San Joaquin Valley Partnership Program January 2013 Focus: San Joaquin Valley kWh and peak kW reductions This Month’s Major Accomplishments: Utility program managers and implementing partner met on January 24th, in lieu of a monthly partnership meeting with all jurisdiction partners, in order to plan out implementation efforts for the program cycle. In order to move into the new program cycle with ease and efficiency, administrative duties in January were dedicated to incorporating PG&E into existing administrative systems with the VIEW Partnership as well as updating SCE and SoCalGas procedures/systems for the new cycle. SJVCEO Executive Director, Courtney Kalashian, attended a week-long training to earn Efficiency Sales Professional Certification in order to better serve as implementing partner. Key Issues or Emerging Concerns: At the close of the month, implementing partner had yet to receive the updated utility invoice template in order to submit monthly reimbursement requests. SoCalGas was waiting on a budget breakdown from SCE and implementing partner was told that reimbursement requests would not be accepted until this detailed budget was available in order to establish the correct co-funding ratio. Upcoming Milestones The partnership will have a booth at the Visalia SpringFest Home and Patio Show from February 8th through February 10th. All three utility partners will be represented – SCE will provide the Mobile Education Unit staff and displays, SoCalGas will provide a retired employee as a volunteer as well as collateral, and PG&E will provide collateral. The next monthly Partnership meeting will be February 21, 2013.