Board Meeting Minutes California State University, Stanislaus Naraghi Hall of Science N 124 One University Circle, Turlock, CA 95382
Welcome & Introductions Board Members: Daniel Abdella Hilary Baird Jeff Briltz William Delain Phil Erro Frank Ferral Tim Fisher Laura Fultz‐Stout Carole Goldsmith Gary Hanson Tom Jordon Roger McNeil Bill Pfanner Mark Stout Linda Urata Colby Wells Dianna Westmoreland‐Pedrozo Jeff Wright
Alternates: Devon Jones (Steve Geil) Staff: Paul Johnson, SJVCEO Cynthia Downing, SJVCEO Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Stephen Miller, SEI Affiliates: Pete Weber, Partnership Liaison Hanafi Fraval, Ag‐Biomass Council
Carole Goldsmith called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization (SJVCEO) to order at 10:10 a.m.
Approval of Minutes of June 11, 2009 Board Meeting The minutes were reviewed by the board and the following corrections offered: 1) correct spelling for Frank Ferral’s name 2) In item number six, “air” should replace sir 3) in Sustainable Cities report, “put” should replace pot. The minutes of the June 11, 2009 SJVCEO Board of Directors were approved with corrections noted on a motion made by Roger McNeil seconded by Gary Hanson, and unanimously approved by the board.
Approval of Financial Statements
Cynthia Downing
Cynthia Downing presented the organizations financial statements through July 31, 2009. Cynthia explained that the high amount on the Accounts receivable report is due to the VIEW invoices and Southern California Edison turnaround time. The bank reconciliation was provided with financial report and Cynthia noted that later in the agenda there would be a budget discussion. Cynthia thanked Gary Hanson and Pacific Gas and Electric Company for another unrestricted $50,000 donation to the organization. With no questions a motion was made to note and file the financial reports by Jeff Briltz, seconded by Mark Stout, and unanimously approved by the board.
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes –September 10, 2009
Nominations Report Election of Officers
Gary Hanson
Gary Hanson, 2009‐10 Nominations Committee Chair, reported that since the June board meeting many things had changed! Carole Goldsmith had been nominated and approved as Board Chair at the Executive Committee level, and the 2009‐10 board officers are: Carole Goldsmith, Chair; Jeff Wright, Vice Chair; Jeff Briltz, Treasurer; and Gary Hanson, Secretary. A motion to accept the 2009‐10 board officers as presented was made by Tim Fisher, seconded by Phil Erro and unanimously approved by the board. Gary thanked Carole for accepting the nomination.
Update on Energy Stimulus/DOE Block Grants
Paul Johnson
Paul provided a report on the flow of money into the San Joaquin Valley. With money from the Department of Energy Weatherization, the State Energy Program, and Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grants the Valley will be getting nearly $60 million and the recent focus and work of the SJVCEO staff has been to ensure that the Valley gets all that it is eligible for. Large Jurisdictions, Direct Funded. In the San Joaquin Valley 19 large jurisdictions were eligible through the DOE direct finding for $27.5 million for Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Energy Strategy planning. The SJVCEO is working with the cities of Ceres and Delano and Fresno for a fee of nearly $100,000 (on contracts not yet signed). Carole noted that this is a great part of the organization story and how we are working to champion Valley concerns. Paul explained that the Block Grants in particular, were daunting and there was an initial, “fuzz factor”. Nationally, 10% of eligible large jurisdictions left their money on the table, and none of ours did. The Small Jurisdictions have said that they would not be going after their money without the direction of the SJVCEO/ San Joaquin Valley Clean energy Partnership. Cynthia noted that this is true regionalism and a great credit to Pete Weber and the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley!
A. San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Partnership Paul reported to the board on this major opportunity that the SJVCEO staff has been heavily involved with. In the Valley there are 51 jurisdictions eligible for the EECBG funding through the CEC, totaling roughly $7.5 million. The CEP goal is to make sure that all 51 jurisdictions pursue funding and get the money. Paul explained that there are two ways in which an eligible jurisdiction can pursue their funds: go after it on their own, or go through a public, third party public entity. As a third party the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Partnership (SJVCEP) offers a suite of services to go after funding on the jurisdictions behalf. In the SJVCEP the SJVCEO and Sir District have partnered and the SJVCEO is taking on the role as the lead implementing office. There is a great deal of administrative burden and requirements and it will be tough for smaller jurisdictions to pursue funding and meet the reporting requirements. By coming on to the Partnership we can alleviate much of that burden. The Partnership offers jurisdictions three packages: administration, retrofit, and capacity and all have to meet cost effectiveness test. Looking forward, capacity building is going to be the most difficult to meet the threshold. The plan is to start putting in applications in the next month rolling into the end of the year. Due to outreach, marketing and forums there has been an outstanding response. The Air District has given the CEO a grant of $19,100 to underwrite the cost of staff work.
