Board Meeting Minutes March 3, 2010 PLCs Plus Bakersfield, CA
Board Members: Daniel Abdella Hilary Baird Bill DeLain Laura Fultz‐Stout Gary Hanson David Howlett Tom Jordan Don Pauley Bill Pfanner Mark Stout Linda Urata Joy Warren
Guests: Jacob Orenberg, California Energy Commission Staff: Paul Johnson Courtney Kalashian Mike Nemeth Sandy Nax
Welcome and Introductions Paul Johnson called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. Carole Goldsmith called early in the morning to let Paul know she was ill, and would not be at the meeting.
Follow Up from 2010 Strategic Planning Paul Johnson Without quorum present Paul moved up the Strategic Planning follow up discussion. Paul reminded the attendees that at the end of January the Board of Directors and staff held a Strategic Planning session at the Professional Exchange Service Corporation (PESC) offices in Fresno to get a handle of several things: what we’re doing; coming projects; themes of work; re‐crafting of the mission statement; sustainability of organization and performance goals for 2010. Courtney Kalashian sent out results of that meeting and it was also included in the current board packet. a. 2010 Themes of Work and Performance Goals: Cynthia Downing and Courtney have worked on the 2010 performance goals and after these goals are established the group can talk about next steps and engaging the board. Paul reviewed the five themes of work and asked for reaction to the document; he asked that we look at where to add milestones. Mark Stout asked if and where California First fits in under Sustainable Valley and if there is a role for the organization to help cities. Paul said that he would be very interested in seeing California First in the San Joaquin Valley. Marks used the County of Kern for an example, citing Taft as the only city to opt into the program. Compare that to the County of Fresno which has a great turn out of municipalities ‐ nearly 15 cities! It would be great to see Kern look like Fresno. Linda Urata noted that Kern is doing really well in the rural areas, but we would like to get larger cities and that the Kern COG is trying to get Bakersfield to opt in by the deadline. Tom Jordan said we should look for resources to help counties. Mark asked to add California First under performance goal number four. Courtney
SJVCEO Board Meeting Minutes
March 3, 2010
explained that Cynthia Downing is actively pursuing funding for $40,000 to get two counties into the program by the June deadline. Laura Fultz‐Stout asked about the Ag representation conversation. Gary Hanson and Courtney explained the plan of composition as it relates to the board. Gary explained that Phil Erro has announced he’ll be leaving the board at the end of the term, and that the goal was not to limit the Ag invitations so that we might miss out on someone like Phil being a part of the board. The nominating committee will need to look at how to maximize efforts by coordinating with other groups. Paul mentioned that he will work on this coordination function in the first goal. Linda Urata said that it seems for performance goals we tend base goals on a grant opportunity and then reach out. So far this has worked, but perhaps we need to look at this more strategically. Paul noted that our goals fall in line nicely with our standing committees, and perhaps this is a way to involve our board members. The board was asked if it made sense to transition the committee chairs and members to watch dogs of the goals. The impetus will continue to come from the staff. Gary suggested that one of the next things we need to do is an overlay because only some of these goals are clear and now we have to figure out how this work gets allocated out within the organization. b. Report from Bylaws Committee: Gary reported that on direction from the board at the strategic planning session, the committee should review the composition of the board. He reminded the members that originally the organization was set up by the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley and the slots had been determined by the Partnership work groups. One of the drivers behind the review, Gary explained, is that the Partnership is changing and it is time to review our board slots and what makes most sense for our growth. Gary mentioned that he was very impressed by how Cynthia had set up procedures for the nomination process and allowed for a good cross‐section of the San Joaquin Valley. Some of the questions the committee had to ask were: what kind of processes should we use to solicit and accept nominations? Are our board slots still relevant given where we are today? One of the things the committee felt thought would be important was higher representation in the Ag sector. Gary explained the rotation of Ag users on the board composition, and noted the at‐large positions would allow us to supplement if a certain sector gets hot. Gary said the committee is in the process of determining how areas are represented and how organizations send us representatives. III.
Approval of December 1, 2009 Meeting Minutes Gary Hanson Upon reaching quorum, the minutes of the December 1, 2009 board of directors meeting were accepted as presented on a motion made David Howlett, seconded by Mark Stout, and unanimously approved by the board.
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The Strategic Planning notes from January were reviewed, discussion opportunity was presented, and the notes were accepted. IV.
Approval of Financial Statements Courtney Kalashian Courtney presented the financial statements of the organization through January 31, 2010. Linda questioned the large Accounts Receivables versus cash in bank. Courtney explained that the large numbers are in part due to outstanding invoices on the VIEW Partnership with Southern California Edison. With no other questions a motion was made to note and file the financial reports by Bill Delain, seconded by Mark Stout, and unanimously approved by the board.
