Board Meeting Minutes Southern California Edison AgTAC Tulare, CA December 1, 2009
Welcome & Introductions Board Members: William Delain Phil Erro Frank Ferral Carole Goldsmith David Howlett Tom Jordon Roger McNeil Bill Pfanner Rollie Smith Mark Stout Jeff Wright
Staff: Paul Johnson, SJVCEO Cynthia Downing, SJVCEO Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Mike Nemeth Stephen Miller, SEI
Carole Goldsmith called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization (SJVCEO) to order at 6:00 p.m. Carole thanked the board members in attendance, especially those who had been at the conference all day! II.
FCEC09 Debrief Stephen Miller thanked board members, PESC staff, and the SJVCEO for their effort in producing the conference. Steve noted that the most noticeable difference from the year past was a lower turn out, and the hard challenge that coordinators faced in reaching farmers/growers/producers. Immediate feedback from the work groups was that the SJVCEO could play a role in supporting growers and processers in access to clean energy projects, regulations, and financing, and in being an information clearing house in a new and interesting way. Another way would be to support Valley access to stimulus dollars—being an agent to bring funds through. Additionally, the SJVCEO could provide grant writing support to farmers who don’t have access to go after grant funds. The organization needs to be an active voice in the middle between financiering, permitting and the utilities. Steve noted that the conference planners learned a valuable lesson to not be too aggressive with the conference program—the attendees definitely reached a point where they couldn’t handle any more. For the next conference it would be a good idea to tie our event to an already existing event that has a strong reputation with the Ag industry and farmers in particular. Paul Johnson and Courtney Kalashian are going to work with PG&E to promote a web based Energy Efficiency Technologies session to make up for the lost session in the afternoon.
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes –December 1, 2009
Approval of September 10, 2009 Meeting Minutes The minutes of the September 10, 2009 board of directors meeting were accepted as presented on a motion made by Phil Erro, seconded by David Howlett and unanimously approved by the board.
Approval of Financial Statements Cynthia Downing Cynthia Downing presented the organizations financial statements through October 31, 2009. Cynthia explained that there is a comprehensive financial packet in the handouts provided. She explained to the board that the organization is now posting deferred grant income so you can see grant revenue we have been awarded, but yet to see monetary results--Cities of Delano and Ceres on EECBG, Air District, etc. With no questions a motion was made to note and file the financial reports by Rollie Smith, seconded by Phil Erro , and unanimously approved by the board.
2010-12 Funding Proposals Paul Johnson Paul reviewed the handout, “2010-12 Funding Proposals” with the board, and prefaced the work ahead by saying that the problem with once and a lifetime opportunities is that they only come once and move very fast! Currently, staff is working on 14 proposals all due by January 12, 2010 and all are American Recovery and Reinvestment Act related, for a potential total of $1.185 million for the organization. The majority are one time only funding opportunities. Paul told the board that he felt the SJVCEO was in a good position to secure at least half of the upcoming opportunities. The board members went through the handout and reviewed each opportunity, discussion followed. At point of contention arose regarding administering EECBG grant funds for a jurisdiction outside the San Joaquin Valley. Phil Erro noted his concern that the staff remains focused on the Valley, and not become a fee based business for other counties. Cynthia Downing explained to the board that the EECBG program will allow the organization to bring on two to three new full time employees. As the applications are completed and new staff comes on Cynthia will shift her focus on to foundation funding.
Update on Energy Stimulus/DOE Block Grants A. EECBG large (Delano and Ceres) Both Delano and Ceres have received their funds from the Department of Energy.
Paul Johnson
B. EECBG small (SJV Clean Energy Partnership) The SJVCEO and SJV Air Pollution Control have been working together to administer and implement the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Partnership, representing small jurisdictions (35,000 or less population) in their EECBG efforts. Staff reported that the original estimate was to have at least 20 jurisdictions join the Partnership, and to date there are 40 jurisdictions who has passed resolutions to be a member. Applications are due to the California Energy Commission on January 12, 2010. At point of contention arose regarding administering EECBG grant funds for a jurisdiction outside the San Joaquin Valley. Phil Erro noted his concern that the staff remains focused on the Valley, and not become a fee based business for other counties. C. Mike Nemeth hired as EECBG Project Manager Paul introduced Mike Nemeth, the new hire Project Manager who will be responsible for overseeing the EECBG administration and other jurisdictional related funding opportunities.
