Board Meeting Minutes June 5, 2008 Joseph Gallo Farms Atwater, CA
Welcome & Introductions Rollie Smith called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization (SJVCEO) meeting to order at 11:30 am. The following people were in attendance: Board Members: Ricardo Amon Jeff Briltz Roger Christy Ron Durbin (Alternate for Jeff Wright) Phil Erro Tim Fisher Laura Fultz (via conference phone) Carole Goldsmith Gary Hanson Devon Jones (Alternate for Steve Geil) Ryan Kerr Elizabeth Knudsen Jeff Manternach Roger McNeil Rollie Smith Mark Stout Jim Sweeney (Alternate for Tom Jordan) Roger Van Hoy (Alternate for Allen Short) Colby Wells Dianna Westmoreland-Pedrozo
Staff: Paul Johnson, SJVCEO Matt Haas, PESC Jeremy Hofer, PESC Steve Miller, SEI Affiliates: Steve Smith, RHA Steve Newvine, PG&E Patsy Dugger, PG&E Shawna Laycock, KVPT Katie Stevens, CA Partnership Christine Tien, City of Stockton Peter Weber, CA Partnership Ty Korenwinder, So. Ca. Gas
Approval of Minutes of April 3, 2008 Board Meeting rd
Gary motioned to approve April 3 Board meeting minutes. Carole seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Financial Report by Jeff Manternach, Treasurer Jeff motioned to establish a checking account with Premier Valley Bank with the resolution included in the board packet. The motion was seconded by Elizabeth. The motion passed unanimously. Starting July 1, 2008 financial accounting and overall responsibility for the Seed Grant will be transferred to the SJVCEO from KRCD. Motion for approval was submitted by Jeff Manternach and seconded by y Elizabeth. The motion passed unanimously. Paul noted that the seed grant will expire at the end of December with no possibility of extension beyond that point. It is ‘use-it-or-lose-it’ funding. Mark Stout commented that decisions need to be made soon to ensure that we have a solid plan for properly spending this funding and ensuring that we gain sustainable funding enable the organization to continue after the seed grant expires.
SJVCEO Financial Sponsorships The sponsorship framework (in the packet) was reviewed by Paul Johnson. A recommendation was made by the Board to raise top level. A motion was made by Ricardo to approve the sponsorship framework in principle. This motion was seconded by Jeff Manternach. The motion passed unanimously.
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – June 5, 2008
Operational Update The following updates were provided: Pete Weber discussed the Panel’s “Clean Technology in a Green Economy” Strategy – staffed by th Collaborative Economics. The SJVCEO was asked to host a follow-up forum set for September 18 in Fresno. Rollie and Paul will follow up on this and report back to the Board. Paul briefed the Board in general on specific types of assistance that SJVCEO will provide to the City of Fresno to green the development of the Southeast Fresno Growth Area (SEGA). A planning meeting to gain stakeholder input is for June 10 at Fresno Convention Center. Diana commented that cities of Los Banos, Livingston & Merced are updating general plans. SJVCEO needs to be involved with these planning processes. Paul will report back to the Board on specific assistance being provided to the SEGA project and a strategy for offering assistance to Los Banos, Livingston, and Merced. Steve Miller gave an update on the Fall SJVCEO Ag Conference. This will be a 1.5 day conference November 5-6, 2008 in Tulare. We are targeting 150-200 attendees and have 2 committed sponsors: US Department of Agriculture and Pacific Gas and Electric. Shawna Laycock of KVPT described the Be More Green Campaign: easy to do/practical steps for people to do to help the environment. They are looking to secure partners and coordinate with the SJV Air Pollution Control District on their Healthier Living Effort. It was noted KVPT offering 40% discount until June 30 to organizations that agreed to be a sponsor. Paul noted that we could offer recognition to top financial sponsors of the SJVCEO through this KVPT campaign as well as gain recognition for ourselves. Jeff Manternach made a motion to purchase Option A (60% of $10,000). Investment includes cost of production. Pete Weber offered to match half of the Investment of Option A ($3,000 match). The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. (Paul found out after the Board meeting that the deadline for receiving the 40% discount from KVPT had already passed. Paul will get back to the Board with a recommendation on how to proceed on this issue given this new information.) Paul announced that Carl Zichella resigned from the Board to take on a new position within the Sierra Club supporting large scale renewable energy development in the West. Carl recommended Laura Fultz, Coalition for Clean Air, be appointed to the board to replace Carl. A motion to add Laura to the Board was made and passed unanimously. In a follow-up conversation Jeff Briltz agreed to take over Carl’s position as the chair of the Sustainable Communities Work Group of the Board. Paul reminded the board that there are two remaining unfilled board slots.
Organizational Update Paul discussed a job for an intern position to be hired by the SJVCEO to support work funded by Vials (developments of a greenhouse gas emissions baseline and US Department of Agriculture (support for the Fall Ag Conference). A description of this position was included in board packet) was discussed for ground support for Fall Conference. The intern would be located in Visalia Area. Technical direction would be provided by SEI and Paul. A recommendation was made to change the name of the position to a “Project Coordinator”. A few questions were raised on use of equipment and software and reimbursement for travel costs. Paul will resolve these technical issues and report back to the Board at its next meeting.
A motion to adjourn was made by Elizabeth, and seconded by Jeff. The Business Meeting adjourned at 1:00pm. The next meeting will be July 16, 2008, 10am – 1pm, at PESC Offices in Fresno, California. Meeting minutes were recorded by Jeremy Hofer and submitted by Elizabeth Knudsen, Secretary.
Elizabeth Knudsen, Secretary, Board of Directors, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – June 5, 2008