B. Cash Flow Projection and Proposed New Hire
Cynthia Downing
Cynthia asked the board members to reference attachment number four in their board packets, the projected budget and cash flow for the organization. She reported that the SJVCEO has reached the point where it is time to hire a full‐time staff person to fill the Project manager role. The document in review shows actual cash flow through August and projected income and expenses through 201o—at the end of 2009 a net surplus is expected
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – September 10, 2009
and it is a good time to hire someone who can work on the small and large block grants. Cynthia asked the board for their approval to post the position. After discussion the board agreed that hiring another person would allow the organization to position itself to build new partnership, and free up staff to pursue other funding sources that have been pushed to the side. A motion was made to hire a full time project manager to work through PESC on behalf of the SJVCEO by Jeff Wright, seconded by Tim Fisher and unanimously approved by the board. Pete Weber commented that he is extremely proud of what the staff is doing and thanked Cynthia for all that she is doing on a volunteer basis. Pete also thanked Tom Jordan and the Air District for working to put the Clean Energy Partnership together.
Reports and Updates A. VIEW Partnership Paul reported that the VIEW Partnership with Southern California Edison is moving well on a number of fronts. The California Public Utilities Commission is about to make their ruling, and it appears that they will approve the 2010‐2012 funding cycle for public goods charge funds for the VIEW Partnership. The SCE share of funding is roughly $2.1 million, and the Gas Company will come on as a funded partner after the first of the year, so there will be funding available for SJVCEO to deliver the program. Cynthia reported on the marketing efforts within the project, and that the partners had developed, “VIEW the Savings: energy, water, money” and a logo for branding the partnership. On September 18‐20 the Partnership will participate as an exhibitor at the Visalia Home Expo and then continue with community outreach through a holiday light exchange program. Bill Delain noted that the role that the SJVCEO plays in working with each of the local governments and the value that the organization brings to VIEW is clearly illustrated. The significance of the contract for VIEW speaks to the long‐term viability of the organization. Paul noted that this partnership is the first of its kind in the Valley, and is a great opportunity to leverage EECBG funds.
B. Greening Arvin Paul was happy to be able to give a report on a completed project in which the SJVCEO made a big difference! On September 9th there was an event in Arvin that Paul, Stephen Miller and Cynthia attended for the grand reopening of Bear Mountain Pizza. The event marked the conclusion of the SJVCEO efforts on the Valley CAN “Greening Arvin” project. Paul provided a brief history of the project and thanked Frank Ferral and REACON, and SEI for their efforts on the project. Paul reported that the reopening of Bear Mountain Pizza had a great turnout and the Mayor, Police Chief, City Manager, and print and local TV came out. As a result of our work in the city, Arvin has signed on to be a part of the Clean Energy Partnership.
C. 25x25 State Alliance Grant Courtney Kalashian reported that the data entry was complete, and that our online map now reflected over 4,000 existing and planned renewable energy projects. The next phase is to work with building and permitting departments to gather as many specific project details as possible, as the incentive program data is good, but does not provide project specific details like location and project names.
D. Shenandoah Valley 25x25 Project Paul provided the board with a history of the relationship with 25x25 and Shenandoah Valley and told the board how he planned to make a trip to Virginia in the fall. Pete Weber recommended using the 25x25 initiative to effort information on national/regional office models and leverage these projects to advance our efforts to pursue a Presidential order to make the San Joaquin Valley a demonstration region for energy efficiency and renewable energy.
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – September 10, 2009
E. August 18th Field Hearing Paul testified on August 18, 2009 in Sacramento at a CAMEO hearing on the microeconomic opportunities and opportunities to grow economies. Paul’s testimony focused on how ARRA funding is flowing into rural California.
F. Air District Energy Strategy Comments Tom Jordan explained that the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District had planned to develop a Federal Air Zone Standard, and that their board had started to fast track the process through voluntary efforts. The process began last spring, but with the arrival of the ARRA the project was but on the back burner. To date there has been a workshop, and the strategy is online at; Tom asked for comments on the Energy Strategy and let the board know that September 16, 2009 is the cutoff date for comments. Paul noted that as a concern it would be best to avoid Air District involvement in the energy efficiency arena because it might affect Utility involvement, as they are two regulatory agencies. Tom said that the Air District did not wish to diminish Utility involvement. Gary Hanson said that if the Energy Strategy comes out as a regulation PG&E would not be able to participate. Tom said he would talk to Lisa Van de Water to assess the best way for the SJVCEO to weigh in on the Strategy.
