Board Meeting Minutes November 6, 2008 AGTAC 4175 South Laspina Street Tulare, California
Welcome & Introductions Board Members: Jeff Briltz Roger Christy William DeLain Phil Erro Laura Fultz Carole Goldsmith Gary Hanson Tom Jordon Ryan Kerr Jeff Manternach Rollie Smith Mark Stout Linda Urata Jeff Wright
Alternates: Bill Pfanner (Ricardo Amon) John Sugar (Ricardo Amon) Staff: Paul Johnson, SJVCEO Cindy Ransdell, SJVCEO Courtney Kalashian, PESC Jason Shaw, SJVCEO Cynthia Downing, PESC Affiliates: Katie Stevens Steve Miller Eun‐Soo Lim Maya Craig Margarita Matoian Keith Bergthold
Rollie Smith called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization (SJVCEO) to order at 1:10 p.m. Jeff Manternach announced that he has left Pacific Ethanol to pursue other career options. Paul Johnson added an advocacy action item with Katie Stevens to the top of the agenda. Katie Stevens provided the board with a handout, “Legislative Concepts for 2009” and asked the board members to fill out the form and return to her the following week, November 10, 2008. She is looking for board member input to establish priorities in 2009.
Approval of Minutes of September 4, 2008 Board Meeting
The minutes of the September 4, 2008 SJVCEO Board of Directors were approved on a motion made by Jeff Manternach, seconded by Gary Hanson, and approved by the board with the following amendment: Linda Urata asked that she be noted as present on the September minutes.
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – November 6, 2008
Approval of Financial Report
Jeff Manternach, Treasurer
Jeff reported that there is $25,000 left in the seed grant. The financial report was accepted on a motion made by Bill DeLain, seconded by Mark Stout, and unanimously approved.
Program Update
A. City of Fresno Presentation
Keith Bergthold, City of Fresno
Keith Bergthold, Interim Director of Planning and Development Department of the City of Fresno presented to the board on the work the City of Fresno is supporting to shape the growth and development of the Southeast Growth Area near the city in green and sustainable manner. The SJVCEO has provided technical input into the design process for this area to date and the City is looking forward to out future involvement and support. B. Overview of Grant Proposals to Date
Paul Johnson, SJVCEO
Paul provided a summary of the grant requests submitted to date: Valley CAN, Fresno Regional Foundation, and VIEW Partnership. A sample of the FRF grant submission was included as an attachment to the board packet for review. C. VIEW Meeting and Opportunity
Paul Johnson, SJVCEO
As a follow up to the discussion of this project at the September Board meeting, Paul noted that Southern California Edison (SCE) has approved the SJVCEO to administer and support implementation of the VIEW partnership beginning in early 2009. The SJVCEO should receive a contract shortly to support and fund this role. D. Recommendations for USDA Implementation of 2008 Farm Bill
Phil Erro, WRCD
Phil Erro reviewed the results of a group meeting that was help to discuss recommendations to the USDA for implementation of the 2008 Farm Bill. Phil believes that recommendations should come from the SJVCEO too. After reviewing the recommendations from Phil’s handout Rollie suggested that “statistical area” should be replaced for “census place”; any ag‐based economy should be considered “rural”. Phil asked for a board consensus to send the recommendations to the USDA with the census place adjustment. The board provided consensus, Gary Hanson abstained from action.
SJVCEO Development
Rollie Smith, Cynthia Downing
A. Funds Received to Date Cynthia Downing thanked Roger Christy for spearheading the $10,000 sponsorship funding from Chevron and Gary Hanson for the $10,000 from PG&E. In addition Valley CAN has provided $46,500 in restricted grant funding for work in Arvin. Cynthia also informed that board that SJVCEO expects to receive funding from Southern California Edison to support the VIEW Partnership; the Gas Company for a multiyear project to follow‐up on the Ag Conference, and the Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District for work in San Joaquin and Stanislaus County. B. Development Report Many efforts have been made at funding and the reality is that we need more money to move forward. Jeff Briltz asked if the grant writers are building in staffing costs in the grant requests. Paul Johnson explained that staff costs are built in to an extent; there are often limits in the grants on what can be SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – November 6, 2008
used for staffing and administrative costs. Cynthia reminded the board that SJVCEO faces the challenge with these grants that they provide restricted funding for projects and that unrestricted funding in the amount of $200,000 per year for the next five years is needed to continue. Rollie shared his opinion that the organization needs a vehicle for membership/investors. He believes that a $25 baseline could bring in 500 donations per year. Large sponsors have been a challenge, and we need money to keep going. Rollie passed out pledge cards to the board and guests present and asked that everyone make a personal commitment to the organization. Roger Christy, Gary Hanson, and Mark Stout all made personal donation pledges. Gary Hanson, Jeff Manternach, Linda Urata, Mark Stout, and Rollie Smith all volunteered to form a “funding committee”. Cynthia Downing will assist the committee as they get going. VI.
Next Steps
Rollie Smith
The Funding Committee will meet on Thursday, November 13 at 7:30a.m. at the PESC offices. VII.
Rollie Smith
The meeting adjourned at 2:36 p.m. The next meeting will be January 29th from 10‐1 at the PESC offices in Fresno. Meeting minutes were recorded by Courtney Kalashian and submitted by Elizabeth Knudsen, Secretary.
________________________ Elizabeth Knudsen, Secretary, Board of Directors, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – November 6, 2008
________ Date