Board Meeting Minutes April 3, 2008 Professional Exchange Service Corporation Offices 4747 North 1st Street, Suite 140 Fresno, California (559) 228-6140
Welcome & Introductions Rollie Smith called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization (SJVCEO) meeting to order at 10:00 am. He welcomed Paul Clanon from the California PUC. The following people were in attendance: Board Members: Ricardo Amon (by phone) Jeff Briltz Ron Durbin (Alternate for Jeff Wright) Phil Erro Laura Fultz (Alternate for Mark Stout) Gary Hanson Randy Ghan Carole Goldsmith, West Hills Community College Ryan Kerr (by phone) Dianna Westmoreland-Pedrozo (by phone) Roger Christy (by phone) Rollie Smith Mark Stout Linda Urata Joy Warren (Alternate for Allen Short) Colby Wells Carl Zichella (by phone)
Staff: Paul Johnson Jeremy Hofer Affiliates: Ken Brennan, PG&E (by phone) Leslie Caviglia, City of Visalia Drew Cheney, CA PUC Public Outreach Coordinator Paul Clanon, Exec. Director Ca PUC Keith Griffith, Stanislaus Alliance (by phone) Robert Crandall (by phone) Peter Mowery (by phone) Stephen Miller Shawn Ogletree, City of Visalia Richard Waxton, John Weddington, CSU Fresno Randy Radoicich (by phone)
Update / Overview from the 25 x 25 Conference Rollie gave a recap on the March 25x25 National Conference in Omaha. Rollie’s presentation at this conference discussed assets and opportunities to meet the 25 x 25 goal in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV). The presentation featured the following preliminary assessment prepared by the SJVCEO Executive Committee.
2005 • SJV Power Consumption -- 40,706 GWh • Current SJV % Renewable Power Production -- 8% of total • 25% Renewables Target -- 10,176 GWh • SJV % with New Utility Scale PPAs -- 21% of total 2025 • SJV Consumption -- Projected at 61,059 GWh • 25% Renewables Target -- 15,264 GWh • SJV % with New Utility Scale PPAs -- 14% • Amount new generation required -- 6,822 GWh
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – Feb 7, 2008
Activities to Meet Renewable Energy Goal for Power Production • • • • • • •
Local jurisdiction renewable energy development — TA to cities; Green policies; municipal waste systems New housing use of solar; (80% self empowered ) Incentives; prop 1C /Housing Trust criteria; green ordinances Existing housing use Incentives, green ordinances Increase wind farms Assemble land and capital New solar power plants West Valley solar initiative Biomass waste use Build waste digesters etc Forest power production Healthy Forest Initiative
1.8 GW 1
GW .4 GW
2.7 GW 12.5 GW 4.1 GW .5 GW
The activities total 23 GW, which translates into 69,000 GWh/yr (@ 1 GW production = 3K GW/h). If we reach this level, we will not only be meet the Valley’s 2025 electric power needs from renewable sources but will also be able to significantly contribute to meeting the State’s power needs from alley-based renewable of state to meet state goals. Gary Hanson noted that our numbers reflect only the production side; they do not reflect energy efficiency. Fewer resources would be required in 2025 if we increased efficiency efforts in the Valley Paul Clanon noted the huge renewable potential in the Valley and the role that it could play in helping the state meet its future power needs He clarified that .8 GW (800 megawatts) is the equivalent of about 1.5 power plants. He also noted that the CPUC’s goal is zero energy for new homes by 2020. Elizabeth clarified that the broader 25x25 goal includes Biofuels production transportation. Paul Clanon reported AB 32 is a driver of reduction of greenhouse gas reduction and that transportation is an important component of goal attainment. . III.
Approval of Minutes of February 7, 2008 Board Meeting The February 7 Board meeting minutes were approved.
Approval of Financial Report Paul Johnson reviewed the current budget and expenditures to-date. So far about $40,000 has been spent of the $125,000 seed grant with about $5-6,000 in additional expenses in the pipeline. The current budget will keep the organization going until the end of the 4th quarter of calendar year 2008. The Financial report was reviewed and accepted.
