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Board Meeting Minutes September 4, 2008 HUD Offices 855 M Street, Suite 970 Fresno, California


Welcome & Introductions Staff: Board Members/Alternates: Ricardo Amon Jeff Briltz Roger Christy William Delain Robin Durbin Phil Erro Tim Fisher Steve Geil Carol Goldsmith Gary Hanson Devon Jones Tom Jordan Ryan Kerr Jeff Manternach Colby Morrow Roger McNeil Randy Radoicich Rollie Smith Mark Stout Peter Weber

Paul Johnson Cindy Ransdell Courtney Kalashian Jason Shaw Affiliates: Bill Fall Bethany Thompson Sid Craighead Kif Scheuer Katie Stevens Steve Smith Leslie Caviglia Thor Bailey Brin Hanna Beau Radoicich Chris Rosander Special Guest: Congressman Jim Costa

II. Overview of the National Conservation, Environment and Energy Independence Act (Attachments 1 & 2)

Congressman Jim Costa described the key provisions of this bill, why it had been developed, and the bipartisan support that it has received. The bill is a comprehensive energy package that first removes the existing moratoria on oil and natural gas production in the Outer Counter Shelf for waters 25 miles offshore and beyond. For waters that are 25 to 50 miles from shore, the bill gives states the right to opt‐out and remove those areas from leasing. The bill prohibits leasing within 25 miles of a coastline. States will receive 30% of the royalties from oil and gas production. This legislation uses the royalties generated by the off‐shore oil and gas production to fund energy conservation, as well as the development of alternative fuels and renewable energy technologies, making it a balanced package. For example, 15% of the royalty funds will go to the Renewable Energy Reserve fund, created within the bill. Another 5% will help pay for research and development regarding carbon capture and sequestration, as well as the reprocessing and/or disposal of nuclear waste –which is the key to the increased safe use of nuclear power. The bill also extends numerous existing tax incentives for cleaner energy production and conservation, including solar and wind power, energy efficiency measures and alternative fuel vehicles. The Congressman asked the SJVCEO for help getting the word out about the legislation and the needs for comprehensive approaches for tackling our Country’s energy needs. SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – September, 2008


Questions/Answers/Discussion of the Act

Board members asked several clarifying questions about the bill and its provisions. Paul Johnson offered to help get the word out about the legislation and noted that the significant benefit of renewables for the Valley. He described an assessment developed by the Board that showed that the Valley could conservatively meet its power needs over the next 20 years through renewables and could significantly contribute to state‐wide power needs from Valley‐based renewables. Congressman Costa was very interested in receiving a copy of this assessment and Paul provided it to the Congressman’s office after the meeting.

Rollie Smith called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization (SJVCEO) to order at 10:08 a.m.


Approval of Minutes of July 16, 2008 Board Meeting

The minutes of the July 16, 2008 SJVCEO Board of Directors were approved on a motion made by Devon Jones, seconded by Phil Erro, and approved by the board. There were two abstentions.


Approval of Financial Report

Jeff Manternach, Treasurer

Jeff reported that PESC is now handling the SJVCEO finances. The new reports can be confusing at first, as they do not show the remaining balance of our grant; this is typical in accounting for nonprofits. Courtney will have PESC accounting include a budget vs. actual report in future financial reports. Current financial activity for the group is lower than expected/typical. The financial report was accepted on a motion made by Gary Hanson, seconded by Mark Stout, and unanimously approved.