G. Meeting with HUD Deputy Secretary On August 5th, Ron Simms, Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development came to Fresno in an event organized by Rollie Smith. Deputy Secretary Simms is heading a US sustainability effort that HUD plans to launch in the next budget cycle. Rollie has proposed that the San Joaquin Valley could be a demonstration region for what the HUD program can do. Paul reported that in the meeting Deputy Secretary Simms noted how the rest of the country is talking about what they can’t do and he was so pleased to see that the San Joaquin Valley was talking about reality and what they can do. Paul and staff will stay engaged in the process of the project and report back to the board as developments occur.
H. IEPR Report
Bill Pfanner
Bill Pfanner explained that the Integrated Energy Policy Report is provided annually to the Governor and legislature and gives guidance for the direction the State should be going on energy policy. Bill said that the CEC is hoping to have funding coming into the San Joaquin Valley over the next year.
Committee Reports A. Sustainable Cities Committee.
Jeff Briltz
Jeff reported that committee has not been active because of the comprehensive staff effort to reach out to the Jurisdictions in the EECBG work. He noted that the first level of communication had been accomplished through the EECBG efforts.
B. Ag‐Bioenergy Committee i. Renewable Energy‐Agriculture Matrix
Phil Erro
The Energy Matrix file was corrupted and unable to be displayed, so Phil explained that the matrix showed energy users and technology, and that there is now a major addition with a group of farmers who have formed a co‐op to purchase the Spreckles Sugar Plant in Mendota; while it is not yet online when it opens for operation the plant will employ the same number of jobs that the sugar plant provided. Bill Pfanner asked to talk offline
C. Renewables Committee
Mark Stout
Mark reported that the stimulus funding has rendered the work group unneeded at this time! The past work of the group has been folded into the 25x25 mapping project. Mark also reported that according to the California Solar Initiative data that the Fresno/Clovis areas have more sola PV installations than any other city in the state! This is an incredible accomplishment given that we only have a metro area of roughly 800,000 and the economic state. SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – September 10, 2009
D. Green Workforce Committee
Carole Goldsmith
Carole has recently been asked to head up the group, and while there has not been a formal meeting of the work group, there has been a flurry of activity within the schools. Carole reported that there is a Department of Labor grant, very small, but a grant to target youth interest in green jobs.
Other Business
A. Fresno County Sustainability Map Project
Devon Jones
Devon provided that board members present with handouts on what the EDC refers to as, “The Plan”. Their intention is to prepackage sites, and the mapping site is the first phase of the plan. The map is set to show the many assets of Fresno County, and a way to show water and energy companies where everything should be; they will do the environmental impact reports and reduce permitting time by 30%. The map uses GIS software with a number of layers. The EDC is asking the SJVCEO for a letter of support. A motion was made to issue a letter of support for the EDC by Gary Hanson, seconded by Tom Fisher and unanimously approved by the board.
B. 2009 Farming Clean Energy Conference
Stephen Miller
Stephen Miller of Strategic Energy Innovations presented the most current agenda to the board for review. Steve noted that there are some gap areas and asked the board members to focus on helping to fill those. The planning team is working to increase industry participation. The members of the board were encouraged to go online and register for the conference.
C. Consideration of Bylaws Revision Phil Erro had brought to the attention of the Executive Committee a proposal to fill board seats with active groups that represent the San Joaquin Valley on a Valley‐wide basis. He noted that especially in agriculture, there were groups that meet this need and encouraged the deeper development of relationships with these groups. Cynthia noted that the California Partnership created the specific workgroups that may not be germane to our efforts now. Carole asked that the board consider this, and discuss the changes to the bylaws in the planning portion of the next board meeting.
D. Next Meeting and Strategic Planning The next board meeting will be on December 1 in Tulare, immediately following the Farming Clean energy conference. In strategic planning we want to look at the bylaws, governance, and how to better tell our story.
Thank you, Roger and CSU Stanislaus for hosting us!
Wrap Up and Adjourn
Paul Johnson
The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. The next meeting will be Tuesday, December 1, 2009 from 6:00‐8:00 p.m. at the Edison AGTAC in Tulare, California Meeting minutes were recorded by Courtney Kalashian and submitted by Gary Hanson, Secretary.
Gary Hanson, Secretary Board of Directors, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – September 10, 2009