with Arvin. Work scope yet to be defined. Total grant is $50,000 - SJVCEO portion will be about $20,000.
A concept proposal has been submitted to DOE for project funding for communities.
Gary updated group on PG&E proposal. Nothing definite but ‘highly probable’. Funding would support a part-time staff.
Other potential funding sources were discussed: o
Phil pitched a possible funding request to the Dept of Energy for a program idea that would generate funding for the organization: communities that can document energy efficiency savings would be rewarded in the form of funding for further improvements. SJVCEO would receive a portion of the reward to communities it assists.
Investment model: Elizabeth made the observation that many of these business models that involve the development of the renewable energy industry are new business models with rates of return that wouldn’t be supported by traditional venture capital. However, entities that fund environmental programs might be interested in investing considering there would be a rate of return (albeit small) along with an environmental benefit.
Energy Foundation was discussed as a potential funding source.
The Board provided guidance that that should develop a mechanism for organizations and people to financially sponsor the SJVCEO. This would be a means of raising funds to cover the unrestricted funding needs of the organization. It should include a tiered structure that provides recognition/benefits, including possible use of the SJVCEO logo and name. Linda recommended that we regulate and control the use of the SJVCEO name and logo to avoid losing credibility.
Jeff Manternach made the observation that in many cases communities have better leverage to capture grant funds, however many small cities don’t have grant writers on staff. If SJVCEO staffed a grant writer to develop funding proposals involving communities/municipalities, it would be providing a service to them while receiving a portion of the funding.
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – Feb 7, 2008
Operational Updates Paul met with City Manager in Arvin. They are very interested in partnering with the SJVCEO in a demonstration project. Valley CAN has agreed to provide financial support for this project. Paul attended the Bakersfield Clean Air and Energy Expo on January 31st. The CPUC is redesigning their low-income energy efficiency programs. Paul reported that he had attended the initial workshop on behalf of the SJVCEO in early January. Paul will stay plugged into this redesign process and report back to the Board as opportunities develop. . Green Xchange Xpo: Phil Erro recapped the Global Marketplace Conference he attended along with Mark Stout. Carbon trading was discussed. $30 / ton of carbon is current price. The speakers promoted Cap &Trade above Carbon Taxes. Paul reported on the following Board changes since the last Board meeting: o
JP Batmale has resigned from the board due to a move to New York.
Roger Christy has replaced Mike Jennings with Chevron.
Nancy Kirchner-Rodriquez has resigned from the Board, Consol will name a successor
Jeff Wright was nominated to replace JP Batmale as the Vice Chair of the Board. A motion was submitted by Elizabeth Knudsen to approve Jeff Wright as vice-chair and make the abovementioned replacements. Seconded by Gary Hanson. Motion approved unanimously. Jeremy reviewed the SJVCEO website developments and received the following feedback:
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The Domain name was requested
We should:
Logo templates and logo guide will be sent to the Board. The website will be a place to post workgroup notes and materials under each work group section.
Add links to Board Member’s websites on the Board contact page Allow board members restricted access to update the calendar Add a “media release” page. Add a key link to State Climate Change Portal under “Links and Resources” The Board requested that the word “Annual” be removed from the Conflict of Interest Statement... They also requested that a line be added for board alternates. Jeremy will look into the legality of these changes. Motion to approve Conflict of Interest Statement as amended was made, seconded and approved unanimously. Rollie will be attending the 4th National 25x25 Renewable Energy Summit on March 11, in Omaha. The World Ag Expo will be held in Tulare on February 12th and will include a panel on Clean Energy.
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – Feb 7, 2008
Next meeting: April 3, 2008, 10am – 1pm, PESC Offices. Meeting adjourned at 12:48pm Meeting minutes recorded by Jeremy Hofer and submitted by Elizabeth Knudsen, Secretary.
Elizabeth Knudsen, Secretary, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization Board of Directors
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – Feb 7, 2008