San Joaquin Valley Partnership Program August 2011 Focus: San Joaquin Valley kWh and peak kW reductions This Month’s Major Accomplishments: The monthly Partnership meeting was held on August 4th. City of Fresno’s Sustainability Manager, Joseph Oldham, presented on the Regional Comprehensive Retrofit Program of Fresno and Kern Counties. The program received additional funding to move into Tulare County and provides comprehensive residential energy surveys and educates homeowners on energy efficiency solutions, including Energy Upgrade California. Jeannie Harrell of SCE’s Cool Center program attended the meeting to thank the partnership for providing half a dozen centers within Tulare County for 2011. She also introduced ‘Edison Day’, a pilot program that will provide assistance to SCE customers at one of the Tulare County Cool Center locations. Customers will be able to get answers to their billing questions and learn about other SCE programs and offerings. The Partnership had a booth with the 2nd MEU at the August 11th Hanford Thursday Night Market and Employee Appreciation Night. Implementer, SCE Utility manager, and SCE account manager initiated the process for the Cities of Hanford and Woodlake to advance to the Silver tier of the Energy Leader model and anticipate the move before the end of the third quarter.
Key Issues or Emerging Concerns: The implementing Partner has been working with all eight jurisdictions to gather details relating to energy accounts in order to provide a comprehensive portfolio review, and prepare the facilities for upload into the EPA Portfolio Manager system. The project was originally scheduled to be completed in June 2011. Due to staff cutbacks and lack of time jurisdiction partners have not been able to provide necessary information in a timely manner. The implementer has revised internal projections to show completion of the project by December 15, 2011 for seven of the eight jurisdictions. The City of Visalia is on the fence about participating in the Partnership efforts, or to go it alone using funds from Flight 15.6. Implementer remains in regular contact with the City to encourage them to participate so that all jurisdictions complete the work. The cities of Woodlake, Lindsay, Visalia, and Hanford are quite close to reaching their Silver Tier level and completion of ARRA funded projects should help them all to reach the next level through kWh savings. Based on success with Tulare county and Porterville, the same partnership approach should be initiated to see these four to
success. Efforts to move Woodlake and Hanford began at the end of August. The Program Manager and Implementer will meet to strategize next steps in assisting the City of Tulare to pursue Gold Tier status. Implementer and Utility managers are working to ensure submission of application for incentive on ARRA funded projects with all eight jurisdictions. Some jurisdictions are now working with Utility Account Manager to identify savings opportunities to replace less efficient projects. Upcoming Milestones The Partnership will host a luncheon in the fall to recognize the achievements of the participating jurisdictions, as well as receive feedback from the group. Cities of Hanford, Lindsay, and Woodlake will initiate their Energy Action Plans by the end of September. Implementer will begin drafting language to address Partnership strategic plan menu selection 4.1.3: general plan update efficiency language template. Implementer will be working with the Statewide Energy Efficiency Best Practices Coordinator in September and October to produce a Best Practice Fact Sheet on the partnership benchmarking efforts.