Program Update

A. Farming Clean Energy Conference Tulare (Attachment 5)

Kif Scheuer, SEI

Kif reported that the conference planning is on track. It will feature a full day on day one with a broad audience and day two is a more concentrated program. Secretary A.G. Kawamura is confirmed as the keynote speaker. The conference is structured around five energy areas: energy efficiency, bio energy, bio gas, bio fuel, and turnkey solar. The website has been set up at PESC is assisting with the online registration and design of print materials. Financial support is provided in the following: USDA grant, $8,000 in printing from HUD, $6,000 from Southern California Edison, $5,000 from Pacific Gas and Electric, and $5,000 from Southern California Gas. To reach the agricultural community coordinators are providing outreach directly with the community. A “save the date” will be sent out on September 9/10th. Rollie asked that any suggestions be sent to Kif Scheuer and Steve Miller at SEI. Early departure by Devon Jones and Bethany Thompson PAGE 2 OF 5

B. California Economic Strategy Panel meeting in Fresno on September 18th

Rollie Smith

The event is scheduled at the Holiday Inn Airport conference center. We are waiting on an agenda from Secretary Bradshaw’s office. Courtney will email the agenda out to the board, and affiliates as soon as it is available. C. Sustainable Communities Update Jeff Briltz i. Community Survey Jeff Briltz Jeff reported twelve suggestions were made, and that the updates are being added so that it can be distributed to the board. ii. Arvin—Developments (attachment 11) Paul Johnson Paul reported on the submittal of a grant request to Valley CAN, and that the money from the grant will be assigned to the Arvin project, and to cover the following: SJVCEO, PESC and SEI staff, and to purchase select energy efficiency and renewable energy measures. Paul also provided a summary of the grant goals and explained how the Arvin project ties into the Sustainable Communities project. iii. Avenal—meeting and follow up Phil Erro/Sid Craighead Phil and Sid reported on a recent evaluation of ways Avenal could improve their clean energy usage. A number of suggestions were made to Avenal on ways to increase their clean energy usage. These included: 1) the City should make energy efficiency improvements to their government facilities; 2) the prison should use parabolic solar be used to balance the load that they are currently using; 3) the City of Avenal and the prison should add an anaerobic digester to the water treatment plant; 4) the School District should adopt solar power for all new buildings; and, 5) the City should look to develop wind power. iv. Visalia—update and opportunity Leslie Caviglia Leslie reported that all the Tulare County communities are on board with the Valley Innovation Energy Watch Partnership. This project, funded by the three investor owned utilities over the period 2009‐11, will provide comprehensive energy efficiency services for all jurisdictions in Tulare County. She noted that the SJVCEO has been recommended to serve as the Administrator in this project and asked the Board if it was interested in pursuing this possible role for the organization. The answer was an enthusiastic “yes” Paul will follow‐up with the utilities and the Tulare County jurisdictions to pursue this opportunity. D. Renewable Power Production Update Mark Stout Mark reported that there has not been a WebEx since the last board meeting. There is a lot of activity going on around the Valley: a 107 megawatt facility signed on with PG&E; Macy’s, Kohl’s, Gap distribution center, the Fresno Yosemite International airport have all gone solar; there is a twenty two acre, five megawatt pilot plant in operation south of Bakersfield. Jeff Briltz gave a quick overview of the new solar system in use at the water treatment plant in Lemoore. E. Renewable Fuels Update Ricardo Amon Ricardo made a hard press on Mark Stout to serve as the coordinator on turnkey session for day one of the FCE conference in November! Ricardo reported who con confirmed session coordinators: Gary Yao will coordinate on Alternative Fuels, Thor Bailey will coordinate on Biomass, and Patsy Dugger will coordinate the Energy Efficiency session.

F. Education and Workforce Development—WebEx highlights and potential role for the SJVCEO Roger McNeil Roger provided a recap of the Workforce Development WebEx that was held in August. The main question of the WebEx was, “What cans the SJVCEO to do support green workforce development in the San Joaquin Valley?” The group identified and defined the areas of focus and it was compiled in a report to the board. (Attachment provided by Roger McNeil; included with the meeting minutes).

SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – September 4 2008

The next steps for this committee are to encourage attendance at the Green Economy Conference on September 18, 2008 in Fresno. G. Other All Ron Durbin reminded the board of the Solar Symposium taking place at UC Merced on September 26, 2008. He also extended an offer from the UC Merced Energy Research Institute (UCMERI) for the SJVCEO to become an affiliate partner of UCMERI. Additionally, UCMERI would like to have the opportunity to present to the board at the next meeting. Paul Johnson reported that the SJVCEO had been contacted by KVPR/The Maddy Institute and will be featured in a radio show on energy to be aired in October. Early Departure by Mark Stout


SJVCEO Development

Paul Johnson, Cindy Ransdell

A. Accomplishments to Date There have been two donations to date. $2,500 from Paul Johnson and $5,000 for the next four years, totaling $20,000 from the Modesto Irrigation District B. Sponsorship Products (Attachment 7a,b,c) Cindy presented the board with samples of the sponsorship print materials that have been created for the various levels of sponsors. Jeff Manternach asked if the SJVCEO still intended to use television spots with KVPT as a sponsorship benefit. This brought forward discussion from the board about the cost vs. value as the cost of the KVPT program has increased in cost from $6,000 to $10,000. Pete Weber asked the board if there would still be interest in the program if he were able to negotiate the cost back to $6,000 and provide $3,000 for the campaign. The board was in agreement, and Pete Weber was able to secure the lower rate. Paul Johnson will contact Shawna Laycock of KVPT to discuss production arrangements. C. Review Sponsorship Prospects (Attachment 8) Cindy and Paul conducted an assessment with the board of current prospects. Rollie asked if there should be a reasonable goal amount attached to each donor. General discussion followed and members of the board suggested the following additional organizations that should be pursued for sponsorships: Gary Hanson Jeff Manternach Phil Erro Kif Scheuer Bill Delain Roger Christy Tom Jordan

Lyles Diversified, AT&T, Fred Ruiz, Pat Ricchiuti Local Banks (new references from SJVCEO for sponsorship) Sun Power Borrego, USGBC Dairy Farmers of America NGOs, Feed Lots (Harris Ranch) Granville Homes

D. Review Foundation Prospects (Attachment 9) E. Review Other Development Ideas Jeff Manternach presented to the board the prospect of pursuing venture capitalists and private equity firms and asked if this was a road the SJVCEO wanted to go down. Following discussion the board agreed that we should steer clear of exclusivity and quid pro quo agreements, but otherwise this was an area to pursue.

SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – September 4 2008

F. ID Next Steps VIII.

Organizational Update

Paul Johnson

A. New Staff Addition Paul Johnson Paul introduced Jason Shaw to the board. Jason was hired on a four month contract, and he will be based in Visalia. His main focus will be the calculation of carbon emissions in Visalia and support for the FCE conference. B. Change in SCE Board Representation Paul Johnson Paul announced that Chris Coronel of Southern California Edison has stepped down from the board and William (Bill) Delain, also of SCE, has taken his place. C. Online Newsletter Postponed

Courtney Kalashian

D. Subcontract with SEI for conference/Visalia work (attachment 10)

Paul Johnson

Paul asked for the board approval with the following addendums: to provide $400 in travel expenses for Jason Shaw and that PESC be exempt in from the clause in section four. The board approved the subcontract with SEI on a motion made by Gary Hanson, seconded by Jeff Manternach.


Next Steps

Rollie Smith

Rollie Smith asked the board members to consider a donation pledge, of any amount, as an example of their commitment to the organization. He showed an example of a pledge card that Cindy Ransdell will email out to the SJVCEO board and affiliates list.



Rollie Smith

A motion to adjourn was made by Gary Hanson, and seconded by Jeff Manternach. The Business Meeting adjourned at 12:54 p.m. The next meeting will be November 6, 2008, 12:45 PM, at the AGTAC Center in Tulare, California. Meeting minutes were recorded by Courtney Kalashian and submitted by Elizabeth Knudsen, Secretary.



Elizabeth Knudsen, Secretary, Board of Directors, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization


SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – September 4 2008

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