CPUC – Updates and Opportunities for the Valley Paul Clanon, the Executive Director of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), provided a brief overview of the CPUC, its mission and functions. He emphasized that he is very interested in supporting the SJVCEO and the role that it is playing to develop the clean energy potential of the San Joaquin Valley. He noted that the Valley can play a significant role in helping the state meet its future power needs through Valley-based clean energy projects. Paul Johnson will follow up with him to figure out the best way to secure future CPUC involvement with the SJVCEO.
Committee Reports and Preliminary Recommendations Ag/Biomass Work Group Ricardo Amon conducted a presentation on the work and research of the Ag/Biomass Workgroup. The presentation will be posted to the SJVCEO website. • He identified the following Valley Added role that the SJVCEO could play o Develop Industry Development Roadmaps o Support ongoing legislative efforts
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – April 3, 2008
Host biogas industry development workshops
Communities Workgroup Carl Zichella gave an update on the activities of the Communities Workgroup and reviewed the “San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization Sustainable Communities Activities 3/21/08” handout. This is posted on the SJVCEO website. • Leslie Caviglia gave an update on the City of Visalia’s green program which they have developed in partnership with the SJVCEO: o Audits have been completed and they are in the process of development of energy plan o The City applied for the So Cal Edison & So Cal Gas Local Government Partnership program with SJVCEO as a partner. Paul Johnson provided the City significant input for the design of the proposal . The City received notice from both utilities that the abstracts were accepted. And that they will be working with the city to develop a final program that will begin operation in 2009. o The establishing its green house emissions baseline. The SJVCEO expects to serve as a subcontractor in that effort. • Paul Johnson reported on the meeting held with Kern County cities through the Kern COG in March to inform and involve them in activities of the SJVCEO and the SJV Housing Trust. Similar meetings will be help in the other counties in the region. County teams of 3-4 board members will be set up to staff and support these upcoming meetings Renewable Power Production Workgroup Mark Stout updated the Board on the Renewable Power Production Workgroup. A copy of his presentation is on the SJVCEO website. He reported that: • His group is building an inventory spreadsheet which details the current renewable power production • Self-generation is .5 GWh • There are a number of Power Purchase Agreements being developed now. • Barriers include: 1) Financing (rate payers) and 2) Building transmission (Path 15 on I-5 corridor is the closest main transmission line) • New feed-in tariff legislation would assist in getting additional PPAs online
SJVCEO Financial Sponsorships Paul Johnson reviewed the first draft of a financial sponsorship program for the SJVCEO • The SJVCEO Board Offered the following feedback. o The primary interest for contributors would be recognition o Recognition should be based on level of support o Include events and website as venues of this recognition o Fundraising not be perceived as a fee for service • A committee to include Paul, Elizabeth, Mark, Jeff & Jeremy will meet to further develop the financial sponsorships program. A program will be presented at the June Board meeting.
Operational Update Paul Johnson updated the board on SJVCEO operations. The SJVCEO is tracking AB 2176 which will cover how the state shapes and administers the new Energy Block Grant program recently passed by the Congress. The SJVCEO plans to write a letter of support for this legislation in April. . Jeremy updated the board on the administrative activities, including: • Website development o Input is needed from the board for additional content re: legislation, links, media stories, news and events, etc. • The IRS Application – progress has been made. Jeremy will send a draft out to the Executive Committee when it is ready for review. • Conflict of Interest Statement – Jeremy reviewed the requirements and asked board members and their alternates have not turned in a signed statement, they need to do so ASAP.
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – April 3, 2008
Meeting adjourned at 1:05pm Next meeting: June 5, 2008, 10am – 4pm, Joseph Gallo Farms, Atwater, California Meeting minutes recorded by Jeremy Hofer and submitted by Elizabeth Knudsen, Secretary.
Elizabeth Knudsen, Secretary, Board of Directors, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – April 3, 2008