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San Joaquin Valley Partnership Program December 2011 Focus: San Joaquin Valley kWh and peak kW reductions This Month’s Major Accomplishments: The monthly Partnership meeting was held on December 1st. Discussion included projects on the horizon for 2012 and a ‘wish list’ of projects for each jurisdiction along with any potential barriers. In response to the favorable feedback from the first VIEW the Success Partnership Luncheon, a date for the second annual luncheon was set for November 1, 2012. Partners were encouraged to spread the word in advance to increase attendance of local elected officials. Implementer traveled to Alhambra on December 20th to participate in a Peer to Peer Working Group to discuss the Energy Leader Model and partnership structure. Implementer proposed to take over the group coordination for future meetings of the smaller working group and larger peer group. Implementer worked with the Statewide Best Practices Coordinator to release the first Best Practices Fact Sheet from a southern California LGP in December. The fact sheet features the Partnership benchmarking efforts and highlights the Benchmarking Made Easy how-to guide. Key Issues or Emerging Concerns: The County of Tulare’s Assistant Administrative Officer has put a stop work order on the EECBG lighting project due to a list of issues and concerns with the installation process. Implementer, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization project manager and staff, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, Fluoresco, and Tulare County have been in contact to discuss project status, address issues and find resolutions so that the project can start work again. If the County opts to not complete the project, the remaining funds can be transferred to another local government in the EECBG consortium. The SJVCEO will make every effort to see the majority of funds remain in SCE service territory, or include potential therm savings projects in the SCG service territory. The implementing Partner has been working with all eight jurisdictions to gather details relating to energy accounts in order to provide a comprehensive portfolio review, and prepare the facilities for upload into the EPA Portfolio Manager system. The project was originally scheduled to be completed in June 2011. Due to staff cutbacks and lack of time jurisdiction partners have not been able to provide necessary information in a timely manner. The implementer has revised internal projections and confirmed with the jurisdictions that the project will now not be complete until the first quarter of 2012. The City of Visalia is on the fence about participating in the Partnership efforts, or to go it alone using funds from Flight 15.6. Implementer remains in regular contact with the City to encourage them to participate so that all jurisdictions complete the work.

Implementer and Utility managers are working to ensure submission of application for incentive on ARRA funded projects with all eight jurisdictions. Upcoming Milestones Implementer will continue drafting language to address Partnership strategic plan menu selection 4.1.3: general plan update efficiency language template for submission to utilities for approval in January 2012 and presentation to the Partners in February 2012. The Partnership will have a booth at both the Visalia Springfest Home and Patio Show (February 1012) and the Valley Go Green Summit (February 23).

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