CEC Update on AB118 Bill Pfanner Bill Pfanner and Jacob Orenberg asked the board to reference the California Energy Commission (CEC) handout in the board packet. They provided a brief overview of the Clean Energy Business Financing Program and Alternative and renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program—AB118. They emphasized that however they can get SJVCEO involved they want to. Jacob discussed Clean Energy Business Financing Program (CEBFP) $30 million in low interest loans for private California businesses to enter into or expand Renewable Energy and Clean Energy programs. Biogas is acceptable for injection but not self generation. The program must create California jobs. There is a minimum of $50,000 with a maximum of $5 million and the loan term is not to exceed seven years. All questions can be sent to is the email address to use for AB118 questions. Paul would love to talk to
Bill Pfanner and Larry Rileria. Bill asked to please have Larry on the June 2 agenda. VI.
Update on EECBG Paul Johnson Paul provided an update on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant efforts. He reminded everyone that the best part that has come out of this endeavor is the relationships, specifically with Delano and Ceres, and then the 36 jurisdictions that joined the SJVCEP. We are making the system work. Mark asked that given the difficulty of the work, how many jurisdictions would have gone through with this without the SJVCEO. Don Pauley said he wouldn’t have pursued funds and does not believe many other jurisdictions would have. The bottom line is that the stimulus money will get out there, it will be spent and energy will be saved. Our hope is that by our jurisdictions setting an example other jurisdictions will jump in and follow suit.
Competitive Energy Grants Paul Johnson a. SEP report. In mid‐February, the California Energy Commission announced awards totalling $110 million for community/municipal retrofit and residential retrofits. They announced 12 recipients and sub‐recipients, none of which were Valley based. Paul, with the Air District and CAPSJV sent a letter to the CEC and CPUC of disappointment, and an expression that the Valley wants to be able to compete in the future. Laura asked that Paul communicate any feedback. Paul and Bill Pfanner will meet for follow‐up. Bill said the letter in the proper hands and at this point the CEC has the information.
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b. DOE EECBG Competitive i. Greening Main Street. Paul explained that last December staff submitted a competitive proposal “Greening Main Street” bringing Energy Efficiency to small businesses. Nearly 20 jurisdictions signed up with us, showing another example of great relationships. A decision has not yet been announced, but Paul and staff is confident about our chances. ii. Middle Class Residential Retrofit At some point the Middle Class Residential Retrofit will be coming out from the Administration. Paul’s understanding is that it is purely budget driven. VIII.
Reports and Updates Paul Johnson a. VIEW Partnership. Paul explained to the board that in effort to redouble our efforts in securing sustainable funding Cynthia is going to be focusing nearly exclusively on funding and Courtney will step into the lead role for the VIEW. Courtney gave a brief review of what VIEW is and what is happening in the jurisdictions. The current focus is on getting incentive and rebates forms filled out in time for the EECBG programs. b. 25x’25 Mini grant Final Report The web map project is complete! Mark Stout noted that the new Renewable Energy list came out from the Governors RE action committee. Mark would be happy to work with Gary and Bill as to how we can identify where these public projects will be. c. WIA. CAPSJV has a two year two million grant to look at opportunities for workforce development. The grant has been approved but not yet fully awarded. The SJVCEO is getting $120,000 over two years to identify categories of jobs that will be developed over two years and look at ways of greening those jobs.
Committee Reports a. Ag/Bioenergy. Gary led the board through Phil Erro’s written report on the Ag/Bioenergy committee activities. The big piece is the desire to have a greater representation from the Ag industry. Hilary Baird said that on other boards they encourage prospective members to serve on committee before coming onto the board; it shows who has the expertise, time and desire. Gary stressed that it is important to coordinate with Pete Weber and the CAPSJV that we are modifying our bylaws. We want mom and dad to know what the kids are up to! b. Renewable Energy. Mark reported that with upcoming projects the San Joaquin Valley can crush the 25x’25 goals and really help toward 33% by 2030. Courtney will bug Mark for a quarterly report for the RE (Renewable Energy) map. c. Sustainable Communities. Rollie Smith submitted an email report sending people to . Jeff Briltz had served as chair of the sustainable communities committee and we need a replacement for that. Courtney will check with Rollie to see if he intended to take on the role, if not the email will go out to call for a volunteer.
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Bill Pfanner said that his unit is putting finishing touches on the “energy ware” plan. A good tool for LG’s and looking for opportunities for outreach can be found on, under the ‘Transportation’ pull down. Would like an opportunity to come down and make presentations to local governments. X.
Other Business a. Filling Treasurers Positions. Gary reminded everyone that the City of Lemoore had left the San Joaquin Valley Power Authority, and therefore Jeff Briltz had to vacate his seat on the board. The Power Authority appointed Don Pauley, City of Kingsburg City Manager as Jeff’s replacement. Gary and the others present welcomed Don to the board. Courtney reported that Don has volunteered to fill the treasurer’s office, if the seat remains open. Mark and Gary asked that a general email call for volunteer go out in the case that those not participating want to throw their name in the ring. b. Announcement from Mark Stout and Laura Fultz‐Stout. Mark announced that he and Laura have closed on a condo in San Leandro and will be moving to the Bay Area. The board congratulated them, and wished them both the best of luck. They will be missed.
Adjourn The March 3, 2010 Board of Directors meeting was adjourned at 12:20 p.m.
Paul Johnson
Meeting minutes were recorded by Courtney Kalashian and submitted by Gary Hanson, Secretary _____________________________________
Gary Hanson, Secretary Board of Directors, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization
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