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – December 1, 2009
Reports and Updates A. VIEW Partnership The VIEW Partnership is moving forward with two counties and six cities, and recently was approved for joint southern California Edison and Gas Company funding from the California Public Utilities Commission for the funding cycle of 2010-2012. B. Greening Arvin The Greening Arvin project wrapped up in early September 2009. The project was well received, and has laid the ground work and template for an upcoming multi-jurisdictional funding project, “Greening Main Street.” C. 25x’25 State Alliance Grant Web Project The web map display of current and planned renewable projects has been completed. Courtney Kalashian asked Phil Erro to take meeting after the first of the year to incorporate data from his ag energy users matrix to show potential for projects on the map as well. The final grant related report was submitted to the 25x25 Alliance, and staff has been informed that payment will be sent out by the end of the year. D. Shenandoah Valley 25x25 Project Paul is still working with counterparts in Virginia to open a clean energy office in their area.
E. Workforce Investment Act Paul explained that this is a future funding opportunity that came to us through the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley, as ARRA funds from EDD. The grant tasks the organization to do work in workforce development and create data specific to the region. VIII.
Committee Reports
A. Sustainable Cities Committee Rollie Smith Rollie reported that the CAPSJV has agreed to be the vehicle for the Sustainable Communities program for the San Joaquin Valley, and provided the board members present with a handout. Currently they are forming a regional steering committee and all Federal agencies on board for a meeting on December 8th in Sacramento. Rollie said that he is focused on identifying resources that the region has for this initiative and trying to answer the big question, “What is a sustainable community?” Rollie said he sees it as what a city says it is. The two bottom lines are green house gases and energy. Otherwise HUD does not intend to try to over define it. The current plan concept is to start with the major cities, especially those who will have High Speed rail, and then encourage them to partner with a small community. The San Joaquin Valley Housing Trust and SJVCEO are the organizations that Rollie sees as part of the implementation. B. Ag-Bioenergy Committee Phil Erro i. Renewable Energy-Agriculture Matrix Phil Erro showed a slide representing renewable energy technologies, users, and what energy is used/produced by the particular type of user. The important part of this chart is that is show potential for what could be produced in different regions of the Valley and that the Valley is moving to tree and vine crops. .
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – December 1, 2009
C. Green Workforce Committee Carole Goldsmith Carole reported that she is excited to do substantial work in the colleges and high schools through ARRA funds. She said that traditionally when one talks about training a work force most of the resulting jobs are in construction. “Green” is more than energy and solar—we are working to get the information on renewable technology out. VII.
Other Business Cynthia Downing took a moment to thank Paul Johnson for his strong steering and guidance through a very hectic time. A. Phil Erro request for $1,000 BioGas USA reimbursement The motion to approve a $1,000 reimbursement to Phil Erro was unanimously approved on a motion made by Rollie Smith and seconded by Roger McNeil. B. Proposed policies and procedures Carole Goldsmith The board reviewed the additions to the organizational Policies and Procedures regarding expense reimbursements, endorsements, letters of support, and letters of recommendation. The Policies and Procedures were accepted by the board. C. Appoint Bylaws committee Carole Goldsmith The SJVCEO bylaws are tied specifically to the CAPSJV. It is time to appoint a committee that could work though some bylaws issues. It was recommended that the committee let Pete Weber, Ashley Swearengin, and Mike Dozier know what we’re doing, but ask them to hold it from their board until revisions are ready for review. Phil Erro, Rollie Smith and Carole Goldsmith agreed to be part of the committee. D. Set Date for strategic planning in late January The board present agrees to meet for strategic planning in Fresno at the PESC offices on January 27, 2010 at 1:00 p.m.. An alternate date of January 29th at 10:00 a.m. was selected if declines are high for the 27th. Courtney was asked to send out a notice to the entire board.
Wrap Up and Adjourn
Paul Johnson
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Meeting minutes were recorded by Courtney Kalashian and submitted by Gary Hanson, Secretary.
Gary Hanson, Secretary Board of Directors, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes – December 1, 2009